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Non Gaming VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Non Gaming VR

Continue to look for practically oriented VR applications, here a video:8i Is Trying To Bring Virtual Reality Out Of The Gaming World

Podcast: Do It Yourself Deep Learning
From insideHPC

Podcast: Do It Yourself Deep Learning

In this AI Podcast, Bob Bond from Nvidia and Mike Senese from Make magazine discuss the Do It Yourself movement for Artificial Intelligence. "Deep learning isn't...

Video: Advances and Challenges in Wildland Fire Monitoring and Prediction
From insideHPC

Video: Advances and Challenges in Wildland Fire Monitoring and Prediction

Janice Coen from NCAR gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "The past two decades have seen the infusion of technology that has transformed the understanding, observation...

Making Room in Your Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Room in Your Brain

Note quite so practically precise, but a a more general idea,  A maintenance idea, in FastCompany:Your Brain Has A "Delete" Button—Here's How To Use ItThis is the...

Friday Squid Blogging: Will Fish and Chips Become Squid and Chips?
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Will Fish and Chips Become Squid and Chips? reports that squid are proliferating around the North Sea, and speculates that they will become an increasingly common British dinner. As usual, you can...

Predicting Age
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Age

Applying artificial intelligence to age predictionArtificial intelligence is amazing. And even more so when it is applied to a problem in the real world. Insilico...

The Fesitvus Airing of Grievances from Radio Free HPC
From insideHPC

The Fesitvus Airing of Grievances from Radio Free HPC

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team honors the Festivus tradition of the annual Airing of Grievances. Our random gripes include: the need for a better HPCThe...

SAGE Project Looks to Percipient Storage for Exascale
From insideHPC

SAGE Project Looks to Percipient Storage for Exascale

"The SAGE project, which incorporates research and innovation in hardware and enabling software, will significantly improve the performance of data I/O and enable...

Designing Processes as Platforms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Processes as Platforms

Always interesting Michael Schrage makes some good points in the HBR.  Thinking of examples of implementing this.  We were always interested in improving, evenInstead...

Thomas Sterling Presents: HPC Runtime System Software for Asynchronous Multi-Tasking
From insideHPC

Thomas Sterling Presents: HPC Runtime System Software for Asynchronous Multi-Tasking

Thomas Sterling presented this Invited Talk at SC16. "Increasing sophistication of application program domains combined with expanding scale and complexity of HPC...

Forget the Glasses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forget the Glasses

You have probably not noticed, the Pokeman Go phenomenon is off the news,  but it is still here. IEEE Spectrum reports that the broad concept is still rumbling....

An Overview of GE Predix
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Overview of GE Predix

Largely nontechnical overview, rather than a review of Predix as a platform. .  Prompted me to take another look.  I was an early tester.  GE is a big part of the...

Scientists using Slack
From The Eponymous Pickle

Scientists using Slack

And other messaging tools.  My own experience is that most people that are balancing multiple real time, multiple participant tasks use messaging tools.   MoreIn...

Can your C compiler vectorize a scalar product?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Can your C compiler vectorize a scalar product?

If you have spent any time at all on college-level mathematics, you have probably heard of the scalar product: float scalarproduct(float * array1, float * array2...

Looking Back on CS Education in 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Looking Back on CS Education in 2016

I started 2016 with a post called Computer Science Education Things to Watch in 2016. It's time to look back and write about what I think I saw over the year. My...

New Watson Analytics Add-Ons
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Watson Analytics Add-Ons

New in Watson Analytics.  Will take a closer look.Four additional capabilities satisfy your appetite for more. You’ll be discovering insights like a champ in no...

Nor-Tech Rolls Out HPC Clusters Integrated with Abaqus 2017
From insideHPC

Nor-Tech Rolls Out HPC Clusters Integrated with Abaqus 2017

Today Nor-Tech announced that it is now integrating the latest release of simulation platform Abaqus into its leading-edge HPC clusters. "We have been working with...

Watson Ads as Conversation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Ads as Conversation

So what is a Watson Ad?   Its more like an intelligent brand conversation.  Like the idea, taking a closer look.    Any experiences out there? The Weather Company...

Alexa Wins the Holidays. Implications?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Wins the Holidays. Implications?

Saw some of this effect myself, got many questions about the Amazon Alexa device, and its comparison to the also heavily advertised Google Home, which I am also...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Gift of Community

Shared experience may matter as much as scientific cooperation AIP source—see also interview Robert Marshak was on hand for Trinity, which was the first detonation...
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