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From Computational Complexity


The COLT (Computational Learning Theory) call for papers is out. (Actually its been out since October but I was only recently emailed it.) For other information...

Biweekly links for 01/08/2010
From Michael Nielsen

Biweekly links for 01/08/2010

Remnants of the Biosphere Extraordinary images from Biosphere 2. …My heart’s in Accra » Yemen and the problems of ADD journalism “In a print age, media pack...

Webcast on Social Interaction in VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Webcast on Social Interaction in VR

Transformed Social Interaction in Virtual Reality Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab and an associate professor...

Experientia article on emerging markets research in Interfaces Magazine
From Putting People First

Experientia article on emerging markets research in Interfaces Magazine

The latest issue of Interfaces Magazine, a quarterly magazine published by Interaction, the specialist HCI group of the British Computer Society (BCS), contains...

A Creative Commons inspired barter market in Turin, Italy
From Putting People First

A Creative Commons inspired barter market in Turin, Italy

Two articles from today’s La Stampa newspaper (translation by Mark Vanderbeeken, Experientia): Bargains without money Luca Indemni – Fabrizio Vespa “Leave your...

FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certified USB Memory Stick Cracked
From Schneier on Security

FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certified USB Memory Stick Cracked

Kind of a dumb mistake: The USB drives in question encrypt the stored data via the practically uncrackable AES 256-bit hardware encryption system. Therefore, the...

links for 2010-01-08
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-01-08

Post-Underwear-Bomber Airport Security Show this to every politician: "What we need is security that's effective even if we can't...

Connecting the Dots
From Schneier on Security

Connecting the Dots

I wrote about intelligence failures back in 2002.

Mobile experts on 2020 trends
From Putting People First

Mobile experts on 2020 trends

Rudy De Waele, co-founder of dotopen, invited a number of mobile experts — including Howard Rheingold, Douglas Rushkoff, Katrin Verclas, Willem Boijens, Fabien...

Mobile Commerce Speed
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Commerce Speed

Evan Schuman surveys the speed of mobile commerce in StoreFrontBackTalk. Are our decisions strongly influenced by mobile site speed?

Post-Underwear-Bomber Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Post-Underwear-Bomber Airport Security

In the headlong rush to "fix" security after the Underwear Bomber's unsuccessful Christmas Day attack, there's far too little discussion about what worked and what...

DM Broadcast Today
From The Eponymous Pickle

DM Broadcast Today

Of Interest: ' ... We're starting the year off strategically at DM Radio, with a show focused on the many values of Data Modeling. Often associated with improving...

Automated Negotiating Agents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Automated Negotiating Agents

Can Automated Agents Proficiently Negotiate With Humans? ... Exciting research in the design of automated negotiators is making great progress. From CACM.While...

From Computational Complexity

DO NOT do this when choosing books for your class

When I took my first graduate course in complexity theory the professor had FOUR books on the REQUIRED FOR THE COURSE list. I bought all four. He said that We...

Sorting Bottles and Boxes with Processing
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Sorting Bottles and Boxes with Processing

(Click the link at the bottom to see the game.)One of my classes this term (a game design grad course) requires the use of Processing: Processing is an open source...

Starter Resources for Robotics Learning
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Starter Resources for Robotics Learning

iRobot is probably the best known robotics company in the US. Their Roomba vacuuming robots and other household robots are widely used all over the place including...

links for 2010-01-07
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-01-07

Why an Open Source Community Should not cede Leadership to a Commercial Entity This is a useful part of the discussion, apart from...

Gift Cards and Employee Retail Theft
From Schneier on Security

Gift Cards and Employee Retail Theft

Retail theft by employees has always been a problem, but gift cards make it easier: At the Saks flagship store in Manhattan, a 23-year-old sales clerk was caught...

Kenya: Taking money out of banks
From Putting People First

Kenya: Taking money out of banks

Since cellphones became widely used in Kenya five years ago, they’ve become the bank card du jour. The Christian Science Monitor reports. “[In Kenya] with a mobile...

In praise of design-hacking
From Putting People First

In praise of design-hacking

The Design & Society group within the UK’s Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has published a pamphlet by Scott Burnham...
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