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Communications of the ACM



Is Technology Easy?
From Return 42;

Is Technology Easy?

In the 1993 paper The early history of Smalltalk, published in the ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 28, Issue 3, Alan Kay wrote: A twentieth century problem is that...

Learning Markets from Communities
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Markets from Communities

From Josh Bernoff in Groundswell: A number of interesting case studies about doing market research more economically and accurately by using communities of your...

On the Future of TV
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Future of TV

A good catch up piece on technologies, incentives and directions re this topic. What will the consumer engagement media-mix of the very near future be? ... The...

Policy Highlights from Communications of the ACM - November 2009 (Vol. 52, No. 11)
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Policy Highlights from Communications of the ACM - November 2009 (Vol. 52, No. 11)

Below is a list of items with policy relevance from the November issue of Communications of the ACM. As always, much of the material in CACM is premium content,...

Large Company Sustainability
From The Eponymous Pickle

Large Company Sustainability

I was recently asked what P&G was doing in the area of sustainability. Their positions, commitments, reports, video and background information can be found here...

The Take Two Approach
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Take Two Approach

I was talking to a gentleman the other day who has a successful mentorship program in his line of business. I was amazed at the simplicity of his model. It started...

The Impact of Technology in the Classroom
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

The Impact of Technology in the Classroom

In August, a Communications of ACM article had me thinking about whether technology has become a need in education. Today, a friend of a friend is going to interview...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of November 30
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of November 30

December 3 Meeting: The Department of Homeland Security's Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee will meet 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., 490 L'Enfant Plaza S.W., Washington...

Learning and the Social Web: A Call for Papers (new deadline)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Learning and the Social Web: A Call for Papers (new deadline)

We have extended the deadline of our call for papers on Learning and the Social Web ( It is a special issue for the Journal of Emerging...

Winning in Turbulence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Winning in Turbulence

Just brought to my attention: Winning in Turbulence, by Darrell Rigby. On my reading list. Excerpts on the Bain site. ' ... Turbulence creates extraordinary...

Guilt Trips
From The Eponymous Pickle

Guilt Trips

In Martin Lindstrom's latest newsletter: Fighting Back Against Shoppers' Guilt. A piece about how ' ... Guilt has always been part of the shopping experience.....

The Psychology of Being Scammed
From Schneier on Security

The Psychology of Being Scammed

This is a very interesting paper: "The Real Hustle, which does hidden camera demonstrations of con games. (There's no DVD of the show available, but there areprevious...

links for 2009-11-30
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-11-30

Why can't Google be more like Microsoft? Repeat after me: open source means more than just the license. We need a scorecard. (And before youFOSS...

Computers Saving Hospitals Money
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers Saving Hospitals Money

A Harvard survey that says that IT rarely saves hospitals money. A shocker to me. I have been a close-up observer of how systems are used in hospitals. I guess...

The 17x17 challenge. Worth $289.00. This is not a joke.
From Computational Complexity

The 17x17 challenge. Worth $289.00. This is not a joke.

The 17x17 challenge: worth $289.00. I am not kidding. Definition: The n x m grid is c-colorable if there is a way to c-color the vertices of the n x m grid soThe...

Sociality Is Learning
From Apophenia

Sociality Is Learning

This post was originally written for the DML Central Blog. If you're interested in Digital Media and Learning, you definitely want to check this blog out. As adults...

Social media
From Putting People First

Social media

Social media could transform the UK National Health Service and other public services in the same way that file-sharing changed the music industry, a conference...

Identifying emerging trends at Nokia
From Putting People First

Identifying emerging trends at Nokia

Nokia, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker, faces increasing competition from the likes of Apple and Google Android. Identifying emerging trends and building...

Bayes Methods and Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bayes Methods and Manufacturing

Regret won't be able to attend this, is of technical interest:Directed Bayes with High-Level Data Applied in Manufacturing by Theodore T. Allen, Ph.D. Associate...

Cloud Computing, Long Ago
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Computing, Long Ago

When I first heard about cloud computing a few years ago I thought it sounded familiar. Central computing utilities. Well it is, as far back as 1965. Just didn't...
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