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More Language Translating with Google Home
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Language Translating with Google Home

Have been testing Google Home's language translation capabilities.  You can translate spoken words or phrases from English into a large set of target languages...

Co-Design 3.0 – Configurable Extreme Computing, Leveraging Moore’s Law for Real Applications
From insideHPC

Co-Design 3.0 – Configurable Extreme Computing, Leveraging Moore’s Law for Real Applications

Sadasivan Shankar gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "This talk will explore six different trends all of which are associated with some form of scaling and how they...

Call for Papers: International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data Computing (HPBDC)
From insideHPC

Call for Papers: International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data Computing (HPBDC)

The 3rd annual International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data Computing (HPBDC) has issued its Call for Papers. Featuring a keynote by Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka...

Oculus and Eye Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Oculus and Eye Tracking

A natural next step, for both games and more serious applications.  In Engadget:Oculus now owns an eye-tracking companyThe Eye Tribe's visual tracking technology...

Analytics in Fashion Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics in Fashion Retail

A few weeks ago was re-introduced to apparel and fashion retail analytics trends.  Here came upon a broad look at recent trends in the area. In Smartdatacollective...

Remote Visualization Accelerating Innovation Across Multiple Industries
From insideHPC

Remote Visualization Accelerating Innovation Across Multiple Industries

In this highly data-driven world, innovation can happen anywhere. Thanks to advances in high-performance computing (HPC), it’s no longer necessary for scientists...

Photocopier Security
From Schneier on Security

Photocopier Security

A modern photocopier is basically a computer with a scanner and printer attached. This computer has a hard drive, and scans of images are regularly stored on that...

Immune Systems as the Future of Cybersecurity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Immune Systems as the Future of Cybersecurity

Saw this idea proposed quite a long time ago,  May well be the way to introduce security.   In concept anyway.   What would the intelligence of such an immune system...

Smart Hearing Houses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Hearing Houses

Virtual Assistants in the smart home are attentive in their hearing.  Why not have the entire house create a hearing and sensing network?  This could be done my...

Connecting Robotics,  Future Trajectories
From The Eponymous Pickle

Connecting Robotics, Future Trajectories

And more on the future of assistants.  And will the use of assistant/toys mean that children will be well primed for these capabilities?   And their acceptanceFrom...

Childrens Toys, Data and AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Childrens Toys, Data and AI

Bernard Marr in Forbes on toy assistant capabilities aimed at children.  Like the very successful adult assistants, these are ever listening,  and can gather data...

Snake Robotic Chains
From The Eponymous Pickle

Snake Robotic Chains

In the CACM:   From IEEE Spectrum.A modular robotic chain can be what you want it to.  In particular interesting to see non humaoid robotic forms for tasks.   An...

Computer Science Education Things I’m Watching in 2017
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education Things I’m Watching in 2017

What is going to be big in 2017? It’s always hard to tell but there are several things I think I need to keep an eye on this year. (Note: Last year’s things to.)...

Video: How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution
From insideHPC

Video: How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution

"The AI is going to flow across the grid -- the cloud -- in the same way electricity did. So everything that we had electrified, we're now going to cognify. And...

LG and Samsung Readying Smart Home Assistants
From The Eponymous Pickle

LG and Samsung Readying Smart Home Assistants

Echo and Google Home have opened up the 'Smart Home' assistant component to the average consumer.  So not unexpected to see competition by other home applianceLG...

Job of the Week: Computational Scientist at ORNL
From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Computational Scientist at ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is seeking a Computational Scientist in our Job of the Week. The National Center for Computational Sciences in the Computing and Computational...

Best Data Viz of 2016
From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Data Viz of 2016

Some great examples of data visualization in 2016.  I like these, but whenever I look at viz I want to always think: Simplify.  Unless the art drives towards either...

Non Gaming VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Non Gaming VR

Continue to look for practically oriented VR applications, here a video:8i Is Trying To Bring Virtual Reality Out Of The Gaming World

Podcast: Do It Yourself Deep Learning
From insideHPC

Podcast: Do It Yourself Deep Learning

In this AI Podcast, Bob Bond from Nvidia and Mike Senese from Make magazine discuss the Do It Yourself movement for Artificial Intelligence. "Deep learning isn't...

Video: Advances and Challenges in Wildland Fire Monitoring and Prediction
From insideHPC

Video: Advances and Challenges in Wildland Fire Monitoring and Prediction

Janice Coen from NCAR gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "The past two decades have seen the infusion of technology that has transformed the understanding, observation...
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