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America's crumbling infrastructure
From Technology News

America's crumbling infrastructure

No matter how big the issue—national security, health care, gun rights—it's been nearly impossible for Washington lawmakers to find common ground given the deep...

AI and Digital Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Digital Advertising

AI and deeper analytics continues to drive more intelligent decisions.    I always ask: To what degree will the decisions be autonomous?    And how will they be...

Performance Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Performance Management

McKinsey on Performance Manangement.Ahead of the curve: The future of performance managementBy Boris Ewenstein, Bryan Hancock, and Asmus KommMost corporate performance...

Attributing the DNC Hacks to Russia
From Schneier on Security

Attributing the DNC Hacks to Russia

President Barack Obama's public accusation of Russia as the source of the hacks in the US presidential election and the leaking of sensitive e-mails through WikiLeaks...

Yevgeniy Brikman on the devRant Podcast
From Writing

Yevgeniy Brikman on the devRant Podcast

devRant is a place you can talk (or rant) about your life as a programmer with other programmers. The devRant folks are also putting together a series of podcast...

Yevgeniy Brikman on the devRant Podcast
From Writing

Yevgeniy Brikman on the devRant Podcast

devRant is a place you can talk (or rant) about your life as a programmer with other programmers. The devRant folks are also putting together a series of podcast...

Intel Corp and AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Corp and AI

An overview of Intel Corp's work in AI. The Artificial Intelligence Era Is Here.AI is the next big wave in computing. Like major transformations before it, AI is...

Case Based Reasoning Driving Chatbots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Case Based Reasoning Driving Chatbots

I was reminded about the possibility of using, even powering chatbots using case based reasoning (CBR) methods and intelligence architecture.  We had looked atEarlier...

Barry Bolding from Cray Shares Four Predictions for HPC in 2017
From insideHPC

Barry Bolding from Cray Shares Four Predictions for HPC in 2017

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Cray's Barry Bolding gives some predictions for the supercomputing industry in 2017. "2016 saw the...

Podcast: Engineering Practical Machine Learning Systems
From insideHPC

Podcast: Engineering Practical Machine Learning Systems

In This Week in Machine Learning podcast, Xavier Amatriain from Quora discusses the process of engineering practical machine learning systems. Amatriainis a former...

Idea Networking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Idea Networking

Simple thought.  Via Columbia B School.Get Ahead with "Idea Networking"When opportunity takes too long to arrive, it's time to go out and find it. ...  by William...

Achieving a Flow State
From The Eponymous Pickle

Achieving a Flow State

Examined the ideas of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's  'Flow' way back. And now read a piece in medium by John Boitnott that points to work saying that multitasking...

Two perspectives on the role of ethnography in innovation
From Putting People First

Two perspectives on the role of ethnography in innovation

Why Venture Capital Needs Ethnographers: Making Meaningful Innovation in the Startup Sphere by Julia Katherine Haines, Google- December 20, 2016 The power of ethnographic...

The complexity of plastic bags
From Putting People First

The complexity of plastic bags

As societies face increasingly complex problems, design is emerging as the tool to solve some of Asia’s biggest issues. Through field trips with designers skilled...

Watson goes Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson goes Mobile

In ADTMag:IBM Goes Mobile with Watson   By David Ramel For two years, IBM has provided the cognitive computing capabilities of its Watson Analytics service viaIt...

Cleverbot Converses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cleverbot Converses

Cleverbot was again brought to my attention.  We had examined some of its predecessors in the 90s as a means for trialing conversational bot applications.   And...

Supercomputing Sheds Light on Leaf Study
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Sheds Light on Leaf Study

A new study led by a research scientist at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) highlights a literally shady practice...

Video: Diversity and Inclusion in Supercomputing
From insideHPC

Video: Diversity and Inclusion in Supercomputing

Dr. Maria Klawe gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "Like many other computing research areas, women and other minority groups are significantly under-represented in...

Microsoft Chatbot Called Zo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Chatbot Called Zo

More emergent chatbots.     Another excursion into AI like capabilities.  Still needs help.Microsoft takes another shot at an AI chatbot with ZoMicrosoft has fielded...

More Smart Refrigerators
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Smart Refrigerators

More (expensive) smart refrigerators are out there, and looking inwardly.  Cool looking and a conversation piece.LG put Alexa in a refrigerator and it seems like...
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