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Google I/O 2016 as an Anita Borg Scholar
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Google I/O 2016 as an Anita Borg Scholar

Back in February, I ran an event to celebrate Anita Borg's birthday. I along with some Shopify colleagues focused on students not majoring in computer science;coding...

BeeGFS Certified on Intel Omni-Path at 12GB/s per server
From insideHPC

BeeGFS Certified on Intel Omni-Path at 12GB/s per server

Today ThinkParQ from Germany announced certification of BeeGFS over Intel Omni-Path Architecture (OPA). “Without a doubt, Intel has made a big leap in performance...

Managing an Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing an Internet of Things

In Forbes:  These DARPA Darlings Just Raised $20M To Build A Super-Powered Google For The Internet Of Things   by Thomas Fox-Brewster .  Good to see some of the...

Towards a loss of Anonymity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards a loss of Anonymity

Face recognition app taking Russia by storm may bring end to public anonymity ... FindFace compares photos to profile pictures on social network Vkontakte and works...

Why is the black box not stored in the cloud?
From Technology News

Why is the black box not stored in the cloud?

Professor David Stupples, City's Professor of Electronic and Radio Systems, says the time has come for the flight data recorder (FDR) and the cockpit data recorder...

Hijacking the PC Update Process
From Schneier on Security

Hijacking the PC Update Process

There's a new report on security vulnerabilities in the PC initialization/update process, allowing someone to hijack it to install malware: One of the major things...

Interesting Links 6 June 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 6 June 2016

Sorry there was no interesting links post last week. Long story – feel free to ask me about it if you run into me in person this summer. In any case I am back on...

Union: No room for old technology in new airport towers
From Technology News

Union: No room for old technology in new airport towers

Two state-of-the-art airport towers due to go into operation this fall in San Francisco and Las Vegas will first need extensive remodeling to make room for technology...

How To Design With Discipline: UX Lessons From 3M
From Putting People First

How To Design With Discipline: UX Lessons From 3M

The 3M Health Care Business Group follows a strict UX design process that allows for complexity—but isn’t overly complex. Jerry Cao and Eileen Conway report onHow...

[Book] User Experience in Libraries
From Putting People First

[Book] User Experience in Libraries

User Experience in Libraries: Applying Ethnography and Human-Centred Design Edited by Andy Priestner, Matt Borg Routledge, 2016 212 pages Modern library services...

IFTTT Beyond the Recipe
From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTTT Beyond the Recipe

The IFTTT describes and supports a set of recipes for action based on information channels.  Simple, and a great place to start.  But why not take the idea beyond...

From Computational Complexity

What do Evolution, Same Sex Marriage, and Abstract Set Theory have in Common?

(This post is based on articles from 2012 so it may no longer be true. Also- to be fair- I tried finding stuff on the web BY the people who object to our children...

IFTTT Continues to Build Channel Support
From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTTT Continues to Build Channel Support

There are now 314 channels, includes connections to Samsung and GE Smart applicances.  From the BMW automotive lab, home smart security systems, Amazon Echo and...

Do AI Doctors Save Lives
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do AI Doctors Save Lives

AI in Healthcare: Fascinating tech, but is it actually saving lives?Computers excel at finding a signal in the noise, but we're still wary of AI doctors.  ... " ...

Where Predictive Analytics is Working
From The Eponymous Pickle

Where Predictive Analytics is Working

In HBR: Where Predictive Analytics Is Having the Biggest Impactby Jacob LaRivierePreston McAfeeJustin RaoVijay K. NarayananWalter Sun  ....  ... Once companiesOur...

Video: Using GPUs for Electromagnetic Simulations of Human Interface Technology
From insideHPC

Video: Using GPUs for Electromagnetic Simulations of Human Interface Technology

Chris Mason from Acceleware presented this talk at GTC 2016. "This session will focus on real life examples including an RF powered contact lens, a wireless capsule...

Call for Presentations: MVAPICH User Group (MUG) Meeting
From insideHPC

Call for Presentations: MVAPICH User Group (MUG) Meeting

The MVAPICH User Group (MUG) meeting has issued its Call for Presentations. The event takes place August 15-17 in Columbus, Ohio. The post Call for Presentations...

Evolving with Industry Trends
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolving with Industry Trends

In Inc.   This is becoming an important skill.  "  ... 7 Ways to Identify and Evolve With Industry Trends ... You can keep up with and be part of the changes, or...

Employee Experience Equation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Employee Experience Equation

Interesting way to think about this.  The elements of experience. ....The Employee Experience Equation by Jacob Morgan   I’m betting BIG on the concept of the employee...

Achieving a Digital State of Mind
From The Eponymous Pickle

Achieving a Digital State of Mind

More from MiKinsey on the Digital.  A Digital state of mind?   As opposed to analog?   A Podcast:" .... Companies that successfully adopt digital technology don...
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