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Latest RSA Animate on the truth about dishonesty
From Putting People First

Latest RSA Animate on the truth about dishonesty

In this new RSA Animate, Dan Ariely, bestselling author and professor of psychology and behavioural economics at Duke University, explores the circumstances under...

Book: Observing the User Experience
From Putting People First

Book: Observing the User Experience

Observing the User Experience A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research by Elizabeth Goodman, PhD candidate, University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information...

Why user-centered design is not enough, by John Wood
From Putting People First

Why user-centered design is not enough, by John Wood

John Wood, Emeritus Professor of Design at Goldsmiths, University of London, argues on Core77 that the user-centered mindset is based on a one-dimensional map in...

SAP’s new Mobility Design Center uses user-centered design approach
From Putting People First

SAP’s new Mobility Design Center uses user-centered design approach

A few days ago SAP announced the opening of the new SAP Mobility Design Center to help customers meet the growing need for individualized mobile solutions. Headquartered...

Five experts on what comes after the touchscreen
From Putting People First

Five experts on what comes after the touchscreen

Post-touch hasn’t found the killer use case that the mouse found with GUIs and the touchscreen found with mobile web browsing and apps — but it’s not for lack of...

Can ethnography save enterprise social networking?
From Putting People First

Can ethnography save enterprise social networking?

In this guest post for Ethnography Matters, Mike Gotta from Cisco Systems, makes the case for bringing the human back into enterprise software design and development...

The workplace of 2025 will be wherever you want it
From Putting People First

The workplace of 2025 will be wherever you want it

Sampling views from a panel representing Imperial College London, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Washington, other international...

Book: Communicating the User Experience
From Putting People First

Book: Communicating the User Experience

Communicating the User Experience: A Practical Guide for Creating Useful UX Documentation by Richard Caddick and Steve Cable Wiley 2011, 352 pages ISBN 978-1119971108...

Experientia researcher speaking at Harvard’s Medicine 2.0 conference
From Putting People First

Experientia researcher speaking at Harvard’s Medicine 2.0 conference

Experientia researcher Anna Wojnarowska spoke this Sunday at the Medicine 2.0 conference in Boston on her research on the influence of the hospital environment,...

Book: Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction
From Putting People First

Book: Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction

Make It So – Interaction design lessons from science fiction By Nathan Shedroff & Christopher Noessel Rosenfeld Media September 2012 ISBNs: paperback (1-933820-98...

Book: Economy of Experiences
From Putting People First

Book: Economy of Experiences

Today Albert Boswijk, founder and CEO of the European Centre for the Experience Economy, contacted us about his new book “Economy of Experiences”. Boswijk co-founded...

UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience
From Putting People First

UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience

UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience Sari Kujala (a), Virpi Roto (b), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (a), Evangelos Karapanos (c), Arto Sinnel...

Luxury brands need luxury retail experiences, even in the online space
From Putting People First

Luxury brands need luxury retail experiences, even in the online space

Jonathan Ross, business development director at FACT-Finder, discusses the steps luxury brands can take to ensure a more rewarding online retail experience for...

PARC ethnographer on the power of observation
From Putting People First

PARC ethnographer on the power of observation

In an article for GigaOM, Ellen Isaacs (personal site), a user experience designer and ethnographer for PARC, explains the benefits of using ethnography to develop...

Should we focus on user experience?
From Putting People First

Should we focus on user experience?

This article by my compatriot Koen AT Claes claims that our current notion of UX design mistakenly focuses on experience, and that we should go one step further...

The age of data sharing (report)
From Putting People First

The age of data sharing (report)

We live in an age of sharing. As consumers and online, we regularly share personal information, and generate new data through our browsing or purchasing history...

From design fiction to experiential futures
From Putting People First

From design fiction to experiential futures

In honor of its Ten-year Anniversary, the Association of Professional Futurists (yes, they exist!) launched its first publication, The Future of Futures. Edited...

Peter Merholz on Reframing 'UX Design'
From Putting People First

Peter Merholz on Reframing 'UX Design'

Peter Merholz, a UX thinker and practitioner whom I have always held in high esteem, has written a well thought through blog post on reframing UX design. The two...

Intel conversations about the future
From Putting People First

Intel conversations about the future

Intel dabbles in science fiction, titles ReadWriteWeb. On Monday, they write, Intel debuted a book of science fiction stories. Dubbed Imaging the Future And Building...

The bling approach to the school of the future
From Putting People First

The bling approach to the school of the future

Recently I have been exploring developments on the impact of new technologies on the future of education, particularly in high schools. The latest trend in education...
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