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Communications of the ACM



ING DIRECT’s sponsored content in The Guardian on the value of CX and human-centred design
From Putting People First

ING DIRECT’s sponsored content in The Guardian on the value of CX and human-centred design

ING DIRECT Australia has published yesterday and at the end of November no less than 10 articles in a paid section of The Guardian on the value of customer experience...

Storytellers Secret
From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytellers Secret

Was just introduced to Carmine Gallo and his book: Storytellers Secret. Sign up for his weekly newsletter.The Storyteller's SecretFrom TED Speakers To Business“Having...

AI  / Cognitive Systems Institute
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI / Cognitive Systems Institute

Wanted to re-introduce people to the Cognitive Systems Institute, an IBM Almaden research sponsored group to which I belong and contribute.    Includes connections...

Detecting Money Laundering
From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting Money Laundering

Using network analysis.  A very nice example, with graphic visualization examples.  See the link for details." .... Applying machine learning to AML ( Money laundering)...

Would you eat a 3-D printed pizza?
From Technology News

Would you eat a 3-D printed pizza?

Could you imagine serving a 3-D printed turkey for Christmas lunch? Or munching on a 3-D printed pizza for an afternoon snack?

NIST is Continuing to Work on Post-Quantum-Computing Cryptography Standards
From Schneier on Security

NIST is Continuing to Work on Post-Quantum-Computing Cryptography Standards

NIST is accepting proposals for public-key algorithms immune to quantum computing techniques. Details here. Deadline is the end of November 2017. I applaud NIST...

Innovative PhD dissertations at Harvard use ethnographic methods to understand organizational culture
From Putting People First

Innovative PhD dissertations at Harvard use ethnographic methods to understand organizational culture

Three innovative PhD dissertations have been published at the Harvard Business School’s Doctoral Program on Organizational Behavior that use ethnography and qualitative...

Applying the Science of Touch
From The Eponymous Pickle

Applying the Science of Touch

An area  we worked on in R&D and Product Development, and  sought to apply in retail.The BBC examines:From yoga pants to smart shoes: The technology of touchBy...

The Future of Faking Audio and Video
From Schneier on Security

The Future of Faking Audio and Video

This Verge article isn't great, but we are certainly moving into a future where audio and video will be easy to fake, and easier to fake undetectably. This is going...

Layering Realities for Better Simulation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Layering Realities for Better Simulation

 Am a long time practitioner of industrial simulation for problem solving, so this intrigued me.   Can we more effectively use VR to model worlds that represent...

Minimizing Disaster Insurance Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Minimizing Disaster Insurance Risk

PodcastWharton's Howard Kunreuther discusses his report on the insurance industry surrounding catastrophic events.Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc in Haiti before...

UberCloud Publishes 2016 Compendium of Engineering Cloud Case Studies
From insideHPC

UberCloud Publishes 2016 Compendium of Engineering Cloud Case Studies

The New 2016 Compendium of Engineering Cloud Case Studies is an invaluable resource for engineers, scientists, managers and executives who believe in the strategic...

Speed Your Application with Threading Building Blocks
From insideHPC

Speed Your Application with Threading Building Blocks

With modern processors that contain a large number of cores, to get maximum performance it is necessary to structure an application to use as many cores as possible...

Call for Exhibitors: PASC17 in Lugano
From insideHPC

Call for Exhibitors: PASC17 in Lugano

"The PASC17 Conference offers a unique opportunity for your organization to gain visibility at a national and international level, to showcase your R&D and to network...

$500 prize money at the ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest on the Responsible Use of AI Technologies! Apply now!

$500 prize money at the ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest on the Responsible Use of AI Technologies! Apply now!

Do you have an opinion on the responsible use of AI technologies? Do you want to win one of several $500 cash prizes? Do you want to talk one-on-one (via skype)...

SimScale Brings Cloud-based CAE to Academics and Students Worldwide
From insideHPC

SimScale Brings Cloud-based CAE to Academics and Students Worldwide

Today SimScale launched the SimScale Academic Program which brings cloud-based CAE software into universities, schools, and classrooms around the world. "SimScale...

From Computational Complexity

Moneyball for Academics

MIT and Tel Aviv business school professors Dimitris Bertsimas, Erik Brynjolfsson, Shachar Reichman and John Silberholz wrote an intriguing paper Tenure Analytics...

High Performance System Interconnect Technology
From insideHPC

High Performance System Interconnect Technology

Today, high performance interconnects can be divided into three categories: Ethernet, InfiniBand, and vendor specific interconnects. Ethernet is established as...

The Pro-PGP Position
From Schneier on Security

The Pro-PGP Position

A few days ago I blogged an excellent essay by Filippo Valsorda on why he's giving up on PGP. Neal Walkfield wrote a good rebuttal. I am on Valsorda's side. I don't...

New Cybersecurity Policy White Paper by the ACM Europe Policy Committee
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

New Cybersecurity Policy White Paper by the ACM Europe Policy Committee

A new policy white paper by the ACM Europe Policy Committee on “Advancing Cybersecurity Research and Education in Europe: Major Drivers of Growth in the Digital...
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