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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild
From ACM News

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild

Google's Street View maps are headed into the backcountry. Earlier this week, two teams from Google strapped on sophisticated backpacks jammed with cameras, gyroscopes...

Federal Budget Limits Affect Scientific Conferences
From ACM TechNews

Federal Budget Limits Affect Scientific Conferences

The Obama administration recently imposed new guidelines that limit the amount of money federal agencies can spend on regional conferences. However, several science...

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed
From ACM News

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed

Intel made its fortune on the chips that power personal computers, and Microsoft on the software that goes inside. Google’s secret sauce is that it finds what you...

Faster Chips 'cut Cloud-Computing Bills'
From ACM TechNews

Faster Chips 'cut Cloud-Computing Bills'

Researchers at Deutsch Telekom Laboratories and Aalto University have found that customers of Amazon's EC2 cloud service do not receive the same level of performance...

A Bandwidth Breakthrough
From ACM TechNews

A Bandwidth Breakthrough

Academic researchers have developed coded Transmission Control Protocol, a method for improving wireless bandwidth by one order of magnitude that involves using...

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers

Intel researchers are developing tiny microprocessors that would power wearable computers. 

Fighting Cybercrime, Making the Future More Secure
From ACM TechNews

Fighting Cybercrime, Making the Future More Secure

The European Commission plans to publish a European cybersecurity strategy focusing on preparedness, prevention, and response, as well as a permanent Computer Emergency...

Software on Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Software on Mars

With the AEGIS system, the Mars Exploration Rovers can autonomously select, capture, and analyze images using onboard logic.

Control Without Controllers
From Communications of the ACM

Control Without Controllers

Disney's Touché project could transform every conductive surface into a touch-control surface.

On the Digital Trail
From Communications of the ACM

On the Digital Trail

Forensics experts increasingly use data from digital devices to solve crimes, fight lawsuits, and unravel accidents.

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles
From ACM News

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles

We're used to the idea of "peak oil"—that there's only a finite amount of that stuff in the ground. What's the equivalent in the computing field?

Virtues of the Virtual Autopsy
From ACM News

Virtues of the Virtual Autopsy

Once a common medical procedure, the standard autopsy is passing out of use.

Microsoft's Plan to Bring About the Era of Gesture Control
From ACM News

Microsoft's Plan to Bring About the Era of Gesture Control

While most of the headlines about Microsoft this fall will concern its new operating system, Windows 8, and its new Surface tablet, the company is also working...

­ist Conference Presents Prototype Interface Projects
From ACM News

­ist Conference Presents Prototype Interface Projects

User interfaces have moved beyond mice and keyboards to touch screens, voice controls, and visual inputs like the Microsoft Kinect as was demonstrated at  the recent...

'live-Fire' Cyberwar-In-A-Box Tests Mettle of Military, It Pros
From ACM News

'live-Fire' Cyberwar-In-A-Box Tests Mettle of Military, It Pros

In August, a collection of military, government, and nongovernmental humanitarian organizations from 22 countries in the Pacific gathered in Singapore for Pacific...

Preparing For Cyber War, Without a Map
From ACM TechNews

Preparing For Cyber War, Without a Map

The U.S. government's retaliatory capability in response to cyberattacks on critical infrastructure is limited by a dearth of technology.  

Another Advance on the Road to Spintronics
From ACM TechNews

Another Advance on the Road to Spintronics

Researchers say spintronic technology could be used to make dilute magnetic semiconductors by adding a small amount of magnetic atoms to normal semiconductors,...

Researchers Develop Fast Image Processing For Industry
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Fast Image Processing For Industry

Researchers at Sweden's Lulea University of Technology have developed LTU-CUDA, software for fast image-processing tasks.  

First Micro-Structure Atlas of the Human Brain Completed
From ACM TechNews

First Micro-Structure Atlas of the Human Brain Completed

European researchers working on the CONNECT project recently created the first atlas of white-matter microstructures in the human brain.  

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm
From ACM Careers

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm

A Des Moines television station has turned off the lights on the city's Weather Beacon, igniting a tempest among residents who were raised to look downtown for...
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