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Nico Habermann Wins ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award
From CSDiary

Nico Habermann Wins ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award

The newly established ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award recognizes an educator who has “made significant contributions to, and impact on, the field of software...

IPOV:  An E-Learning Service Bureau
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPOV: An E-Learning Service Bureau

The topic of knowledge management was one of my interests in the enterprise. In the 80s we tried mostly successfully, and also very expensively to use artificial...

Real-Time But Not Ready For Prime Time
From The Noisy Channel

Real-Time But Not Ready For Prime Time

Extra, extra, read all about it–two new real-time search engines debuted today: CrowdEye and Collecta. I love the headlines from Techmeme: Mashable!: Collecta:...

Large scale user testing project as part of the Digital Britain initiative
From Putting People First

Large scale user testing project as part of the Digital Britain initiative

According to NewMediaAge, the UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB), the government body for business innovation in technology, and NESTA, the National Endowment for...

Understanding retweeting on Twitter
From Apophenia

Understanding retweeting on Twitter

As we try to work out how Iranian citizens, activists, journalists, new media propagators, and politically conscious folks are using Twitter to converse about the...

Clive Thompson on the future of reading in a digital world
From Putting People First

Clive Thompson on the future of reading in a digital world

Clive Thompson explores the future of reading, and of books, in a digital world, and remains optimistic. “Books are the last bastion of the old business model

The blind leading the deaf
From Putting People First

The blind leading the deaf

A recent article about the use of anthropology and ethnography in global R&D strategies (blogged about here), has got Nokia’s user anthropologist...

We are all hackers now (ctd.)
From Putting People First

We are all hackers now (ctd.)

In my ongoing exploration of the theme “we are all hackers now” (also the title of a talk I will give on 29 June in Brussels), I once again found quite a lot of...

Chairing the CRA
From CSDiary

Chairing the CRA

Today I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, my first as its Chair. In case you don’t know, the CRA does a lot to...

Google Markets Itself
From The Noisy Channel

Google Markets Itself

I still don’t buy that Google is “gripped with fear“, but I agree with Danny Sullivan’s analysis that Google’s new “Explore Google Search” page (with a link in...

Neuromarketing and Search Optimization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing and Search Optimization

An item about emotional engagement and search engine optimization. Two areas that I am currently engaged in.

JCDL 2009
From The Noisy Channel

JCDL 2009

For the benefit of those of us not lucky enough to be attending this year’s Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2009), a number of attendees are live-tweeting...

Spam in the Twitterverse
From The Noisy Channel

Spam in the Twitterverse

I’ve noted in the past that “real-time” alerting systems, in contrast to search engines that place less emphasis on immediacy, are particularly vulnerable to spamming...

Increasing Female Participation
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Increasing Female Participation

I have always dreamed of my students working with an international student team on a computing project. This dream became reality when I met Archana Chidanandan...

Is Open Access publishing the solution? Really?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Is Open Access publishing the solution? Really?

Back when I was a consultant, I had client who was convinced that Microsoft Windows was free software. So, he insisted that all applications ran on Microsoft’s...

Wikipedia Community
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikipedia Community

A good Q&A about the Wikipedia community. The comments also post some excellent thoughts. I remain a proponent, with the usual words of caution, which can also...

CMU CS Department to Move to Gates and Hillman Centers on August 3
From CSDiary

CMU CS Department to Move to Gates and Hillman Centers on August 3

I’ve been feeling pretty guilty about being off the blog for the past month. I do have some excuses, though. Of course, there were the usual paper and proposal...

Tweetdeck on the IPhone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tweetdeck on the IPhone

Have been experimenting with the Tweetdeck client for the IPhone, now in Beta. So far well done, have found no obvious errors yet. The best package I have yet...

Wikipedia: Play The Ball, Not The Man
From The Noisy Channel

Wikipedia: Play The Ball, Not The Man

Today’s Freakonomics blog in the New York Times has a nice post entitled “By a Bunch of Nobodies: A Q&A With the Author of The Wikipedia Revolution“, in which Annika...

FMI Looks at Private-Label
From The Eponymous Pickle

FMI Looks at Private-Label

FMI will start to sponsor research on private-label good and put on a conference devoted to private label issues. In SupermarketNews. Good direction to take.
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