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Communications of the ACM



Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap
From insideHPC

Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap

In this video from the 4th Annual MVAPICH User Group, DK Panda from Ohio State University presents: Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap. "This talk...

Searching for Goldilocks
From The Noisy Channel

Searching for Goldilocks

Many search queries don’t have a single right answer or even an objective best answer. For example, if you’re looking for mailboxes or…Continue reading on »

Triggers of Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Triggers of Behavior

BJ Fogg worked with us in a number of projects in the enterprise.Why behavior matters more than thought leadershipTriggering habit-forming behavior Stanford University...

Google Analytics 360 Suite
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Analytics 360 Suite

Screens and more screens, mobile and stationary.    How does this change the decision space?Marketing analytics for a multi-screen world.Say hi to the Google Analytics...

App Challenge! Enter to Win $20,000 for your School
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

App Challenge! Enter to Win $20,000 for your School

I had an email the other day about the Verizon app challenge. It looks interesting and I may have some students enter this year. The fact that coding IS NOT required...

The NSA is Hoarding Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

The NSA is Hoarding Vulnerabilities

The National Security Agency is lying to us. We know that because of data stolen from an NSA server was dumped on the internet. The agency is hoarding information...

New and Improved Wolfram Alpha
From The Eponymous Pickle

New and Improved Wolfram Alpha

Another of the general virtual assistants.  It has been a while since I have checked it out, but was impressed then.  I have yet to see this applied in a real situation...

Faster dictionary decoding with SIMD instructions
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Faster dictionary decoding with SIMD instructions

A particularly fast and effective compression technique is dictionary coding. Intuitively, it works as follow. Suppose you are given a long document made of millions...

Talk on Understanding Cognitive Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk on Understanding Cognitive Systems

Our presenter this week was Jim Spohrer from IBM. who will presented  "Understanding Cognitive Systems.".   Worth taking a look at.   Slides here.  .... Presentation...

Emotion Analysis API
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotion Analysis API

More companies are looking at text analysis ....AlchemyLanguage Emotion Analysis API is Generally Available, and It’s Getting BetterMany in the field of Cognitive...

Power BI Now Does Twitter Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Power BI Now Does Twitter Analytics

Been looking at the analysis of twitter streams lately, new from MS Power BI.  A campaign management solution template.Microsoft Power BI Bloga

FindFace at Large
From The Eponymous Pickle

FindFace at Large

Was reminded by the Economist: Frankenstein's Paperclips. of the rogue Russian face recognition system called FindFace. Can we expect AI from beyond our regulated...

Speakers Announced for HPC User Forum in Beijing
From insideHPC

Speakers Announced for HPC User Forum in Beijing

IDC has announced the featured speakers for the next international HPC User Forum. The event will take place Sept. 22 in Beijing, China. The post Speakers Announced...

Confusing Security Risks with Moral Judgments
From Schneier on Security

Confusing Security Risks with Moral Judgments

Interesting research that shows we exaggerate the risks of something when we find it morally objectionable. From an article about and interview with the researchers...

Report: Using HPC for Public Policy Analysis & Water Resource Management
From insideHPC

Report: Using HPC for Public Policy Analysis & Water Resource Management

Researchers from the RAND Corporation and LLNL have joined forces to combine HPC with innovative public policy analysis to improve planning for particularly complex...

Phytium from China Unveils 64-core ARM HPC Processor
From insideHPC

Phytium from China Unveils 64-core ARM HPC Processor

This week at the Hot Chips conference, Phytium Technology from China unveiled a 64-core CPU and a related prototype computer server. "Phytium says the new CPU chip...

Data Hackathons: Lessons Learned & Best Practices Workshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Data Hackathons: Lessons Learned & Best Practices Workshop

From September 11-17, 2016, data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from across the globe will convene in Denver, Colorado for the first ever...

Nor-Tech to Offer Clusters with Intel HPC Orchestrator
From insideHPC

Nor-Tech to Offer Clusters with Intel HPC Orchestrator

Today Nor-Tech announced the imminent rollout of clusters integrated with the Intel HPC Orchestrator. HPC Orchestrator is a licensed, value-add version of OpenHPC...

Machine Learning and the Intel Xeon Phi Processor
From insideHPC

Machine Learning and the Intel Xeon Phi Processor

"The Intel Xeon Phi processor, together with tuned libraries, can accelerate the gains the ML applications promise. The second generation Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor...

From Computational Complexity

1956 Was a Fine Vintage

Bill sends me an email last week with the subject "Our field is getting old!" and talks about upcoming 60th birthday/retirement conferences he's invited to, all...
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