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Video: Deploying OpenStack Solutions with Bright Computing & Transtec
From insideHPC

Video: Deploying OpenStack Solutions with Bright Computing & Transtec

In this video from the Transtec booth at ISC 2016, Peotr Wachowicz from Bright Computing shows how the company's cluster management software enables customers to...

Register Now for HPC Workflow Workshops
From insideHPC

Register Now for HPC Workflow Workshops

Registration is now open for a free Workflows Workshop to be held August 9-10 at multiple institutions across the country. Sponsored by the Blue Waters sustained...

Successful Implementations That Demand Flexible HPC
From insideHPC

Successful Implementations That Demand Flexible HPC

Organizations that implement high-performance computing (HPC) technologies have a wide range of requirements. From small manufacturing suppliers to national research...

Great Innovative Idea- Wide-Field Ethnography: Studying Software Engineering in 2025 and Beyond
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Wide-Field Ethnography: Studying Software Engineering in 2025 and Beyond

The following Great Innovative Idea is from David Socha from the University of Washington Bothell. Socha and his colleagues, Robin Adams (Purdue University), Kelly...

Building Information Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Information Systems

In VRFocus:  On the obvious connections of virtual reality to Building information Models  (BIM).   Had examined this some years ago in firefighting and first respondent...

Robotic Ships
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Ships

Creating robotic ships.  Rolls Royce experiments with augmented reality to control and deploy the idea.  Implications for efficient future supply chains.

Bot Functionality in Skype Conversation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bot Functionality in Skype Conversation

MS appears to be serious in augmenting conversations through new levels of intelligence.  Still primitive, but the direction is interesting ...  Ultimately adding...

Cisco on Connectivity, IOT and  Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco on Connectivity, IOT and Innovation

Innovation in the Age of Hyper-ConnectivityAndreas Mai, Director Smart Connected Vehicles at Cisco SystemsAn interview

Anonymization and the Law
From Schneier on Security

Anonymization and the Law

Interesting paper: "Anonymization and Risk," by Ira S. Rubinstein and Woodrow Hartzog: Abstract: Perfect anonymization of data sets has failed. But the process...

[Book] LEAP Dialogues: Career Pathways in Design for Social Innovation
From Putting People First

[Book] LEAP Dialogues: Career Pathways in Design for Social Innovation

LEAP Dialogues: Career Pathways in Design for Social Innovation Edited by Mariana Amatullo, with Bryan Boyer, Liz Danzico and Andrew Shea Published by Designmatters...

Israel ultra-Orthodox women go hi-tech
From Technology News

Israel ultra-Orthodox women go hi-tech

Bright and airy, the workspace at Comax is much like other Israeli hi-tech firms, except that a rabbi has carefully vetted its design to allow ultra-Orthodox Jewish...

From Computational Complexity

An infinite hat problem and later a point

Problem: There are an infinite number of people. They are labelled 1,2,3,... (I am not a number, I am a free man!) There is the Master who I call The Master....

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The World Turned Upside Down

Some CS reflections for our 700th post MacArthur Fellowship source Lin-Manuel Miranda is both the composer and lyricist of the phenomenal Broadway musical Hamilton...

STFC in the UK Opens New Technology Center
From insideHPC

STFC in the UK Opens New Technology Center

Businesses in the north west of the UK are being helped to develop new products faster and more cheaply. The advanced engineering technology centre was officially...

Digital Transformation Playbook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Transformation Playbook

Recently brought to my attention and a good read.   The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age (Columbia Business School Publishing)...

Video: A Computational Future for Science Education
From insideHPC

Video: A Computational Future for Science Education

"This talk will describe one new effort to embed best practices for reproducible scientific computing into traditional university curriculum. In particular, a set...

Need to Lead in Data and Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Need to Lead in Data and Analytics

From McKinsey: In a new survey, executives say senior-leader involvement and the right organizational structure are critical factors in how successful a company...

Innovation Lessons from Lego
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Lessons from Lego

Have followed Lego fpr motivating innovation for years, but never saw it used internally.  Whats the barrier?  Culture?  Seen as too trite?Lessons from Lego: Low...

Amazon Robot Arms Race
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Robot Arms Race

Good overview ....   What characteristics of robotic capability are most involved?How Amazon Triggered a Robot Arms RaceIn 2012 Jeff Bezos scooped up warehouseKim...

Open Source Game Sand Boxes for AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Game Sand Boxes for AI

Always liked the idea of setting up 'sandbox' environments where new technologies could be tested under varying contexts.    Good to see this being done here in...
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