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Don't Let Hacker Inmates Reprogram Prison Computers
From Schneier on Security

Don't Let Hacker Inmates Reprogram Prison Computers

You'd think this would be obvious: Douglas Havard, 27, serving six years for stealing up to

IPhone App Interacts with SAS
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone App Interacts with SAS

Correspondent Sy Truong has just had an Iphone App called BI Flash approved. It allows you to deliver SAS reports and data to the IPhone, enter parameters, capture...

From Computational Complexity

You are coordially invited... Why?

When you get an invitation via email should you accept? How well targeted is it? Some real examples that I got.   EXAMPLE ONE: I would like to invite you toclick...

Google Wave Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wave Video

Good, short, non-technical video all about Google Wave. Also, Businessweek asks if it will replace E-mail and Facebook. -

IPhone as a Security Camera
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone as a Security Camera

A $1.99 IPhone App called IP Camera can take a picture every 12 to 15 seconds and then posts the picture to a local network via WiFi. Effectively a security camera...

Malware that Forges Bank Statements
From Schneier on Security

Malware that Forges Bank Statements

This is brilliant: The sophisticated hack uses a Trojan horse program installed on the victim's machine that alters html coding before it's displayed in the user's...

The Noisy Channel, Live On CNN!
From The Noisy Channel

The Noisy Channel, Live On CNN!

For anyone who

Charles Leadbeater and Tim Berners-Lee on the digital revolution
From Putting People First

Charles Leadbeater and Tim Berners-Lee on the digital revolution

Digital Revolution (working title) is an open source documentary, due for transmission on BBC Two in 2010, that will take stock of 20 years of change brought about...

In the ASIS&T Bulletin: Reconsidering Relevance and Embracing Interaction
From The Noisy Channel

In the ASIS&T Bulletin: Reconsidering Relevance and Embracing Interaction

HCIR 2009 Proceedings Now Available
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2009 Proceedings Now Available

The HCIR 2009 proceedings are now available on the workshop web site. We’re planning to

Jeff Jarvis and Matt Cutts on the New FTC Blog Regulations
From The Noisy Channel

Jeff Jarvis and Matt Cutts on the New FTC Blog Regulations

As has been anticipated for a while–and discussed during the Ethics of Blogging panel–the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has published explicit guidelines...

Leadership Cohort Ohio Update
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Leadership Cohort Ohio Update

I decided to read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell as it was recommended to me by several people. That in turn let me to read his first book Tipping Point. This may...

UK Defense Security Manual Leaked
From Schneier on Security

UK Defense Security Manual Leaked

Wow. It's over 2,000 pages, so it'll take time to make any sense of. According to Ross Anderson, who's given it a quick look over, "it seems to be the bureaucratic...

Moving Hippos in the Post-9/11 World
From Schneier on Security

Moving Hippos in the Post-9/11 World

It's a security risk: The crate was hoisted onto the flatbed with a 120-ton construction crane. For security reasons, there were no signs on the truck indicating...

Microsoft demos multi-touch enabled mice concepts
From Putting People First

Microsoft demos multi-touch enabled mice concepts

Microsoft is exploring the concept of multi-touch mice, a new research paper reveals. The paper is being presented today as part of the User Interface Software...

How to visualise energy savings
From Putting People First

How to visualise energy savings

Kevin Anderson reports in The Guardian on how a new generation of monitors can generate data about your energy use and help you cut your costs and carbon. “These...

Focus Groups Failing for the Movies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus Groups Failing for the Movies

Roger Dooley suggests that the recent mention of using brain scans to provide accurate and specific predictions for scary movie content really shows a further failure...

From Computational Complexity

Two Recent Complexity Books omit Mahaney's theorem- ovesight or wisdom?

In a prior post (a while back) I pondered if Mahaney's theorem (SAT \le_m S, S Spare, implies P=NP) should be taught in a basic grad course in complexity. I thought...

Cellphones as our Remote Controls
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cellphones as our Remote Controls

Steve King writes an excellent blog: Small Business Labs on small business and entrepreneurial topics that is useful. Notable is a recent article on the increasing...

What is more fundamental: Physics or Computer Science?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What is more fundamental: Physics or Computer Science?

Computer Science can be taken a natural science: the study of how the universe processes information. If it is a natural science, then does it build on Physics?...
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