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Communications of the ACM



Do you want that on your permanent record?
From Putting People First

Do you want that on your permanent record?

In his Wall Street Journal De Gustibus column, Eric Felten describes Total Recall, a Microsoft project that will archive every detail of our daily lives. “A certain...

Changing Behaviour
From Putting People First

Changing Behaviour

Changing Behaviour is a project that aims to support change in energy use and energy services. They do so by applying social research on technological change to...

From Putting People First


The Nordic Innovation Centre just published a report on the role of user-driven innovation in the growing Nordic sports equipment industry. Not only on how users...

Yahoo looks to improve search experience
From Putting People First

Yahoo looks to improve search experience

The Mercury News reports on how Yahoo believes it can build its search audience by focusing on the user “experience,” rather than viewing search as a raw data query...

Max Mara launches new website, designed by Experientia
From Putting People First

Max Mara launches new website, designed by Experientia

Unfortunately we cannot talk about most of the work we do at Experientia unless the final product gets launched. But there are these nice moments when we can. Although...

Networked objects session at Lift Asia 2009 conference
From Putting People First

Networked objects session at Lift Asia 2009 conference

Nicolas Nova reports on the

Augmented reality gets off to a wobbly start
From Putting People First

Augmented reality gets off to a wobbly start

The New Scientist reviews the current state of Augmented Reality and is a bit concerned: “While some who back the technology think its time has now come, after...

Information overload
From Putting People First

Information overload

Too many emails, texts and tweets can lead to rising anxiety, lower intelligence

Communication and human development: the freedom connection?
From Putting People First

Communication and human development: the freedom connection?


O2 launches
From Putting People First

O2 launches

O2 is launching a new mobile phone network which it has dubbed as the first

From Putting People First

Tomorrow I will be speaking at an informal, but high energy Paris conference, called (somewhat predictably) Paris 2.0. The conference takes a total of four days...

Enhancing user interaction with first person user interface
From Putting People First

Enhancing user interaction with first person user interface

Luke Wroblewski, an internationally recognized Web thought leader and Senior Director of Product Ideation & Design at Yahoo! Inc., provides a comprehensive overview...

Interfaces Magazine interviews Donald Norman
From Putting People First

Interfaces Magazine interviews Donald Norman

The latest issue of Interfaces Magazine, a quarterly magazine published by Interaction, the specialist HCI group of the British Computer Society (BCS), contains...

Two new user experience communities
From Putting People First

Two new user experience communities

Louis Rosenfeld alerted me to two new Ning-based community sites that Rosenfeld Media authors recently started: Design for Care compiles methods, results, case...

Using design thinking at Coca-Cola
From Putting People First

Using design thinking at Coca-Cola

Fast Company profiles David Butler, the man who is “responsible for how they think and what they do with design at The Coca-Cola Company.” “Butler oversees a team...

The dirty little secret about the
From Putting People First

The dirty little secret about the

Sarah Perez criticises on ReadWriteWeb the common view on crowdsourcing: “Recent research by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) professor Vassilis Kostakos pokes...

Mobiles offer lifelines in Africa
From Putting People First

Mobiles offer lifelines in Africa

Ken Banks, creator of FrontlineSMS, wrote a guest piece for BBC News. His main claim: “If you want to see how east Africa may respond to the arrival of high-speed...

Worldchanging interview: Vinay Venkatraman on interaction design
From Putting People First

Worldchanging interview: Vinay Venkatraman on interaction design

Vinay Venkatraman, an interaction designer, is one of a rapidly expanding group of scholars and professionals around the world working to define the way our stuff...

The use of mobile phones in education in developing countries
From Putting People First

The use of mobile phones in education in developing countries

The World Bank is embarking on a new study investigating issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries. “The study is intended...

Peer pressure and other pitches
From Putting People First

Peer pressure and other pitches

Michael Sanserino reports in the Wall Street Journal on the latest applications of insights in behavioural economics: “More businesses are using behavioral economics...
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