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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Climate Likely to Be on Hotter Side of Projections
From ACM News

Climate Likely to Be on Hotter Side of Projections

A new NASA-funded study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., finds climate model projections that show a greater rise in global temperature...

With Millions Paid in Hacker Bug Bounties, Is the Internet Any Safer?
From ACM Careers

With Millions Paid in Hacker Bug Bounties, Is the Internet Any Safer?

The night before the end of Google's Pwnium contest at the CanSecWest security conference this year in Vancouver, a tall teen dressed in khaki shorts, tube socks...

Eye Am a Camera: Surveillance and Sousveillance in the Glassage
From ACM Opinion

Eye Am a Camera: Surveillance and Sousveillance in the Glassage

Digital eye glasses like Google’s Project Glass, and my earlier Digital Eye Glass, will transform society because they introduce a two-sided surveillance and sousveillance...

Mars to Earth: How to Send Hd Video Between Planets
From ACM News

Mars to Earth: How to Send Hd Video Between Planets

"It once was a small step... now it's six big wheels," exclaimed Curiosity's Twitter account after the Nasa rover landed on Mars in early August. The message itself...

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect
From ACM TechNews

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect

Cray's new XC30 supercomputer, known as Aries, features a new interconnect and a new routing topology that together could dramatically improve internal bandwidth...

Camera-to-Sound App Lets Blind People 'See'
From ACM TechNews

Camera-to-Sound App Lets Blind People 'See'

Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have developed a device that enables congenitally blind adults to interpret visual information from sound.  

Uconn Voter Center Helps Ensure Accuracy of Voting Machines
From ACM TechNews

Uconn Voter Center Helps Ensure Accuracy of Voting Machines

The University of Connecticut's Voting Technology Research Center analyzes data from AccuVote Optical Scanners, which are electronic ballot-counting systems used...

Security Experts Push Back at 'Cyber Pearl Harbor' Warning
From ACM TechNews

Security Experts Push Back at 'Cyber Pearl Harbor' Warning

Security experts are pushing back against what they see as alarmist rhetoric from U.S. Department of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano and Department...

Registration Open For 20th Annual Nasa Great Moonbuggy Race
From ACM Careers

Registration Open For 20th Annual Nasa Great Moonbuggy Race

Registration is open for the 20th annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race, which challenges high school, college, and university students around the world to build and...

Obama's Win a Big Vindication for Nate Silver, King of the Quants
From ACM News

Obama's Win a Big Vindication for Nate Silver, King of the Quants

In the end, big data won.

Silicon Valley Technology Could Be Key to Connect Cars For Safer Driving
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Technology Could Be Key to Connect Cars For Safer Driving

While Google's self-driving car is getting heaps of attention, a lesser-known effort that would employ Silicon Valley technologies to make regular automobiles safer...

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac
From ACM News

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac

Apple Inc. is exploring ways to replace Intel Corp. processors in its Mac personal computers with a version of the chip technology it uses in the iPhone and iPad...

Why You Can't Vote Online
From ACM TechNews

Why You Can't Vote Online

The lack of verifiable security in online voting systems due to unresolved fundamental problems is the main reason such systems are impractical, according to computer...

Professor Develops Eye Tracking Technology
From ACM TechNews

Professor Develops Eye Tracking Technology

Texas State University researchers have developed ocular biometric software that can be used in the medical field to identify eye movements associated with concussions...

Computers 'taught' to Id Regulating Gene Sequences
From ACM TechNews

Computers 'taught' to Id Regulating Gene Sequences

Johns Hopkins University researchers have developed a tool that can teach computers how to identify commonalities in DNA sequences known to regulate gene activity...

Supercomputing For a Superproblem: A Computational Journey Into Pure Mathematics
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing For a Superproblem: A Computational Journey Into Pure Mathematics

Mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich is focusing on finding a solution to the challenging mathematical problem of the Riemann Zeta Function hypothesis.

Intel Researchers Work on New Way to Display, Share Images
From ACM TechNews

Intel Researchers Work on New Way to Display, Share Images

Intel researchers are developing Display without Borders, a system to display photos and videos in order to make them more social and collaborative.  

Print 2.0
From ACM News

Print 2.0

Interactive print technology could change the way you read and interact with documents, newspapers, and more.

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever
From ACM Opinion

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever

Congratulations, Barack Obama: You have prevailed in the nerdiest election in the history of the American Republic.

Everyone Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi
From ACM News

Everyone Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi

It's 9am on a lovely autumn morning at Cern, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, just outside Geneva.
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