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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Say Hello, or 你好, to China’s Siri

You might not have heard of iFlyTek. The company is hardly a household name in its domestic market of China, either.

A World Without Limits
From ACM TechNews

A World Without Limits

New technologies are blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual world, but it remains uncertain as to whether they can improve peoples' lives.

Computers Identify What Makes Abstract Art Move US
From ACM TechNews

Computers Identify What Makes Abstract Art Move US

University of Trento researchers have developed a machine-vision system that can measure how color and shapes are distributed in abstract art. The system also...

A Leap Forward in Brain-Controlled Computer Cursors
From ACM TechNews

A Leap Forward in Brain-Controlled Computer Cursors

Stanford University researchers have developed an algorithm that improves the speed and accuracy of neural prosthetics that control computer cursors. Their work...

Otellini's Legacy of Intel Profit Marred By Arm Competition
From ACM Opinion

Otellini's Legacy of Intel Profit Marred By Arm Competition

When Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini retires in May, he'll leave a mixed record.

NASA Observatories Find Most Distant Galaxy Candidate
From ACM News

NASA Observatories Find Most Distant Galaxy Candidate

By combining the power of NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes and one of nature's own natural "zoom lenses" in space, astronomers have set a new record for...

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living
From ACM Careers

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living

Shawn and Stephanie Grimes spent much of the last two years pursuing their dream of doing research and development for Apple, the world’s most successful corporation...

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain
From ACM Opinion

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain

"Nothing quite like it exists yet, but we have begun building it," Henry Markram wrote in the June 2012 issue of Scientific American. He was referring to a "fantastic...

Almost Being There: Why the Future of Space Exploration Is Not What You Think
From ACM News

Almost Being There: Why the Future of Space Exploration Is Not What You Think

Mocup is a tiny, adorable remote-controlled robot built from a Lego Mindstorms set with an off-the-shelf Beagleboard computer for a brain and a webcam for an eye...

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?
From ACM News

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?

When it comes to the human brain, many scientists believe that we are incapable of understanding how it works because we lack the tools and intelligence to measure...

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud
From ACM News

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud

Cloud computing teaches people not to worry about physical equipment for hosting data and running software.

5 Big Tech Issues Await Obama in Second Term
From ACM News

5 Big Tech Issues Await Obama in Second Term

Technology policy didn't get much air time in the 2012 presidential election, but the Obama administration will face serious issues over the next four years.

The True State of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

The True State of Artificial Intelligence

Monash University researcher Kevin Korb recently discussed what stage artificial intelligence research has reached.  

Cray Bumps IBM From Top500 Supercomputer Top Spot
From ACM TechNews

Cray Bumps IBM From Top500 Supercomputer Top Spot

Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Titan supercomputer system, a Cray XK7, was named the world's fastest supercomputer in the latest edition of the Top500 list.  

Agency Programs Show Outlines of Future Cyber Ecosystem
From ACM TechNews

Agency Programs Show Outlines of Future Cyber Ecosystem

Although the creation of autonomous, self-defending, and self-healing online ecosystems remains years away, several U.S. government programs are already laying...

­S Gov Galvanises Aust Cyber-Security Experts
From ACM TechNews

­S Gov Galvanises Aust Cyber-Security Experts

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency recently awarded an $18 million contract to a consortium of research groups, including National ICT Australia...

High-Performance Computing Turns to Apps to Cut Cost and Frustration
From ACM TechNews

High-Performance Computing Turns to Apps to Cut Cost and Frustration

The concept of apps could enable more companies to take advantage of high-performance computing (HPC), considering the cost of HPC hardware and software makes adoption...

Google Says Government Surveillance Growing
From ACM TechNews

Google Says Government Surveillance Growing

Government surveillance is on the rise, according to the most recent Google Transparency Report. Governments also want more data about Google users and want more...

New Ncsa Team to Focus on Big Science and Engineering Data Challenges
From ACM TechNews

New Ncsa Team to Focus on Big Science and Engineering Data Challenges

The U.S. National Center for Supercomputing Applications' new Data Cyberinfrastructure Directorate will combine NCSA projects, personnel, and capabilities to focus...

White House Tells Tech Sector to Dream Big
From ACM TechNews

White House Tells Tech Sector to Dream Big

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is challenging industry members, government agencies, academics, and philanthropic organizations to develop...
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