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links for 2009-10-01
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-01

Cottage sale omits nuclear view Calling certain software "open source" is like the people selling this fisherman's cottage calling...

Cart Device at Bloom
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cart Device at Bloom

Cart mounted shopping devices continue to be tested. Here again the Concierge device, previously reported on here, is in limited time test at Food Lion's Bloom'...

GPU News
From My Biased Coin

GPU News

Since I've now co-authored a paper on GPUs, I'm now "in-the-loop" (thanks to my co-author John Owens) on the news of NVIDIA's announcement of its "next generation"...

From My Biased Coin


Harvard is putting the lectures (and other materials) online for a fantastic course, Justice, taught by Michael Sandel. It's a class on moral reasoning, exactly...

Nice Use of Diversion During a Robbery
From Schneier on Security

Nice Use of Diversion During a Robbery

During a daring bank robbery in Sweden that involved a helicopter, the criminals disabled a police helicopter by placing a package with the word "bomb" near the...

FaceCard Application
From The Eponymous Pickle

FaceCard Application

Facecard: A PayPal like third part Facebook application that allows the transferral of funds. Intrigued by its possible use for non-profit donation work. Does...

The user experience of smart phones
From Putting People First

The user experience of smart phones

Several articles on the smart phone user experience: Getting emotional about mobile phones A nationwide study of over 3000 people has found that there is a direct...

Google Updates Search Refinement Options
From The Noisy Channel

Google Updates Search Refinement Options

Reproducing Keys from Photographs
From Schneier on Security

Reproducing Keys from Photographs

Reproducing keys from distant and angled photographs: Abstract:The access control provided by a physical lock is based on the assumption that the information content...

Google Wave Threaten Social Networks?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wave Threaten Social Networks?

Will Google Wave </">threaten Facebook and Twitter?-

RFID Improving Inventory Accuracy
From The Eponymous Pickle

RFID Improving Inventory Accuracy

It is what we ultimately expected from RFID tagging: a better understanding what you have and where. That would lead to less out-of-stocks and less over-ordering...

Unilever:  Blends of New and Old Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever: Blends of New and Old Advertising

From Knowledge@Wharton: Will the Future of Advertising Be a Blend of Old and New Media?. Unilever's "Dirt is Good," is considered by experts to be a perfect example...

Data Breach and P2P Bills Pass House Committee
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Data Breach and P2P Bills Pass House Committee

The House Energy and Commerce Committee marked up two bills this morning addressing concerns over the use of consumers' personal information and the potential exposure...

Immediacy Affects Risk Assessments
From Schneier on Security

Immediacy Affects Risk Assessments

New experiment demonstrates what we already knew: That's because people tend to view their immediate emotions, such as their perceptions of threats or risks, as...

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto

Some people say that for-profit journals do not currently serve our community well. Some even think they cannot do so. Others think they are doing a fine job as...

A Museum of Mathematics
From The Noisy Channel

A Museum of Mathematics

links for 2009-09-30
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-30

BHRA: Atlantic Avenue Tunnel This looks like a pleasantly different excursion - I'll have to watch for tours for next time I am...

The Doghouse: Crypteto
From Schneier on Security

The Doghouse: Crypteto

Crypteto has a 49,152-bit symmetric key: The most important issue of any encryption product is the 'bit key strength'. To date the strongest known algorithm has...

Google  Communications Tool to Roll
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Communications Tool to Roll

The long awaited Google Wave tool is about to roll to early users. ' ... designed to consolidate features from e-mail, instant messaging, blogging, wikis, multimedia...

On Counting Shoppers Thermally
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Counting Shoppers Thermally

From Storefrontbacktalk. Video based tracking systems continue to evolve: ' ... Many retail stores rely on customer-counting systems triggered by body heat despite...
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