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Radio Free HPC News Roundup for Friday the 13th
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC News Roundup for Friday the 13th

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the news highlights for the week leading up to Friday the 13th of May, 2016. Highlights include a 25 Petaflop...

Half of Web Traffic is from  Bots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Half of Web Traffic is from Bots

In CWorld: I recall a statement like this before, and have also seen evidence of this when examining peaks in web analytics.   The volume still amazes me.   It...

Probabilistic Programming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Probabilistic Programming

Technical piece on the topic.  have not seen this approach used directly:" ... Probabilistic programming allows for automatic Bayesian inference on user-defined...

Students are using 'smart' spy technology to cheat in exams
From Technology News

Students are using 'smart' spy technology to cheat in exams

Students at a medical college in Thailand have been caught using spy cameras linked to smartwatches to cheat during exams. They used wireless spycams in eyeglasses...

More on the Going Dark Debate
From Schneier on Security

More on the Going Dark Debate

Lawfare is turning out to be the go-to blog for policy wonks about various government debates on cybersecurity. There are two good posts this week on the Going...

Beacons and Ad Timing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beacons and Ad Timing

  In Mediapost: Beacons Determine Best Time To Send Ads, ID When Shopper 'Due' For Store Visit by Chuck Martin Beacons were always good at being able to trigger...

Business Models for the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Models for the Internet of Things

Some good thoughts on making it work.The business of ThingsDeveloping a workable business model for the consumer IoT isn’t just important—it’s urgent.By Alasdair...

From Computational Complexity

The Challenges of Smart Cities

Earlier this week I attended the CCC workshop Computing Research: Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs (video). The workshop covered a large collection...

Project Tango from Google for Consumers?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Project Tango from Google for Consumers?

Sensor fitted phone coming?   Rumors that this will be announced at IO meetings next week.  It was often mentioned as a means to navigate inside physical retail...

Disney Makes Objects Smart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Makes Objects Smart

Disney makes objects smart using RFID tags.   In the Verge.  Gets back to an old question, where should the smarts be?   Simple tagging can place the smarts involved...

June 1 Deadline for SC16 Student Volunteer Applications Fast Approaching
From insideHPC

June 1 Deadline for SC16 Student Volunteer Applications Fast Approaching

Applications to attend SC16 as a Student Volunteer are due Wednesday, June 1. "As part of the Students@SC program, Student Volunteers play a key role in supporting...

Combating the Spread of Disease with HPC
From insideHPC

Combating the Spread of Disease with HPC

In this special guest feature, Lance Farrell writes that, in this era of global air travel, NSF-funded researchers are using supercomputers to equip policy makers...

Western Digital Completes Acquisition of SanDisk
From insideHPC

Western Digital Completes Acquisition of SanDisk

Today Western Digital announced it has completed the acquisition of SanDisk Corporation. The addition of SanDisk makes Western Digital Corporation a comprehensive...

Consolidating Storage for Scientific Computing
From insideHPC

Consolidating Storage for Scientific Computing

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Shailesh M Shenoy from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York discusses the challenges...

Altair Acquires Electromagnetics Software Portfolio from CEDRAT
From insideHPC

Altair Acquires Electromagnetics Software Portfolio from CEDRAT

Today Altair announced the company has acquired CEDRAT S.A. and its New York-based wholly-owned subsidiary, Magsoft Corporation, expanding the electromagnetic and...

Diffusion Optimization on Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

Diffusion Optimization on Intel Xeon Phi

"The next step is to look at using OpenMP directives to create multiple threads to distribute the work over many threads and cores. A key OpenMP directive, #pragma...

You Start 'Doing' Diversity by Using the Data
From ACM on Huffington Post

You Start 'Doing' Diversity by Using the Data

Google Plans to Chirp the Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Plans to Chirp the Echo

In NDTv:  Rumors out there that Google and others will soon announce a challenger to the Amazon Echo.   If anything Amazon has shown that consumers are interested...

Explainer: How dangerous is turbulence, and can it bring down a plane?
From Technology News

Explainer: How dangerous is turbulence, and can it bring down a plane?

If you have ever travelled on an aeroplane the chances are you have experienced some form of turbulence. For those of us who fly infrequently, it can be alarming...

Will this Computer Stop?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Will this Computer Stop?

Fascinating experiment underway at MIT that addresses the deep math behind every computer. I remember programming my first simulated Turing machine.  Set off aBy...
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