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ACM Queue Now Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

ACM Queue Now Online

ACM Queue magazine has now moved online. It features a number of articles and blogs on emergent technologies and issues of software engineering.

Something Jeff Jarvis and I Agree On
From The Noisy Channel

Something Jeff Jarvis and I Agree On

Recently I had a bit of a spat with Jeff Jarvis over how he characterizes Google’s transparency. Jarvis has positioned himself as the standard-bearer for all things...

Something Jeff Jarvis and I Agree On
From The Noisy Channel

Something Jeff Jarvis and I Agree On

Recently I had a bit of a spat with Jeff Jarvis over how he characterizes Google’s transparency. Jarvis has positioned himself as the standard-bearer for all things...

Broad-based Cybersecurity Bill Introduced
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Broad-based Cybersecurity Bill Introduced

Senator Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) introduced last week a bill that would increase the role of the federal government in cybersecurity. S. 773 (text not yet...

Announcing HCIR
From The Noisy Channel

Announcing HCIR

I am proud to announce that HCIR 2009, the third Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, will take place at the Catholic University...

Announcing HCIR
From The Noisy Channel

Announcing HCIR

I am proud to announce that HCIR 2009, the third Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, will take place at the Catholic University...

Great Blogging Tips from SEOmoz
From The Noisy Channel

Great Blogging Tips from SEOmoz

I know that a number of you here are bloggers and trying to earn greater visibility for your blogs. I suggest you check out the “21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets...

From insideHPC


The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), to be held this year in Hamburg, Germany, has issued a call for birds of a feather sessions (PDF) ISC

Scratch Day
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Scratch Day

May 16, 2009 is Scratch day! This is an international celebration of Scratch, a software environment designed to help students create, learn, and program. Developed...

Anniversary of Internet Rules
From The Eponymous Pickle

Anniversary of Internet Rules

In the NYT: How the Internet Got its Rules. Forty years ago. It should be noted that this is about the Internet, not the Web, which took another twenty yearsDarpanet...

IPhone Home Automation Applications
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone Home Automation Applications

A list of home automation applications for the IPhone. Companies that are providing them. Again an example of what I would like, a one device world. Standards...

Learning and the Social Web: A Call for Papers
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Learning and the Social Web: A Call for Papers

We are preparing a special issue for the

Psych of Twitter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Psych of Twitter

I have blogged for years, conversed on IRC, run e-mail lists and chat groups. Twitter is the first method I have seen where there was a severe limitation of expression...

From insideHPC


Forbes has an interesting video detailing a few of the high points in Sun’s technological history.

NITRD testimony before House S&T
From insideHPC

NITRD testimony before House S&T

Melissa Norr at the CRA Policy Blog gives an excellent overview of yesterday’s testimony before the House S&T committee on the NITRD Act of 2009 (which hasn’t been...

Rensselaer Announces New VP of
From insideHPC

Rensselaer Announces New VP of

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has announced they have named a new vice president of research.

NVIDIA graduate fellowships in visual
From insideHPC

NVIDIA graduate fellowships in visual

Late last week NVIDIA announced that it is funding 10 new graduate fellowships to study the use of GPUs in computing under its 8-year old fellowship program More...

TACC deploys new data intensive computing
From insideHPC

TACC deploys new data intensive computing

Found at HPCwire “Corral,” a system for data-intensive computing and storage, is the newest resource to be deployed by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)...

Intel charter member of new Consortium on Digital
From insideHPC

Intel charter member of new Consortium on Digital

Late last week energy research company New Energy Finance announced the charter members of a new organization started to develop a better understanding of what...

Cilk Performance
From insideHPC

Cilk Performance

CilkArts has just announced a new tool bundled with its Cilk++ version 1.0.2 release.
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