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Communications of the ACM



Podcast: TACC Powers Zika Hackathon to Fight Disease
From insideHPC

Podcast: TACC Powers Zika Hackathon to Fight Disease

In this TACC podcast, Ari Kahn from the Texas Advanced Computing Center and Eddie Garcia from Cloudera describe a recent Hackathon in Austin designed to tacklePodcast...

42 Tips to Increase Your Website’s Rank from UConn Students

42 Tips to Increase Your Website’s Rank from UConn Students

At the University of Connecticut, undergraduate students majoring in Computer Science studied Google’s PageRank algorithm as a practice on stochastic processesContinue...

Nvidia M60 GPU to Speed Virtual Desktops on IBM Cloud
From insideHPC

Nvidia M60 GPU to Speed Virtual Desktops on IBM Cloud

"With NVIDIA GPU technology on IBM Cloud, we are one step closer to offering supercomputing performance on a pay-as-you-go basis, which makes this new approachNvidia...

Apple Store and Modern Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Store and Modern Retail

We used the Apple store as a model for potential future retail.   In Retailwire, recent look and criticism of its redesign and implications for complex technical...

Larry Smarr Presents: Using Supercomputers to Reveal your Inner Microbiome
From insideHPC

Larry Smarr Presents: Using Supercomputers to Reveal your Inner Microbiome

"I have been collecting massive amounts of data from my own body over the last ten years, which reveals detailed examples of the episodic evolution of this coupled...

Is Kelly Slater's artificial wave the future of surfing?
From Technology News

Is Kelly Slater's artificial wave the future of surfing?

Surfers had never seen a spot like it: head-high waves unfurling like wrapping paper in pristine, tapering cylinders for more than a quarter-mile, with not a soul...

Supercomputing Hidden Lava Lakes
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Hidden Lava Lakes

The Piz Daint supercomputer spotted a large reservoir of magma right below the tiny South Korean island of Ulleung. No harm to humans is expected, but the origin...

IBM to Fight Zika with World Community Grid
From insideHPC

IBM to Fight Zika with World Community Grid

"Enlisting the help of World Community Grid volunteers will enable us to computationally evaluate over 20 million compounds in just the initial phase and potentially...

Could Hollywood technology help your health?
From Technology News

Could Hollywood technology help your health?

The same technology used by the entertainment industry to animate characters such as Gollum in The Lord of The Rings films, will be used to help train elite athletes...

Amsterdam as a Smart City
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amsterdam as a Smart City

Via MIT Sloan, only available for a limited time.  What overlaps exist with supply chain issues?   How about cognitive data interaction?  May require registration...

Blackchain for Data data Origin and Accuracy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blackchain for Data data Origin and Accuracy

Have worked on several projects in the last few years that dealt directly with this broad concept.  Is your data correct?   Accurate?   A governance challengeIn...

Google Creates an Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Creates an Assistant

Technology review reports on today's I/O presentations:I like the model of a 'Concierge',  it was the same method we used in our own bot experiment.  Break up information...

Dynamic dazzle distorts speed
From Technology News

Dynamic dazzle distorts speed

Dazzle camouflage, as used on World War I battleships to fool U-boat commanders, has been modernised for the twenty-first century with moving patterns.

Football fans to get smartphone vote to substitute player
From Technology News

Football fans to get smartphone vote to substitute player

An English Premier League club wants to allow supporters to vote via smartphone for the player they want substituted during a match, a data analyst has told a Doha...

Store your (Big) Data in the Code of Life?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Store your (Big) Data in the Code of Life?

The following is a special contribution to this blog by CCC Executive Council Member Mark D. Hill of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Full disclosure: He is...

Dr. Pam McCauley to Keynote XSEDE16
From insideHPC

Dr. Pam McCauley to Keynote XSEDE16

Today XSEDE announced that Dr. Pamela McCauley has been named a plenary speaker for the XSEDE16 conference. In this dynamic keynote address, McCauley will discuss...

Video: Best Practices in HPC Software Development
From insideHPC

Video: Best Practices in HPC Software Development

"Scientific code developers have increasingly been adopting software processes derived from the mainstream (non-scientific) community. Software practices are typically...

Nvidia CTO Steve Oberlin to Discuss Rise of GPUs at NCSA 30th Anniversary
From insideHPC

Nvidia CTO Steve Oberlin to Discuss Rise of GPUs at NCSA 30th Anniversary

Steve Oberlin, chief technology officer for accelerated computing at NVIDIA, will give two NCSA 30th Anniversary Featured Lectures on May 26. The morning talk is...

Data Sensemaking in a Noisy World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Sensemaking in a Noisy World

CSIG invited talk today by K. Selcuk Candan Arizona State University : ...   “Data-Driven Sensemaking in an Evolving, Noisy World”.   which is almost always the...

Slimming Down Supercomputer Power Bills
From insideHPC

Slimming Down Supercomputer Power Bills

Any performance improvements that could be wrung out of supercomputers by adding more power have long been exhausted. New supercomputers demand new options that...
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