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Google's Post-Quantum Cryptography
From Schneier on Security

Google's Post-Quantum Cryptography

News has been bubbling about an announcement by Google that it's starting to experiment with public-key cryptography that's resistant to cryptanalysis by a quantum...

Podcast: Micron’s Steve Pawlowski on the Latest Memory Trends for HPC
From insideHPC

Podcast: Micron’s Steve Pawlowski on the Latest Memory Trends for HPC

In this podcast from ISC 2016 in Frankfurt, Steve Pawlowski from Micron discusses the latest memory technology trends for high performance computing. "When youPodcast...

Can Mankind Survive Scientific Illiteracy?
From Blog@Ubiquity

Can Mankind Survive Scientific Illiteracy?

Science is not taught as science at all. Students are taught how to do science, but not what science actually is. They suffer from scientific illiteracy. The post...

Passing of a Cyber Securty Pioneer
From CERIAS Blog

Passing of a Cyber Securty Pioneer

Stephen T. Walker recently died. He was the founder of the pioneering Trusted Information Systems, a prime force behind the establishment of the NCSC (now the Commericial...

Passing of a Cyber Securty Pioneer
From CERIAS Blog

Passing of a Cyber Securty Pioneer

Stephen T. Walker recently died. He was the founder of the pioneering Trusted Information Systems, a prime force behind the establishment of the NCSC (now the Commericial...

China Leads TOP500 with Home-grown Technology
From insideHPC

China Leads TOP500 with Home-grown Technology

In this special guest feature, Robert Roe from Scientific Computing World writes that the new #1 system on the TOP500 is using home-grown processors to shake up...

Mistakes Managers Make with Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mistakes Managers Make with Analytics

In the HBR:  Good points, mostly about process and application, rather than technology.   Worth a look.    Obvious to any manager, if they don't buy the hype, and...

Archetypes and Branding
From The Eponymous Pickle

Archetypes and Branding

Thinking about the brand personality.  I have never seen this done particularly well. Does it end up  constricting, decreasing innovative channels?  Here is...

Video: Data Storage Infrastructure at University of Queensland
From insideHPC

Video: Data Storage Infrastructure at University of Queensland

"Data Science and Information Systems researchers at UQ are tackling the challenges of big data, real-time analytics, data modeling and smart information use. The...

Nostrum BioDiscovery to Apply Supercomputing for Drug Development
From insideHPC

Nostrum BioDiscovery to Apply Supercomputing for Drug Development

Today the Institute for Research in Biomedicine and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center unveiled Nostrum BioDiscovery, a new biotech company that applies computational...

NSF WATCH Talk- Cryptocurrencies: the ideas behind the hype
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF WATCH Talk- Cryptocurrencies: the ideas behind the hype

The next WATCH talk, called Cryptocurrencies: the ideas behind the hype is Thursday, July 21st, from Noon-1pm EDT. The presenter will be Arvind Narayanan, an Assistant...

Does music sound better on vinyl records than on CDs?
From Technology News

Does music sound better on vinyl records than on CDs?

Vinyl is back, no doubt about it. Sales of vinyl records have been soaring, although they still represent only a tiny fraction of the music industry's revenues:...

The Liquid Cooling Revolution Continues for HPC with CoolIT Systems
From insideHPC

The Liquid Cooling Revolution Continues for HPC with CoolIT Systems

In this video, CoolIT Systems CEO & CTO, Geoff Lyon, reveals details on the company’s next generation liquid cooling solutions for HPC, Cloud and Enterprise markets...

Is Machine Learning Driving AI?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Machine Learning Driving AI?

Always thought ML was part of AI.   In Datanami: An interesting distinguishing point is made" .... The authors quotes Jaime Carbonell, a professor of computer science...

Free eBook: 23 Reasons to Get Excited About Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free eBook: 23 Reasons to Get Excited About Data

Below, links to a free eBook that covers a number of practical and exciting applications of data analytics. Nicely done,  selected from our collegial group on the...

Podcast: Supercomputing Better Ways to Produce Gamma Rays
From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing Better Ways to Produce Gamma Rays

In this podcast, researchers from the University of Texas at Austin discuss how they are using TACC supercomputers to find a new way to make controlled beams of...

Interesting Links 11 July 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 11 July 2016

Yes I’m late with this week’s interesting links. In my defense I have been extremely busy the last four or five days. Last Thursday and Friday were the CSTA Board...

Report on the Vulnerabilities Equities Process
From Schneier on Security

Report on the Vulnerabilities Equities Process

I have written before on the vulnerabilities equities process (VEP): the system by which the US government decides whether to disclose and fix a computer vulnerability...

Design Museum Foundation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Museum Foundation

Of interest, on design museums.  In a sense some of our innovation spaces were aimed at showing evolving design.    So interested in the concept." ... Hope youSam...

Call for Lustre Presentations: LAD’16 in Paris
From insideHPC

Call for Lustre Presentations: LAD’16 in Paris

The LAD'16 conference has issued its Call for Presentations. Hosted jointly by CEA, EOFS, and OpenSFS, the Lustre Administrator & Developer Conference will take...
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