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Communications of the ACM



Left to our own devices
From Putting People First

Left to our own devices

Our well-being centers on the meaningfulness of our relationships: our intimate ties, our associations with a larger circle of people, and our sense of interconnectivity...

Taschen publishes infographics by Experientia collaborator
From Putting People First

Taschen publishes infographics by Experientia collaborator

The infographics “What Are InfoVis And DataVis About?”, designed by Experientia collaborator Eloisa Paola Fontana, was selected and published in the book “Information...

Video of Experientia talk at Moleskine’s “Notes for the Future” event
From Putting People First

Video of Experientia talk at Moleskine’s “Notes for the Future” event

There are endless choices when it comes to recording and sharing our ideas. Reliable analog tools are converging with innovations in technology to produce new ways...

World Economic Forum reports on personal data focus on trust, privacy and framework
From Putting People First

World Economic Forum reports on personal data focus on trust, privacy and framework

The World Economic Forum has released three new reports on strengthening trust, transparency and privacy in personal data usage. Rethinking Personal Data: A New...

Food safety and older people: the Kitchen Life ethnographic study
From Putting People First

Food safety and older people: the Kitchen Life ethnographic study

Foodborne illness is a major public health problem in the UK. Recent increases in cases of listeriosis in older people have focused attention on consumer food-related...

People use phablets differently than smartphones and tablets
From Putting People First

People use phablets differently than smartphones and tablets

A new study from Opera Mediaworks found that people use these larger-screen devices — which combine a smartphone’s instant access to information with the tablet...

Anthropologists as scholarly hipsters
From Putting People First

Anthropologists as scholarly hipsters

Can looking at the hipster tell us something about the anthropologist and the academy? Alex Posecznick (anthropologist at the University of Pennsylvania) explores...

Mayo Clinic study highlights potential of mobile technology to transfer patient rehabilitation
From Putting People First

Mayo Clinic study highlights potential of mobile technology to transfer patient rehabilitation

In a recent study out of the Mayo Clinic (reported on by iMedicalApps), patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation post-MI were offered the opportunity to use an...

[Book] Handbook of Anthropology in Business
From Putting People First

[Book] Handbook of Anthropology in Business

Handbook of Anthropology in Business Editors: Rita M. Denny and Patricia L. Sunderland Left Coast Press 752 pp. / May, 2014 In recent years announcements of the...

New research on the use of tablets in schools
From Putting People First

New research on the use of tablets in schools

NAACE, a UK association of educators, technologists and policy makers who share a vision for the role of technology in advancing education, has published a number...

Aiming for open source technology that is gorgeous and provides great UX
From Putting People First

Aiming for open source technology that is gorgeous and provides great UX

Designer and social entrepreneur Aral Balkan believes it is time to build an alternate future where we own our own tools, services, and data. And to do this we...

Looking ahead in automotive UX with Mercedes
From Putting People First

Looking ahead in automotive UX with Mercedes

Steve Tengler recently sat down the user experience folks at Mercedes’ Research and Development Center in Sunnyvale, California, and interviewed Paolo Malabuyo...

The challenge of the car interface
From Putting People First

The challenge of the car interface

Three articles – all published on Medium – confront the challenge of designing an effective car user interface: The State of In-Car UX by Geoff Teehan, Teehan+Lax...

Why VC firms are snapping up designers
From Putting People First

Why VC firms are snapping up designers

Irene Au, former head of Google’s User Interaction Team, is the latest designer to make her way to a venture capital firm. Here’s why VCs are so hot for designers...

There’s a backlash against nudging – but it was never meant to solve every problem
From Putting People First

There’s a backlash against nudging – but it was never meant to solve every problem

Sceptics fail to grasp that this is a strategy that improves lives while treating citizens with dignity – unlike coercion, argues Cass Sunstein. It is true that...

What if doctors could prescribe behavior change?
From Putting People First

What if doctors could prescribe behavior change?

Doctors have known for decades that, in order to prevent disease or its complications, they were going to have to get into people’s living rooms and convince them...

My digital shadow
From Putting People First

My digital shadow

The surveillance program PRISM by the US secret service NSA has reminded us that all of our activities online may be monitored without giving us the chance to understand...

The Qualified Self and Affective Sensing
From Putting People First

The Qualified Self and Affective Sensing

The people at frog design have been exploring sensing technologies and their impact on the human experience. Two interesting articles are the result: The Qualified...

Smart cities need smart citizens
From Putting People First

Smart cities need smart citizens

The idea of the SMARTiP project is to take the experience developed by a wide range of existing user-driven, open innovation initiatives in Europe, particularly...

Johan Blomkvist’s doctoral thesis on prototyping in service design
From Putting People First

Johan Blomkvist’s doctoral thesis on prototyping in service design

Representing Future Situations of Service Prototyping in Service Design by Johan Blomkvist Linköping Studies in Arts and Science Doctoral Dissertation Human-Centred...
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