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Communications of the ACM



The demise of
From Putting People First

The demise of

Alice Rawsthorn, design critic of the International Herald Tribune, reflects on the fact that the appearance of most digital products bears no relation to what...

Netezza and Columnar Databases
From The Eponymous Pickle

Netezza and Columnar Databases

An interesting piece with a number of useful additional links on the topic.

Considering the future of mobile phones
From Putting People First

Considering the future of mobile phones

Ken Banks, creator of FrontlineSMS, writes in PC World on the future of mobile phones and believes that many future mobile innovations will be borne out of the...

Gartner: Users of mobile payments to double by 2012
From Putting People First

Gartner: Users of mobile payments to double by 2012

The number of people using mobile devices to purchase goods and services is expected to more than double by the end of 2012 globally, research firm Gartner Inc....

NPR: mobile phones do much more than make calls
From Putting People First

NPR: mobile phones do much more than make calls

In Asia, Africa, Europe and elsewhere, cell phone technology has always been way ahead of what’s available in the states. Around the world, people use their phones...

Chartle Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chartle Data Visualization

A simple online data visualization tool called Chartle as a Web application in early Beta that is looking for testers. You can create, embed and share results...

A Cynic
From CERIAS Blog

A Cynic

Today, and Before On July 17, 2008, (then) Senator Barack Obama held a town hall meeting on national security at Purdue University. He and his panel covered issues...

NSF Alan T. Waterman Award
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Alan T. Waterman Award

The NSF Alan T. Waterman Award recognizes one extraordinary young scientist or engineer annually.

President Obama Releases Cybersecurity Review
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

President Obama Releases Cybersecurity Review

Today the Obama Administration released its cybersecurity review, a 60 day review of federal cybersecurity activity headed by Melissa Hathaway and completed in...

How little do People Actually Read?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How little do People Actually Read?

Jakob Nielsen pulls together data from eyetracking about how little people actually read on a web. Its mostly scanning I know, but it is worse than you think: ...

Social Media as a Commodity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media as a Commodity

Good piece by Dave Fleet posts on social media as a commodity. Anyone can provide it, but what do good clients care about when you provide the service?

Journalism Is Not Like Craigslist
From The Noisy Channel

Journalism Is Not Like Craigslist

In response to a meeting sponsored by the Newspaper Association of America about “Models to Monetize Content” (i.e., how to charge for online news), Scott Rosenberg...

Stop Generating Metadata and Access the Full Content!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Stop Generating Metadata and Access the Full Content!

 Many researchers advocate the use of metadata to help find or recommend content automatically. Metadata is certainly useful when aggregating content for human...

From The Noisy Channel


I hesitate to cite Valleywag as a news source, but I did read there that Sergey Brin is crediting fellow Google co-founder Larry Page with “Page’s Law“, the assertion...

Re-inventing E-Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Re-inventing E-Mail

Google is attempting to re-invent e-mail. This is a good overview article. In Gmail they have been adding little pieces of functionality, with varying levels'...

Tinkering to the future
From Putting People First

Tinkering to the future

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, researcher director at the Institute for the Future, is working on a book on the end of cyberspace

From Putting People First


In a long article in The Register, Andrew Orlowski looks at the many problems Nokia faced the other day with the launch of its Ovi Store, and criticises the company...

Glued to the machine and going for broke
From Putting People First

Glued to the machine and going for broke

Natasha Schull, assistant professor in the MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society, says Vegas gambling machines designed to get people to ‘play to extinction’...

In defense of distraction
From Putting People First

In defense of distraction

New York Magazine has published a long article by Sam Anderson on “Twitter, Adderall, lifehacking, mindful jogging, power browsing, Obama

Waiting for the Big Bing
From The Noisy Channel

Waiting for the Big Bing

Everyone is talking about Bing today–well, everyone who isn’t too busy watching Google do the Wave. If you haven’t been paying attention, Microsoft is about to...
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