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Award for user-friendly design of wireless multi-room music system
From Putting People First

Award for user-friendly design of wireless multi-room music system

A few weeks ago the Sonos Multi-Room Music System, a wireless music system, which allows music-lovers to play all the music they want, was honoured with the international...

Bloom Concierge Cart Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bloom Concierge Cart Technology

From SupermarketNews, this was a device I looked at a few years ago called the Concierge cart from Springboard Networks. This appears to be the first actual implementation...

Mellanox gives to make the world a better
From insideHPC

Mellanox gives to make the world a better

Not directly HPC-related, but we support the charitable efforts of those in our community. Found at HPCwire today, news that Mellanox is giving $160,000 to fourteen...

Secretary Chu makes ready for $1.2B spending spree in
From insideHPC

Secretary Chu makes ready for $1.2B spending spree in

Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu has announced plans to spend $1.2B of the $1.6B aimed at the DOE Office of Science by

Ideas for improving computer science
From insideHPC

Ideas for improving computer science

A post last week at the new (I think) ACM blog highlights how some of the ideas from a 2007 PCAST report on NITRD are being used by policy makers today to improve...

Nagoya University Goes with
From insideHPC

Nagoya University Goes with

Fujitsu Ltd. has announced that they have won a bid to provide the Information Technology Center at Nagoya University with a new supercomputer system.

More on IBM+Sun from
From insideHPC

More on IBM+Sun from

Joe Landman, who always brings a deep perspective to the business analysis of HPC goings on, commented yesterday on the latest news in the Sun/IBM possible merger...

P&G Site for the City
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Site for the City

P&G has launched a recruitment site, both for the company and the City of Cincinnati. Good idea for those out of the way Midwestern cities that I have come to...

ANSYS Exands HPC Capacity for Enhanced
From insideHPC

ANSYS Exands HPC Capacity for Enhanced

ANSYS announced today that they have expanded their in-house HPC systems in order to optimize the product development process.

Smart Phone to Become Universal Remote
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Phone to Become Universal Remote

In the NYT: The Universal Remote Dormant in Your Smartphone . In the 80s I recall seeing people having stacks of remotes on their couch arms. Then these wereone...

From Springenwerk Blog

Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition on Solaris 10

I recently had the pleasure of setting up REE and Passenger on Solaris 10. I set the server up using the ibm_db gem for the IBM DB/2 database. I'm not coveringMore...

Primates on Facebook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Primates on Facebook

Somwhat dated from the Economist, just brought to our attention: " ... That Facebook, Twitter and other online social networks will increase the size of human...

The Middle Way
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Middle Way

Colleague Barb Didrichsen has a blog called the Middle Way. She is an excellent writer.

From insideHPC


This just in from Cisco reader Jeff Squyres (hi Jeff!), news that the OpenFabrics Alliance will host the fifth-annual International Sonoma Workshop next week from...

J&J Marketing Unleashed
From The Eponymous Pickle

J&J Marketing Unleashed

I was just reminded of J&J Global VP Gary Bembridge's Marketing Unleashed Blog, still very active and interesting. He also has a Twitter presence.

Experientia office on Google Street View
From Putting People First

Experientia office on Google Street View

IBM Scouring Sun Micro
From insideHPC

IBM Scouring Sun Micro

Following our post last Wednesday on the rumor that IBM is holding talks to buy Sun Microsystems, the Wall Street Journal [print edition] has further confirmed...

Dotmocracy: crowdsourcing, mashups, and social change [eBook]
From Putting People First

Dotmocracy: crowdsourcing, mashups, and social change [eBook]

Dotmocracy: Crowdsourcing, Mashups, and Social Change by Lisa Campbell Free download As San Francisco braces itself to be the first major American city to not have...

From insideHPC


Michael Feldman and I co-authored a piece last week at HPCwire on Cisco’s new Unified Computing Solution. A lot has been written about UCS in the trade press, and...

PC in 2019: What's Next?
From The Eponymous Pickle

PC in 2019: What's Next?

I recent posted about the Sixth Sense projector plus gesture interface. Computerworld writes about this and what other things we might expect to develop in the...
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