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Communications of the ACM



Train Your Brain to Think About the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Train Your Brain to Think About the Future

We all do this, but how well?  Here looking at it early.Train Your Brain to Think About the Future by Katie KingWhat fraction of your time is spent thinking about...

$7 Million Social Media Privacy Mistake
From Schneier on Security

$7 Million Social Media Privacy Mistake

Forbes estimates that football player Laremy Tunsil lost $7 million in salary because of an ill-advised personal video made public....

Big Data Government Funding Opportunities
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Big Data Government Funding Opportunities

Check out these big data funding opportunities from four different federal agencies. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) – BD2K is...

New Report Charts Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure
From insideHPC

New Report Charts Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure

A newly released report commissioned by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and conducted by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines...

IBM Gives Access to its Quantum Computer
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Gives Access to its Quantum Computer

I like the idea you can try it yourself from the article at the link.  Now, digital, but non binary computing.  Is it clear this is the future of computing?  To...

Exploring the Wiring of the Mind
From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploring the Wiring of the Mind

Further exploring the wiring of the mind.  Its not only the wring, but also the 'software', apparently not of the kind we typically deal with.  In Newsweek.

The Search for a Better Battery
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Search for a Better Battery

I am no longer in the battery business, but always thought that portable energy was important. Where is portable and conveniently store able energy going?    ...

European aviation agency sets up drone collision task force
From Technology News

European aviation agency sets up drone collision task force

The European Aviation Safety Agency is setting up a task force to examine the risk of collisions between drones and aircraft.

Ron Perrott to Receive ACM Distinguished Service Award
From insideHPC

Ron Perrott to Receive ACM Distinguished Service Award

Today ACM announced that Ron Perrott, an international leader in the development and promotion of parallel computing, will receive ACM’s prestigious Distinguished...

GCS in Germany Allocates Record Number of Core Hours for Research
From insideHPC

GCS in Germany Allocates Record Number of Core Hours for Research

The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) in Germany has allocated a record 1,648 million core hours of computing time to 21 scientifically outstanding national...

Kick the Tires on Quantum Computing with the IBM Cloud
From insideHPC

Kick the Tires on Quantum Computing with the IBM Cloud

In its latest move to build a practical quantum computer, IBM Research for the first time ever is making quantum computing available in the cloud to anyone interested...

Video: A Journey to a Holistic for Data-intensive Workflows at CSIRO
From insideHPC

Video: A Journey to a Holistic for Data-intensive Workflows at CSIRO

In this video from the 2016 MSST Conference, Ian Corner from CSIRO in Australia presents: A Journey to a Holistic for Data-intensive Workflows. "At CSIRO, we are...

How to hide secret messages using fizzy drinks
From Technology News

How to hide secret messages using fizzy drinks

Next time you see someone spilling a drink in a bar, you could actually be witnessing a spy secretly decoding an encrypted message. This might sound like something...

Computer Science Making Numbers More Interesting
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Making Numbers More Interesting

Last night I lay awake thinking about numbers and programming languages. Yes I know – weird.  One of the first programming languages I was paid to write code in...

Credential Stealing as an Attack Vector
From Schneier on Security

Credential Stealing as an Attack Vector

Traditional computer security concerns itself with vulnerabilities. We employ antivirus software to detect malware that exploits vulnerabilities. We have automatic...

Supercomputing van der Waals Forces on Mira
From insideHPC

Supercomputing van der Waals Forces on Mira

Over at ALCF, Katie Jones writes that researchers are using the Mira supercomputer to validate a new “wave-like” model of the van der Waals force—a weak attraction...

Google OnHub with IFTTT is Looking Like an Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google OnHub with IFTTT is Looking Like an Echo

When Google first introduced the OnHub, it looked like a too complex and expensive Wifi hub.  Did not give it much thought.  But when hooked to the IFTTT engine...

A Semantic Ecosystem
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Semantic Ecosystem

A big challenge.  What is a semantic Ecosystem?  By Topquadrant: A like the thoughts to a combination of data, metadata and services ... via an ontology.SEMANTIC...

Video: DSSD Scalable High Performance FLASH Systems
From insideHPC

Video: DSSD Scalable High Performance FLASH Systems

Jeff Bonwick from EMC DSSD presented this talk at the MSST conference. "Jeff Bonwick is co-founder and CTO of DSSD, where he co-invented both the system hardware...

Artificial Intelligence for Social Good
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Artificial Intelligence for Social Good

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is proud to announce a White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Association for the Advancement of Artificial...
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