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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Speeding Algorithms By Shrinking Data
From ACM TechNews

Speeding Algorithms By Shrinking Data

MIT researchers have developed a technique to represent data so that it takes up much less space in memory but can still be processed in conventional ways.  

Exploring Credits For Free Online Courses
From ACM TechNews

Exploring Credits For Free Online Courses

The American Council on Education, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Coursera have launched an initiative to determine if free online courses are worthy...

Ok, App, What Should I Wear to This Wedding?
From ACM TechNews

Ok, App, What Should I Wear to This Wedding?

New software could help people decide what to wear for weddings, job interviews, or first dates.  

Early Science Runs Prepare Lawrence Livermore National Lab's Sequoia For National Security Missions
From ACM TechNews

Early Science Runs Prepare Lawrence Livermore National Lab's Sequoia For National Security Missions

Researchers from the three nuclear weapons laboratories of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration are running unclassified science codes on the Sequoia...

Good Connections to Molecular Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Good Connections to Molecular Electronics

Researchers from the Max Planck Society's Fritz Haber Institute have gleaned insights into the optimization of molecular wires from conductance measurements on...

Measuring Metabolism Can Predict the Progress of Alzheimer's with 90 Percent Accuracy
From ACM TechNews

Measuring Metabolism Can Predict the Progress of Alzheimer's with 90 Percent Accuracy

Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a method for identifying early signs of Alzheimer's disease in the brain's metabolism.  

Researchers Struggle to Measure Big Data's Impact
From ACM News

Researchers Struggle to Measure Big Data's Impact

The impact of big data on the U.S. economy is huge, but how huge isn’t easily determined.  

Computer Simulations Shed Light on Cancer Prevention
From ACM TechNews

Computer Simulations Shed Light on Cancer Prevention

NYU researchers are using high performance computing resources to model airborne cancerous chemicals, known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and their effect...

Structure of Network Drives Friends to Congregate into Many Small, Highly Interconnected Communities
From ACM TechNews

Structure of Network Drives Friends to Congregate into Many Small, Highly Interconnected Communities

Indiana University in Bloomington and University of Messina researchers have discovered, for the first time, the dynamics of how Facebook user communities are formed...

Customize Your Favorite Tv Show
From ACM TechNews

Customize Your Favorite Tv Show

With TVs utilizing gestural and voice controls, and analytics to examine your backlog of DVRed programs and suggest new shows, a team of French developers thought...

Georgia Tech Turns Stale Physics Book Into Mobile Experience
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Turns Stale Physics Book Into Mobile Experience

Georgia Tech researchers are turning physics textbooks into applications for e-books, making the lessons more interactive and more interesting for students.  

Blue Waters Petascale Supercomputer Now in Friendly User Phase
From ACM TechNews

Blue Waters Petascale Supercomputer Now in Friendly User Phase

U.S. National Science Foundation-approved science and engineering teams now have access to the full Blue Waters petascale computing system. 

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant

Companies like Apple and Samsung are the public face of the smartphone and tablet boom, but they all rely on ARM, the British company that licenses the energy-efficient...

Google Is Blocked in China as Party Congress Begins
From ACM News

Google Is Blocked in China as Party Congress Begins

All Google services, including its search engine, Gmail and Maps, were inaccessible in China on Friday night and into Saturday, the company confirmed.

From Sudan to Cyber, Secret War with Iran Hots Up
From ACM News

From Sudan to Cyber, Secret War with Iran Hots Up

From a suspected Israeli airstrike in Sudan to cyber warfare in the Gulf and a drone shot down over Israel, the largely hidden war between Iran and its foes seems...

Twitter a Big Winner in 2012 Presidential Election
From ACM TechNews

Twitter a Big Winner in 2012 Presidential Election

Both Twitter and Facebook played a big role in the 2012 U.S. presidential election, as this was the first national election since social-networking technology became...

In Bounties They Trust, but Does Paying For Security Bugs Make a Safer Web?
From ACM TechNews

In Bounties They Trust, but Does Paying For Security Bugs Make a Safer Web?

Freelance security researchers who hunt for exploitable software bugs for cash rewards posted by vendors can sometimes make a decent wage, but some of the largest...

Computational Text Analysis Made Possible Regardless of Language or Domain
From ACM TechNews

Computational Text Analysis Made Possible Regardless of Language or Domain

Aalto University's Mari-Sanna Paukkeri has devised computational methods for processing and analyzing online text regardless of its language or domain.  

Cambridge Software Improves Quality of Sound For Hearing Aid ­sers
From ACM TechNews

Cambridge Software Improves Quality of Sound For Hearing Aid ­sers

Cambridge University researchers have developed CAM2, software that improves the quality of sound for hearing aid users.  

Microsoft Brings Star Trek's Voice Translator to Life
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Brings Star Trek's Voice Translator to Life

Microsoft has developed and publicly demonstrated nearly instantaneous Chinese-to-English spoken word translation software capable of preserving the distinctive...
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