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Baidu and Open Source Deep Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Baidu and Open Source Deep Learning

In SiliconAngle:   The Open source idea coming from China seems remarkable.  Have covered Baidu for some time, see the tag on the topic below.China’s Baidu to open...

No. I believed that they brought me on as an advisor so I could help them solve their problem.
From The Noisy Channel

No. I believed that they brought me on as an advisor so I could help them solve their problem.

And I spent a bunch of time with their team. It was only later that they started dropping my name to VCs — in fact, after May when I’d… Continue reading on »

Re-Inventing Ivy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Re-Inventing Ivy

The current education model is broken, we have all the tools in place to change it.Can Startup College Minerva Reinvent The Ivy League Model For The Digital Age...

Dell and EMC Transaction to Close on September 7, 2016
From insideHPC

Dell and EMC Transaction to Close on September 7, 2016

Today Dell Inc. and EMC Corp. announced that they intend to close the transaction to combine Dell and EMC on Wednesday, September 7, 2016. The name of the newly...

Visualizations in R
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizations in R

I was reminded of this,  Machlis Musings ... By Sharon Machlis  5 data visualizations in 5 minutes: each in 5 lines or less of R  ...     Nicely done.  Does not...

The rate-of-living theory is wrong
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The rate-of-living theory is wrong

The rate-of-living theory is popular on the Internet. The intuition is that all animals are born with some “budget” that they burn out over time according to their...

Bridges Supercomputer Enters Production at PSC
From insideHPC

Bridges Supercomputer Enters Production at PSC

"Bridges has enabled early scientific successes, for example in metagenomics, organic semiconductor electrochemistry, genome assembly in endangered species, and...

Co-Design Offloading
From insideHPC

Co-Design Offloading

The move to network offloading is the first step in co-designed systems. A large amount of overhead is required to service the huge number of packets required for...

Paul Messina Presents: A Path to Capable Exascale Computing
From insideHPC

Paul Messina Presents: A Path to Capable Exascale Computing

Paul Messina presented this talk at the 2016 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. The U.S. Department of Energy has been charged with carrying out...

Mellanox Ethernet Solutions Power Germany’s Most Advanced Cloud Datacenter
From insideHPC

Mellanox Ethernet Solutions Power Germany’s Most Advanced Cloud Datacenter

Today Mellanox announced that SysEleven in Germany used the company's 25/50/100GbE Open Ethernet solutions to build a new SSD-based, fully-automated cloud datacenter...

Plotting Analytics Terminology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Plotting Analytics Terminology

An interesting article in the SAS blog on the evolution of 'data mining', actually a term less used these days.   They quote the image below about how a number...

Recipes for Training and Understanding Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Recipes for Training and Understanding Delivery

In Adage:Why Martha Stewart Doesn't Feel Sorry for Media CompaniesMogul Talks Facebook Live, Future of Magazines and the 'Advertiser Dilemma'  .... Fascinating...

Hadoop Effectiveness
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hadoop Effectiveness

A good overview of Hadoop and how it fits into data management and analytics.    To what degree will open source approaches change our view of analytics?

NSO Group
From Schneier on Security

NSO Group

We're starting to see some information on the Israeli cyber-weapons arms manufacturer that sold the iPhone zero-day exploit to the United Arab Emirates so they...

EU Eldercare Effort
From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Eldercare Effort

This was an area we looked at as we explored consumer robotics in the smarthome,  See the tag for past examinations. Netcarity is a European project researching...

Turbulence forces emergency landing in Ireland; 12 injured
From Technology News

Turbulence forces emergency landing in Ireland; 12 injured

A United Airlines flight bound for London made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport in Ireland on Wednesday after severe turbulence that left 12 passengers needing...

The quest to end lost airline luggage
From Technology News

The quest to end lost airline luggage

Victor DaRosa stands under a scorching afternoon sun, loading bags onto a jet heading to Detroit.

IOT and High Value Goods
From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT and High Value Goods

In Readwrite: Not extremely new.  Had seen solutions by GE using essentially the idea in remote power plant applications. Active RFID applications.   The idea has...

I may have been burned, but I’m not willing to let this experience make me that cynical.
From The Noisy Channel

I may have been burned, but I’m not willing to let this experience make me that cynical.

I still basically trust people, and I’d like to keep it that way. But now I understand more than before why other people are less trusting. Continue reading on...

Game that Speeds Language Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Game that Speeds Language Learning

In the CACM:   Always the kind of gamification that should be of most value, one that turns a difficult, lengthy and tedious effort into obsessive fun.    But how...
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