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Communications of the ACM



New Look at the Semantic Web
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Look at the Semantic Web

A new look at the Semantic web in the CACM.   Abstract.  I spent considerable time in this space in the 90s, now revisiting it to address issues like the efficient...

UX as a Process
From The Eponymous Pickle

UX as a Process

A big proponent of at least understanding your process.  And ideally, mapping it out in as much detail as is possible.  Interestingly put here in Linkedin:Process...

London lab recreates horrors of war with 3D technology
From Technology News

London lab recreates horrors of war with 3D technology

Starvation, torture and rape: the grim daily realities of prisoners inside Syria's Saidnaya military prison have been recreated in harrowing 3D detail by a London...

Free Practical Statistics E Books
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Practical Statistics E Books

From DSC.  An interesting selection.  None that I have seen before:" ... These books require different levels of existing knowledge, and while some are for early...

Value of Quick Descriptive Statistics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Value of Quick Descriptive Statistics

Just received from Jason Brownlee:" ... Hi, you can learn a lot about your dataset by reviewing some basic descriptive statistics. ... The R platform provides a...

Summarization and Refinement Tags in Folksonomies
From The Noisy Channel

Summarization and Refinement Tags in Folksonomies

This paper, which I co-authored with Joyce Wang and Vladimir Zelevinsky when we were all at Endeca, originally appeared in the proceedings… Continue reading on...

Inferring Traffic Patterns for Graph Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Inferring Traffic Patterns for Graph Analytics

I can see this kind of pattern recognition more broadly used, and linked not only to maps but also to network patterns for graph analytics.Inferring urban travel...

Saving Water with Sandia’s New Datacenter Cooling Technology
From insideHPC

Saving Water with Sandia’s New Datacenter Cooling Technology

Engineers at Sandia are developing new datacenter cooling technologies that could save millions of gallons of water nationwide. The post Saving Water with Sandia...

Video: SIMD, Vectorization, and Performance Tuning
From insideHPC

Video: SIMD, Vectorization, and Performance Tuning

James Reinders presented this talk at the 2016 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. Reinders is the author of multiple books on parallel programming...

D3 Javascript for Interactive Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

D3 Javascript for Interactive Visualization

D3 is particularly interesting for interactive data visualization.   Flowingdata points to recent explanation and examples.  Technically/programming oriented."Pair...

Cray to Add Intel Xeon Phi to Archer Supercomputing Service in the UK
From insideHPC

Cray to Add Intel Xeon Phi to Archer Supercomputing Service in the UK

EPSRC and Cray have signed an agreement to add a Cray XC40 Development System with Intel Xeon Phi processors to ARCHER, the UK National Supercomputing Service.Cray...

New Bright for Deep Learning Solution Designed for Business
From insideHPC

New Bright for Deep Learning Solution Designed for Business

"We have enhanced Bright Cluster Manager 7.3 so our customers can quickly and easily deploy new deep learning techniques to create predictive applications for fraud...

Cybercrime as a Tax on the Internet Economy
From Schneier on Security

Cybercrime as a Tax on the Internet Economy

I was reading this 2014 McAfee report on the economic impact of cybercrime, and came across this interesting quote on how security is a tax on the Internet economy...

Python and HPC
From insideHPC

Python and HPC

"In the HPC domain, Python can be used to develop a wide range of applications. While tight loops may still need to be coded in C or FORTRAN, Python can still be...

Scratch Resources from Ireland
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Scratch Resources from Ireland

A friend recently sent me a link to this site that looks like it will be very helpful for teachers who are using Scratch from MIT. Check it out at Lero...

One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence

The following is a guest blog post by Greg Hager, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Past Chair and Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins...

From Computational Complexity

The Letter

Guest post by Molly Fortnow, incoming member of the University of Chicago class of 2020. On January 24, 2011, a miraculous thing happened. I was published on the...

Audi, Lexus and Toyota rank highest for car-seat anchors
From Technology News

Audi, Lexus and Toyota rank highest for car-seat anchors

New rankings from the insurance industry show that the Audi Q7, Lexus RX and Toyota Prius have the easiest-to-use anchors for child seats.

Thanks, but I can’t take credit for that — and I don’t recall seeing it when I published the post.
From The Noisy Channel

Thanks, but I can’t take credit for that — and I don’t recall seeing it when I published the post.

Perhaps it was added by the Startup Grind publication. Continue reading on »

It’s certainly not the way an advisory role should work, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a…
From The Noisy Channel

It’s certainly not the way an advisory role should work, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a…

So I agree that it’s a flag, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a red flag. Continue reading on »
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