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The future of money
From Putting People First

The future of money

Stowe Boyd, an internationally recognised authority on social applications and their impact on business, media, and society, launched a new interview series examining...

Wind Telecom and Netezza
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wind Telecom and Netezza

Press release about WIND Telecom and Netezza. ' ... The Netezza system was specified and installed by Netezza partner ICare, a local data warehousing and BI specialist...

Digital Barbarism?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Barbarism?

Reading Mark Helprin's Digital Barbarism: A Writer's Manifesto. A good contrast to previously reviewed The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, by...

links for 2009-07-04
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-04

Fences in the ether: Brazil's proposed Internet laws Great analysis of the folly of the laws proposed in Brazil that makes President...

Taking Time Off
From The Noisy Channel

Taking Time Off

Claytronics, Cars, and Princess Leia?
From CSDiary

Claytronics, Cars, and Princess Leia?

Like any research project at CMU Computer Science, the CMU-Intel Claytronics Project publishes lots of papers in research conferences and journals. The project...

On Neuromarketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Neuromarketing

Bruce Hall on NeuromarketingMakes the point that this adds to the existing rationally-directed methods, but not that NM can add a deeper and more complete dimension...

Column stores and row stores: should you care?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Column stores and row stores: should you care?

Most database users row-oriented databases such as Oracle or MySQL. In such engines, the data is organized by rows.

SEO Analysis Using Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

SEO Analysis Using Data Visualization

Nice little case study:SEO Keyword Analysis: How to Use Data Visualization to Make it Quick and Easy by Niels Hoven Do-it-yourself keyword strategy for under $10...

The other side of the table: Scott Aaronson
From Return 42;

The other side of the table: Scott Aaronson

It is time for the next one. This time we feature the open question of Scott Aaronson.Since 2007 Scott Aaronson is a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering...

The Wild World of SIGMOD
From The Noisy Channel

The Wild World of SIGMOD

Is collaboration correlated with productivity?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Is collaboration correlated with productivity?

Apparently, it is prestigious to write research papers with people from other countries. Funding agencies routinely favor collaboration between different

Interview with the director of UX of the New York Times
From Putting People First

Interview with the director of UX of the New York Times

Vicky Teinaki talked to Alex Wright, Director of User Experience at The New York Times, and author of Glut, a book on the history of information architecture from...

From Putting People First


A few months ago, we wrote with satisfaction how the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) got inspired by the theme of its first European regional conference...

Freeconomics:  Giving it Away
From The Eponymous Pickle

Freeconomics: Giving it Away

From Wharton's Knowledge Today, a view of alternate economic models: ' ... Chris Anderson, editor of Wired magazine, extols the market power of giving your product...

Videos of Compostmodern conference online
From Putting People First

Videos of Compostmodern conference online

All videos of the Compostmodern conference (San Francisco, February 2009) are now online. Presented by the San Francisco chapter of AIGA and the AIGA Center for...

July-August issue of Interactions magazine is out
From Putting People First

July-August issue of Interactions magazine is out

The July-August issue of Interactions magazine is out and more and more content is publicly available online (thank goodness): Editorial: Interactions: Time, Culture...

Steelcase research insights
From Putting People First

Steelcase research insights

Two interesting articles on recent Steelcase research, and particularly on the challenge of how to best gather relevant insights from qualitative research: How...

Marco Polo Explorers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marco Polo Explorers

An interesting innovation consultancy group. ' ... Marco Polo Explorers is an innovation consultancy that transforms consumer insights, market intelligence and...

Pattie Maes on interfaces and innovation
From Putting People First

Pattie Maes on interfaces and innovation

Pattie Maes, an associate professor in MIT
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