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Communications of the ACM



Air power now weapon of choice
From Technology News

Air power now weapon of choice

Air power has become the weapon of choice for Western politicians because it causes maximum destruction with the minimum of commitment, according to new research...

Designing Materials
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Materials

In Nature:  A look at how machine learning can be used for material design.  Visually realized.   So why not for any other kind of parameter, or structure driven...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP


Some fun rejection comments Joshua Gans and George Shepherd were doctoral students in economics at Stanford University back in the 1990s. They wrote an interesting...

White House Report on Big Data Discrimination
From Schneier on Security

White House Report on Big Data Discrimination

The White House has released a report on big-data discrimination. From the blog post: Using case studies on credit lending, employment, higher education, and criminal...

Burberry Using IOT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Burberry Using IOT

Wooing millennial shoppers with Internet of things." ... As an early adopter of IoT and connected digital technologies Burberry has successfully blended both physical...

May-June 2016 Issue of Analytics Magazine
From The Eponymous Pickle

May-June 2016 Issue of Analytics Magazine

Informs May/June issue of Analytics Magazine focuses on getting the most out of big data & analytics with both mankind and machines.Lead StoryFulfilling the Promise...

IBM Makes HPC Easier
From insideHPC

IBM Makes HPC Easier

IBM has introduced a new way for organizations of all sizes to buy and acquire a full HPC management suite including a community edition for those just starting...

Supermarket of the Future: Coop Italia
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supermarket of the Future: Coop Italia

Akin to our own smart retail laboratory work.  Much more in the tabs below.  Quite a bit of detail and video:   This is from Microsoft:The supermarket of the future...

Superfacility – How New Workflows in the DOE Office of Science are Changing Storage Requirements
From insideHPC

Superfacility – How New Workflows in the DOE Office of Science are Changing Storage Requirements

Katie Antypas from NERSC presented this talk at the 2016 MSST conference. Katie is the Project Lead for the NERSC-8 system procurement, a project to deploy NERSC's...

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture- Helen Nissenbaum
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture- Helen Nissenbaum

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) is pleased to announce a distinguished lecture on...

From Computational Complexity

Open Questions

Through the years I've mentioned a few of my favorite open problems in computational complexity on this blog that have perplexed me through the years. Let me mention...

Peta-Exa-Zetta: Robert Wisniewski and the Growth of Compute Power
From insideHPC

Peta-Exa-Zetta: Robert Wisniewski and the Growth of Compute Power

While much noise is being made about the race to exascale, building productive supercomputers really comes down to people and ingenuity. In this special guest feature...

Basics For Coprocessors
From insideHPC

Basics For Coprocessors

"The Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor is an example of a many core system that can greatly increase the performance of an application when used correctly. Simply taking...

Local or Cloud HPC?
From insideHPC

Local or Cloud HPC?

Cloud computing has become another tool for the HPC practitioner. For some organizations, the ability of cloud computing to shift costs from capital to operating...

Google's Cloud Machine Learning in the Mainstream
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Cloud Machine Learning in the Mainstream

In Techexplore:" .... The move is all about taking Cloud Machine Learning mainstream, "giving data scientists and developers a way to build a new class of intelligent...

Wharton Pushes Data and Decision Making
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wharton Pushes Data and Decision Making

In the WSJ, make require registration.   I particularly like that this includes decision making, not just raw data science.  I have now seen too many examples of...

Combining Data in Novel Ways: Data as Asset, Risk.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Combining Data in Novel Ways: Data as Asset, Risk.

Risks and rewards.  In O'Reilly.  A favorite topic, but there needs to be a better way to do this, its often so messy that people abandon the process.  This also...

Own a Pair of Clipper Chips
From Schneier on Security

Own a Pair of Clipper Chips

The AT&T TSD was an early 1990s telephone encryption device. It was digital. Voice quality was okay. And it was the device that contained the infamous Clipper Chip...

BlockChain for Industry
From The Eponymous Pickle

BlockChain for Industry

A transformative change when when you look at this as a ledger:  Not Just Bitcoin: Why the Blockchain Is a Seductive Technology to Many Industries

An AI Assistant Called Viv
From The Eponymous Pickle

An AI Assistant Called Viv

In TheVerge: Siri's creators will unveil their new AI bot on Monday  By Jacob Kastrenakes  " .... Viv is essentially meant to be Siri, but good. It's an AI assistant...
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