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Communications of the ACM



Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype
From Blog@Ubiquity

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Data analytics is the new buzz phrase these days. Public service agencies all over the world are looking at data in order to optimize service delivery, as wellelectricity...

Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes

I brought this book up some time ago.    And as I read it am struck by how essential is is to understand cause and effect when working with data, analytics, machine...

Developing Services for the Google Home
From The Eponymous Pickle

Developing Services for the Google Home

Want to know what it takes to develop new services for systems like the assistants Amazon Echo and Google Home? Came upon this largely non technical and simplified...

Transfer Learning for AI Projects
From The Eponymous Pickle

Transfer Learning for AI Projects

Had always thought that intelligence was about learning, so this concept struck me.   Note mention of improbable events and model correctness maintenance,  always...

Uncertainty in US Economy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Uncertainty in US Economy

In Knowledge@Wharton,  on uncertainty in the US economy" ...  “The biggest risk we face is uncertainty. If you ask every business leader, their biggest concernHarker...

Study: How new Airbnb nondiscrimination policy may be worse
From Technology News

Study: How new Airbnb nondiscrimination policy may be worse

The sharing economy is a booming industry, with companies such as Uber and Airbnb generating billions in value each year. Technology, combined with informal peer...

Law Enforcement Access to IoT Data
From Schneier on Security

Law Enforcement Access to IoT Data

In the first of what will undoubtedly be a large number of battles between companies that make IoT devices and the police, Amazon is refusing to comply with a warrant...

OSTP Exit Memo
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

OSTP Exit Memo

The following is a guest blog post by CCC Chair Beth Mynatt, CCC Vice Chair Mark D. Hill, CCC Council Member Debra J. Richardson, and CCC Director Ann Drobnis. ...

Pringles are Getting Louder
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pringles are Getting Louder

Kellogg bought Pringles canned chips from P&G in 2012 for $2.7 Billion.  Was slightly involved in the brand.   The new brand is pushing new and spicy tastes, and...

From Computational Complexity

Babai Strikes Back

"So it is quasipolynomial time again" Short Version: Babai fixed his proof. In November 2015 László Babai announced a talk "Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial...

Chatbots in Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbots in Retail

In Retailwire.  Is 2017 the year of the retail chatbot?   Some good discussion.  We are not there yet,  there are still some issues to be worked out, but as long...

Intel HPC Orchestrator Powers Research at University of Pisa
From insideHPC

Intel HPC Orchestrator Powers Research at University of Pisa

In this video, Maurizio Davini from the University of Pisa describe how the University works with Dell EMC and Intel to test new technologies, integrate and optimize...

Bull Atos Powers New Genomics Supercomputer at Pirbright Institute
From insideHPC

Bull Atos Powers New Genomics Supercomputer at Pirbright Institute

“Atos is determined to solve the technical challenges that arise in life sciences projects, to help scientists to focus on making breakthroughs and forget about...

Mellanox Ethernet Accelerates Baidu Machine Learning
From insideHPC

Mellanox Ethernet Accelerates Baidu Machine Learning

Today Mellanox announced that Spectrum Ethernet switches and ConnectX-4 100Gb/s Ethernet adapters have been selected by Baidu, the leading Chinese language Internet...

HDR InfiniBand Technology Reshapes the World of High-Performance and Machine Learning Platforms
From insideHPC

HDR InfiniBand Technology Reshapes the World of High-Performance and Machine Learning Platforms

"The recent announcement of HDR InfiniBand included the three required network elements to achieve full end-to-end implementation of the new technology: ConnectX...

Drones could soon get crucial medical supplies to patients in need
From Technology News

Drones could soon get crucial medical supplies to patients in need

Aerial drones could one day ferry life-or-death medical supplies between hospitals now that Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have figured out how to keep blood...

GE Geneva:  Understands 55 Billion Utterances
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Geneva: Understands 55 Billion Utterances

Examining how devices are attached to voice interfaces." ... Use Your Voice:  Introducing voice-activated control of your GE WiFi Connect appliances with Amazon...

Exascale Computing: A Race to the Future of HPC
From insideHPC

Exascale Computing: A Race to the Future of HPC

In this week’s Sponsored Post, Nicolas Dube of Hewlett Packard Enterprise outlines the future of HPC and the role and challenges of exascale computing in thisExascale...

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research...

Stretchable Transistors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stretchable Transistors

Unexpected thing, the transistors I worked with were anything but stretchable.Transistor Stretchier Than Skin for Ultra-Flexible Wearable Tech  By New Scientist...
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