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Communications of the ACM



Let's Teach our Computers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Let's Teach our Computers

Wired brings up a very old idea in AI.  You should not have to write code that computers use to operate with.  That's messy, prone to error and expensive,  In particular...

Using Vectors on Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

Using Vectors on Intel Xeon Phi

The use of vector instructions can speed up applications tremendously when used correctly. The benefit is that much more work can be done in a clock cycle than...

'Technical issue' briefly cripples Swedish air traffic
From Technology News

'Technical issue' briefly cripples Swedish air traffic

"A technical issue" temporarily affected air traffic control operations in large parts of Sweden on Thursday, barring planes from taking off for 90 minutes, authorities...

Google's Renewed Focus on AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Renewed Focus on AI

Out of the Google I/O conference this week.  Good overview. A continuation of their long time attention on the application of AI.  Have been covering a number of...

From Computational Complexity


The US television industry has long fascinated me, an entertainment outlet driven by technology. David Sarnoff introduced television at the World's Fair in 1939...

Gazerecorder Eye Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gazerecorder Eye Tracking

Brought to my attention by a client connection.    In Sourceforge, a new version 1.9 of Gazerecorder  " ... WebCam Eye Tracking for usability testing ... " .  See...

Measuring Conversions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Conversions

In InternetRetailer: Been a bit out of marketing measurement lately, but its something we were keen on.  Here suggesting we look closer at conversion cycles rather...

Why we need to do more for the victims of online fraud and scams
From Technology News

Why we need to do more for the victims of online fraud and scams

As we come to the end of National Consumer Fraud Awareness Week, I can't help but reflect on my own work researching this difficult and often fraught area.

Identifying People from Their Metadata
From Schneier on Security

Identifying People from Their Metadata

Jonathan Mayer, Patrick Mutchler, and John C. Mitchell, "Evaluating the privacy properties of telephone metadata": Abstract: Since 2013, a stream of disclosures...

Opinion: Four arguments for ethical online shaming (and four problems with them)
From Technology News

Opinion: Four arguments for ethical online shaming (and four problems with them)

In democracies, it's pretty difficult to bring about any agreement on anything. So when there is general consensus that something is a problem, I think it's a good...

The empty brain
From Putting People First

The empty brain

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer, writes acclaimed psychologist Robert Epstein...

Transition design as postindustrial interaction design
From Putting People First

Transition design as postindustrial interaction design

The School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University has started talking about ‘Transition Design.’ In his long reflection about this new kind of design practice,...

Project Tango Announcement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Project Tango Announcement

Mentioned previously here for retail applications.Streaming and recorded at the link.Introducing Project Tango Area LearningMay 18, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 1Motion...

Google Home to Compete with Amazon Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Home to Compete with Amazon Echo

Announced today, the Google Home.  Previously code named the Chirp. Similar in form to the original Echo, but with more design choices.  Google is know to have...

On the Science of Touch
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Science of Touch

A little strangely, from the New Yorker.   A favorite topic, since we were always interested in how to create new kinds of touch in retail experiences.   Plus there...

Using Analytics to Build Extraordinary Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Analytics to Build Extraordinary Apps

Today at Google IO:Use analytics to build extraordinary apps  (Streaming)May 18, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra  (PDT)The average smartphone user taps and...

Watson Analytics Updated
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics Updated

Have not seen yet, worth a look.  In EWeek: At its Vision 2016 conference, IBM announced a newly redesigned interface and new features for its Watson AnalyticsIBM...

Apprenticeships in the US
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apprenticeships in the US

In K@W:  Making a comeback?  Yes, I think so, for example a good place would be in data science and programming, which are at least 50% practiced - skill based...

Quantum Computing Seminar Coming to ISC 2016 in Frankfurt
From insideHPC

Quantum Computing Seminar Coming to ISC 2016 in Frankfurt

D-Wave Systems will host a three-hour seminar on Quantum Computing at ISC 2016. Designed to teach HPC users more about quantum computing and how it might be applied...

Ryft: Bringing High Performance Analytics to Every Enterprise
From insideHPC

Ryft: Bringing High Performance Analytics to Every Enterprise

Pat McGarry from Ryft presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Tucson. "Years in the making, the Ryft ONE combines two proven innovations in hardware and software...
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