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Global usability organisation embraces design
From Putting People First

Global usability organisation embraces design

In December last year, the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) organised its first European conference in Turin, Italy, with a focus on the connection between...

Persuasive design for sustainability
From Putting People First

Persuasive design for sustainability

Jeremy Faludi has compiled — in an article for Core77 00 a synthesis of the work of Stanford lecturer and researcher BJ Fogg on the field of persuasive design,...

Three environmental discourses in human-computer interaction
From Putting People First

Three environmental discourses in human-computer interaction

Elizabeth Goodman of the UC Berkeley School of Information made a presentation on the past and future of environmental issues and HCI at the recent CHI conference...

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2009-04-16 []

The Rails Initialization Process

Is Parallel Programming
From insideHPC

Is Parallel Programming

Dr. Guy Blelloch of Carnegie Mellon University has written an article for the folks at CilkArts analyzing why parallel programming seems to be more difficult than...

From insideHPC


Douglas Eadline at Linux Magazine has written up an interesting summary of news posts regarding the recent history of Silicon Graphics’ CEO, Bo Ewald.

Enterprise Search is Green
From The Noisy Channel

Enterprise Search is Green

While I’m all for eco-friendly goods and services, I don’t usually think of my work as helping to save the environment. But this post from Vivisimo Chief Scientist...

Smells Like in a Billion Bucks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smells Like in a Billion Bucks

In Fast Company. A teaser of an insider's look into Procter and what it takes to be a billion dollar brand. Check out the bizarre Old Spice site, it's not your...

The Craft of Exploratory Search
From The Noisy Channel

The Craft of Exploratory Search

Posts like this one from Gene Golovchinsky make me feel sad that I didn’t actually attend CHI, though I’m glad I did get to hang out with the exploratory search...

The Craft of Exploratory Search
From The Noisy Channel

The Craft of Exploratory Search

Posts like this one from Gene Golovchinsky make me feel sad that I didn’t actually attend CHI, though I’m glad I did get to hang out with the exploratory search...

CACM Article on DB/IR
From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the...

CACM Article on DB/IR
From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the...

CACM Article on DB/IR
From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the...

The primary and secondary benefits of e-networking
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The primary and secondary benefits of e-networking

Social networking tools such as blogs, microblogs (Twitter), and Facebook, extend your communication abilities. The immediate benefits are threefold: Increased...

Compete for access to the world
From insideHPC

Compete for access to the world

The DOE has recently announced its call for proposals for those seeking time on select supercomputers through the INCITE program. From the DOE HPC page For the...

MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with
From insideHPC

MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with

NVIDIA is offering a seminar today at 1 eastern (US) time that covers MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with Jacket from AccelerEyes: Get 10x-50x speed-ups in MATLAB...

Sun tries to move past questions left by abandoned IBM
From insideHPC

Sun tries to move past questions left by abandoned IBM

An article in NetworkWorld Middle East features comments by Sun’s hardware chief John Fowler aimed at getting in front of questions that potential buyers have about...

New VP, new business for
From insideHPC

New VP, new business for

Cray has been in the process of formalizing a new line of business for at least a couple of months. Its “custom engineering” business will help customers with specialized...

Mindsets and Models and Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mindsets and Models and Risk

From Knowledge@Wharton: Re-thinking Risk Management: Why the Mindset Matters More Than the Model. Good piece on how to think about new architectures of risk."...

Five Ideas To Get FOSS Into Governments
From Wild WebMink

Five Ideas To Get FOSS Into Governments

Why is it so hard to get governments (especially local government) to use open source software? Here are some ideas discussed during my keynote today in Oslo at...
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