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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

The very first Ramseyian Theorem

Many years ago I noticed that in several books on Ramsey Theory  mention that  Hilbert proved the first   Ramseyian theorem.  The theorem is the Hilbert Cube...

Parallware: LLVM-Based Tool for Guided Parallelization with OpenMP
From insideHPC

Parallware: LLVM-Based Tool for Guided Parallelization with OpenMP

Parallware is a novel LLVM-Based Software Technology for Classification of Scientific Codes to Assist in Parallelization with OpenMP and OpenACC. "Parallware is...

Radio Free HPC Year End Review of 2016 Predictions
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Year End Review of 2016 Predictions

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at how Shahin Khan fared with his OrionX 2016 Technology Issues and Predictions. "Here at, we are fortunate...

UN Considering Killer Robot Ban
From Schneier on Security

UN Considering Killer Robot Ban

This would be a good idea, although I can't imagine countries like the US, China, and Russia going along with it -- at least not right now....

Combatting retail fraud using a simulator
From Technology News

Combatting retail fraud using a simulator

Every year the retail industry lose billions of dollars to fraud in the US alone. To complicate the matter research in the field has been obstructed due to the...

Quick links
From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Some of the tech news that caught my attention lately: Humans working for the AI: How we get ground truth for machine learning ([1]) Deep learning helping[1]...

More Useful Virtual Realities
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Useful Virtual Realities

These kinds of developments made me think of virtual worlds, which also attempted to set up alternate worlds you could experience.   So they are necessarily not...

Thread and Memory Scaling Beyond Multicores
From insideHPC

Thread and Memory Scaling Beyond Multicores

In this video, Stefanos Kaxiras from Uppsala University presents: Thread and Memory Scaling Beyond Multicores. "This talk will present the ArgoDSM, a modern, highly...

UX Research is Business Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

UX Research is Business Research

Makes sense, like in hte delivery of analytics, they should be closely integrated.  And in partcular consider them both as process journies.   So should be considered...

Call for Papers: AsHES Exascale Workshop 2017 in Orlando
From insideHPC

Call for Papers: AsHES Exascale Workshop 2017 in Orlando

The Seventh International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place May 29 in Orlando,Call...

Why UX research is business research
From Putting People First

Why UX research is business research

Libby Maurer, UX leader at Widen Enterprise (a content technology company specializing in digital asset management software and content production services), makes...

Crowdsourcing Earthquake Sensor Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing Earthquake Sensor Data

Prediction research via sensor data.   An update on the use of captured data.Berkeley NewsQuake-detection app captured nearly 400 temblors worldwideBy Robert Sanders...

Heads Up: Upcoming Parental Leave
From Apophenia

Heads Up: Upcoming Parental Leave

There’s a joke out there that when you’re having your first child, you tell everyone personally and update your family and friends about every detail throughout...

The Structured Procrastination Trap
From updated sporadically at best

The Structured Procrastination Trap

A wise professor once told me to take advice with a grain of salt, as it is mostly highlights and wishful thinking. Structured procrastination is a prime example...

From The Noisy Channel


Now that we can handle characters, let’s move on to words. Continue reading on Query Understanding »

FAQ for AI Customer Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

FAQ for AI Customer Service

In Customerthink.   Like this, a non technical look at typical questions asked, and reasonable answers:8 FAQs About Artificial Intelligence and Customer Service...

Designing Logos via AI?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Logos via AI?

John Frazier of Velocity Broadcast Group sends this along:Can AI design a better logo than you?Logojoy is a new website that uses Artificial Intelligence to ‘design...

Podcast: Intel Facilitating New Workloads by Democratizing HPC
From insideHPC

Podcast: Intel Facilitating New Workloads by Democratizing HPC

In this Intel Chip Chat, Dr. Figen Ulgen from Intel discusses artificial intelligence workloads that are emerging as a result of greater access to high performance...

Robotics and Disability
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics and Disability

Correspondent Madelaine E. Sayko sends this piece she placed on Linkedin:"Robotics & Disability; Friend or Foe?"  by @CognitiveCompas on @LinkedInHer company is...

Call for Abstracts: FLOW-3D User Conference in Barcelona
From insideHPC

Call for Abstracts: FLOW-3D User Conference in Barcelona

The 17th annual FLOW-3D European Users Conference has announced its Call for Abstracts. The event takes place June 5-7, 2017 in Barcelona and will be co-hostedCall...
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