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Communications of the ACM



Text Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Text Analytics

Good non technical overview of text analytics, often called unstructured data, text is not of course unstructured, but has the complex structure of language. That...

Emotional Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotional Design

Correspondent Mark Capper on What is emotional design?. Relates to other non conscious elements of emotion.

Kraft and Coke Move to IVend
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft and Coke Move to IVend

Kraft and Coke showcases touch screen vending machines. It is suggested that their machine design comes from the IPhone. Not sure I buy that

What is Computer Science: Undergrad Perspective for High School Students
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What is Computer Science: Undergrad Perspective for High School Students

I get the pleasure of teaching a service-learning based course at the university each semester. Within this course, undergraduate students are trained to conduct...

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 14.3 (May 6, 2010)
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 14.3 (May 6, 2010)

CONTENTS [1] Newsletter Highlights [2] Competes Act Reauthorization Gets Rolling [3] Open Government Plans Released and Guidance Issued on Social Networking [4]...

WiFi Cracking Kits
From Schneier on Security

WiFi Cracking Kits

WiFi cracking kits are being sold in China.

Poll : Conference Acceptances
From My Biased Coin

Poll : Conference Acceptances

Consider your favorite conference(s).  Do you think they're accepting too many papers, too few, or just right?  (With SIGCOMM decisions out, STOC/EC/CCC coming...

From Computational Complexity

COLT and CCC no longer take papers in ...

The list of COLT papers are posted here. Carl Smith claimed that COLT was made possible because of THREE strands of learning theory coming together to form a...

Writing a To-Do List
From The Eponymous Pickle

Writing a To-Do List

On the effective use of a to-do list, in Fast Company.

Chrome is Still Here
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chrome is Still Here

I have been using the Google Chrome browser off and on since it has come out. Just recently I made it a standard book mark. It has improved consistently overOthers...

Archiving Those Little Bits
From The Eponymous Pickle

Archiving Those Little Bits

Former P&Ger Kevin Roberts now Saatchi CEO on the Library of Congress Twitter archive. Via Richard James. Have written about this a few times, the permanent archive...

links for 2010-05-06
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-05-06

What Does Facebook Publish About You? Use this handy and simple web page to get a full list of the stuff Facebook is making public about you. (tags: Facebook Privacy...

Nobody Encrypts their Phone Calls
From Schneier on Security

Nobody Encrypts their Phone Calls

From the Forbes blog: In an annual report published Friday by the U.S. judicial system on the number of wiretaps it granted over the past year ..., the courts...

TunkRank Scores Added to FluidDB
From The Noisy Channel

TunkRank Scores Added to FluidDB

For those keeping track of TunkRank, I encourage you to check out FluidDB, which just added TunkRank scores to its feature set. That lets you do cool things like...

Program me a story
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Program me a story

I recently came across a blog post titled

Ferrari F10 steering wheel is usability horror
From Putting People First

Ferrari F10 steering wheel is usability horror

Every year, Ferrari fields a team in the Formula One championship, and dumps around $400 million into developing and racing the car. So, says Cliff Kuang in Fast...

Getting Rid of Paper Receipts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Rid of Paper Receipts

Why have we not rid ourselves of paper receipts? In Storefrontbacktalk.

Draft Internet Privacy Bill Released
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Draft Internet Privacy Bill Released

Representative Rick Boucher, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet released a discussion draft of an internet privacy bill...

From The Noisy Channel


I wish I could take even a gram of credit for this! I’m really proud of my colleagues for rolling out this new design that encourages and facilitates exploratory...

What do you need to know?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What do you need to know?

The Microsoft Job Blog recently has a two part interview study guide set of posts. In the second (Microsoft interview study guide: Part II of II) there was a long...
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