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Communications of the ACM



CUDA Made Easy: An Introduction
From insideHPC

CUDA Made Easy: An Introduction

"CUDA C++ is just one of the ways you can create massively parallel applications with CUDA. It lets you use the powerful C++ programming language to develop high...

Podcast: Supercomputing Cancer Research and the Human Brain
From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing Cancer Research and the Human Brain

In this WUOT podcast, Jack Wells from ORNL describes how the Titan supercomputer helps advance science. "The world’s third-most powerful supercomputer is located...

Update on D-Wave
From The Eponymous Pickle

Update on D-Wave

Been following, sometime interacting with  D-Wave for some time, a relatively optimistic update in Nature.  Controversy remains.D-Wave upgrade: How scientists are...

Digital Whiteboards
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Whiteboards

Over the hears have met with a number of companies aiming to make meetings more effective, and attended many meetings.  Have yet to see it well done. Usually the...

Achieving High-Performance Math Processing with Intel MKL 2017
From insideHPC

Achieving High-Performance Math Processing with Intel MKL 2017

"Many of the libraries developed in the 70s and 80s for core linear algebra and scientific math computation, such as BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, are still in use today with...

Security Risks of the President's Android Phone
From Schneier on Security

Security Risks of the President's Android Phone

Reports are that President Trump is still using his old Android phone. There are security risks here, but they are not the obvious ones. I'm not concerned about...

New toolkit to create digital government services
From Putting People First

New toolkit to create digital government services

The UK’s Government Digital Service has launched a service toolkit that aims to be a one stop shop for service design resources (reports PublicTechnology). TheNew...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

How to Check a Proof

What to do about claims of hard theorems? Cropped from source Shinichi Mochizuki has claimed the famous ABC conjecture since 2012. It is still unclear whether or...

Pulse Response Biometrics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pulse Response Biometrics

Had never heard of this biometric, but as a student of 'biometrics' was intrigued.   No idea how unique such a signature is.  Article is non technical.Authentication...

Apply Now for 2017 International Summer School on HPC Challenges
From insideHPC

Apply Now for 2017 International Summer School on HPC Challenges

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the eighth International Summer...

Year of the Virtual Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Year of the Virtual Assistant

In NASDAQ.comWhy 2017 Will Be the Year of the Virtual AssistantJanuary 24, 2017,  by Danny Vena, Motley FoolIn its annual mobile apps survey, Research firm Gartner...

Russian RSC Group Becomes Elite Intel Lustre Reseller
From insideHPC

Russian RSC Group Becomes Elite Intel Lustre Reseller

Today RSC Group from Russia announced that the company has achieved highest Elite status in the Intel Solutions for Lustre Reseller Program. Only 9 Intel partners...

Computer Science Education at SxSWEdu 2017
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education at SxSWEdu 2017

SxSWedu is one big conference I have never been to. Seeing how it is tied to the big South By SouthWest Interactive and Music conferences it has always fascinated...

Scaling HPC at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
From insideHPC

Scaling HPC at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre

In this special guest feature, Tim Gillett from Scientific Computing World interviews Norbert Attig and Thomas Eickermann from the Jülich Supercomputing CentreScaling...

INRIA to Host Workshop on HPC Roadmap for Energy Industry
From insideHPC

INRIA to Host Workshop on HPC Roadmap for Energy Industry

The HPC for Energy (HPC4E) project is organizing a workshop entitled HPC Roadmap for Energy Industry. Hosted by INRIA, the event takes place Feb 1 at the French...

Former SGI’s CEO Jorge Titinger Joins TransparentBusiness as Chief Strategy Officer
From insideHPC

Former SGI’s CEO Jorge Titinger Joins TransparentBusiness as Chief Strategy Officer

Today TransparentBusiness announced the appointment of Jorge Luis Titinger as its Chief Strategy Officer. Mr. Titinger is best known as the former CEO of SGI, a...

Sewing Robots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sewing Robots

Moat interesting direction,  change the materials to conform to the robotics.  I recall seeing some of the same videos which showed how human-complex sewing is....

On Google VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Google VR

Good Wired piece on how Google is looking at VR, where the user becomes the interface. The Inside Story of Google's Daydream, where VR feels at home  ... " 

Capturing Pattern-Lock Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Capturing Pattern-Lock Authentication

Interesting research -- "Cracking Android Pattern Lock in Five Attempts": Abstract: Pattern lock is widely used as a mechanism for authentication and authorization...

[OECD Report] Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy
From Putting People First

[OECD Report] Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy

Use of Behavioural Insights in Consumer Policy OECD 20 Jan 2017 48 pages Over the past decade, behavioural insights have helped make consumer policies more evidence...
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