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Communications of the ACM



Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

Nominations Due in 3 Days! Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and...

More Big Data to Knowledge Updates for the Community
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

More Big Data to Knowledge Updates for the Community

The Data Science and the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have a number of announcements and upcoming events....

Video: Rescale Night Showcases HPC in the Cloud
From insideHPC

Video: Rescale Night Showcases HPC in the Cloud

"Billed as an exposition into 'The Future of Cloud HPC Simulation,' the event brought together experts in high-performance computing and simulation, cloud computing...

HPC4Mfg Industry Day Comes to San Diego March 2-3
From insideHPC

HPC4Mfg Industry Day Comes to San Diego March 2-3

HPC4Mfg will host their first annual High Performance Computing for Manufacturing Industry Engagement Day on March 2-3 in San Diego. With a theme of "Spurring Innovation...

Yves Béhar’s ten principles for design in the age of AI
From Putting People First

Yves Béhar’s ten principles for design in the age of AI

Swiss designer, entrepreneur, and sustainability advocate Yves Béhar points out that there are no high-level manifestos or guidelines for designers working with...

Argonne Annouces Early Science Projects for Aurora Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Argonne Annouces Early Science Projects for Aurora Supercomputer

Argonne has selected 10 computational science and engineering research projects for its Aurora Early Science Program starting this month. Aurora, a massively parallel...

IoT Ransomware Against Austrian Hotel
From Schneier on Security

IoT Ransomware Against Austrian Hotel

Attackers held an Austrian hotel network for ransom, demanding $1800 in Bitcoin to unlock the network. Among other things, the locked network wouldn't allow any...

In Memory Computing Speeds Results
From insideHPC

In Memory Computing Speeds Results

In-Memory Computing can accelerate traditional applications by using a memory first design. Applicable to a wide range of domains, In-Memory Computing and In-Memory...

HiPINEB Workshop on High Performance Networks Posts Agenda for February 5 in Austin
From insideHPC

HiPINEB Workshop on High Performance Networks Posts Agenda for February 5 in Austin

The IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era (HiPINEB) has published its program agenda. Held in...

Smart Glasses Adjust for Visual Tasks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Glasses Adjust for Visual Tasks

Not augmented reality glasses, but those that adapt to needed vision.I Can See Clearly NowUNews (UT) (01/24/17) Vincent Horiuchi University of Utah researchers...

Global Cities Teams Challenge (GCTC) Updates
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global Cities Teams Challenge (GCTC) Updates

There are a number of Global Cities Teams Challenge (GCTC) SuperCluster activities coming up: City Platform SuperCluster Workshop: Kansas City is hosting the GCTC...

The Complex Question of Complexity in Programming
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Complex Question of Complexity in Programming

I spent most of last week grading semester projects written by my students. Reading through the code of beginners is really interesting. It’s interesting in part...

Cheyenne Supercomputer Triples Scientific Capability at NCAR
From insideHPC

Cheyenne Supercomputer Triples Scientific Capability at NCAR

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is launching operations this month of one of the world's most powerful and energy-efficient supercomputers,Cheyenne...

Maps and sets can have quadratic-time performance
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Maps and sets can have quadratic-time performance

Swift is a new programming language launched by Apple slightly over two years ago. Like C and C++, it offers ahead-of-time compilation to native code but with many...

Video: Modern Computing – Cloud, Distributed, & High Performance
From insideHPC

Video: Modern Computing – Cloud, Distributed, & High Performance

Dr. Umit Catalyurek from Georgia Institute of Technology presented this talk as part of the USC Big Data to Knowledge series. "This lecture will be a brief crash...

What is Machine Learning, and Why is it Intelligent?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What is Machine Learning, and Why is it Intelligent?

Not bad, completely non-technical, 5 minute, video introduction to machine learning.  And why it is a kind of 'intelligence'.  Nicely done.Ankit MistrySenior Software...

HPC User Forum Returns to Stuttgart Feb 28 – March 1
From insideHPC

HPC User Forum Returns to Stuttgart Feb 28 – March 1

The IDC HPC User Forum, taking place at the HLRS premises in Stuttgart-Vaihingen on February 28 and March 1, will bring together the HPC community to hear experts...

What AI Needs is a Dose of Realism
From The Eponymous Pickle

What AI Needs is a Dose of Realism

Good thoughts, though I am a strong proponent of AI, there is still much to do.What AI needs is a dose of realismOren Etzioni talks about the current AI landscape...

Year of the Chatbot?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Year of the Chatbot?

Is it the year of the chatbot? Many examples out there, but still needs considerable evolution.  May well be the year of chatbot experimentation.Year of the Chatbot...

Differential Event Models
From The Eponymous Pickle

Differential Event Models

Having been a long time practitioner of simulation using events, this immediately attracted me  to this description.   Technical.  Thinking how this can be used...
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