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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Rewired Internet Would Speed ­p Content Delivery
From ACM TechNews

A Rewired Internet Would Speed ­p Content Delivery

A new networking technique could accelerate video downloads and other forms of Internet content delivery.

Stanford Election Atlas Maps Votes, Polling Place By Polling Place
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Election Atlas Maps Votes, Polling Place By Polling Place

Researchers at Stanford and Harvard universities have developed the Stanford Election Atlas, an online interactive data visualization tool that enables users to...

Bonfire of the Cables
From ACM TechNews

Bonfire of the Cables

University of Oxford researchers have developed technology that enables devices such as mobile phones to charge and transmit data without cables and could eventually...

A Reboot in Recruiting Women Into Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

A Reboot in Recruiting Women Into Computer Science

U.S. government agencies, universities, and technology companies have contributed tens of millions of dollars to increase the number of female computer scientists...

Computational Medicine Begins to Enhance the Way Doctors Detect and Treat Disease
From ACM TechNews

Computational Medicine Begins to Enhance the Way Doctors Detect and Treat Disease

The Johns Hopkins University Institute of Computational Medicine is using powerful computers to analyze and mathematically model disease mechanisms. The technique...

Future Mars Missions: Can Humans Actually Trump Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Future Mars Missions: Can Humans Actually Trump Robots?

For decades scientists have backed the idea of sending robots to collect Martian rocks and return them to Earth, a project that should be possible well before humans...

Why You Can't Vote Online Tuesday
From ACM News

Why You Can't Vote Online Tuesday

A decade and a half into the Web revolution, we do much of our banking and shopping online. So why can't we vote over the Internet? The answer is that voting presents...

Intel Wants to Put a Supercomputer in Your Pocket
From ACM News

Intel Wants to Put a Supercomputer in Your Pocket

Five years from now, says Intel, your phone could double as a supercomputer. That's the goal of Intel's experimental Single-chip Cloud Computer project, or SCC.

Efficiency Breakthrough Promises Smartphones that Use Half the Power
From ACM News

Efficiency Breakthrough Promises Smartphones that Use Half the Power

Powering cellular base stations around the world will cost $36 billion this year—chewing through nearly 1 percent of all global electricity production. Much of...

How Secure Is Your Electronic Vote?
From ACM News

How Secure Is Your Electronic Vote?

In an era when shadowy hackers can snatch secret government files and humble big businesses with seeming ease, it's an unavoidable question as Election Day approaches...

Google Explains How More Data Means Better Speech Recognition
From ACM News

Google Explains How More Data Means Better Speech Recognition

A new research paper out of Google describes in some detail the data science behind the the company's speech recognition applications, such as voice search and...

Predicting What Topics Will Trend on Twitter
From ACM News

Predicting What Topics Will Trend on Twitter

Twitter's home page features a regularly updated list of topics that are "trending," meaning that tweets about them have suddenly exploded in volume.

The States with the Riskiest Voting Technology
From ACM News

The States with the Riskiest Voting Technology

Next Tuesday's presidential election will likely be extremely close, magnifying the potential impact of vote-counting errors.

Quantum Entanglement Shows that Reality Can't Be Local
From ACM News

Quantum Entanglement Shows that Reality Can't Be Local

Quantum entanglement stands as one of the strangest and hardest concepts to understand in physics.

Ping-Pong Robot Learns to Play Like a Person
From ACM News

Ping-Pong Robot Learns to Play Like a Person

A robot that learns to play ping-pong from humans and improves as it competes against them could be the best robotic table-tennis challenger the world has seen.

Microsoft Seeks an Edge in Analyzing Big Data
From ACM News

Microsoft Seeks an Edge in Analyzing Big Data

Eric Horvitz joined Microsoft Research 20 years ago with a medical degree, a Ph.D. in computer science and no plans to stay. "I thought I’d be here six months,"...

Why Is This Supercomputer So Superfast?
From ACM News

Why Is This Supercomputer So Superfast?

The world's fastest supercomputers have come back to the U.S. In June, the title was claimed by a machine named Sequoia at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Monday, at the...

The World Is Not Enough: Google and the Future of Augmented Reality
From ACM News

The World Is Not Enough: Google and the Future of Augmented Reality

It is The Future. You wake up at dawn and fumble on the bedstand for your (Google) Glass. Peering out at the world through transparent screens, what do you see?

Most U.s. Drones Openly Broadcast Secret Video Feeds
From ACM News

Most U.s. Drones Openly Broadcast Secret Video Feeds

Four years after discovering that militants were tapping into drone video feeds, the U.S. military still hasn't secured the transmissions of more than half of its...

From ACM News

When Is a Cyberattack an Act of War?

On the night of Oct. 11, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stood inside the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, housed in a former aircraft carrier moored at a New...
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