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Encounters with HCI pioneers: a personal photo journal
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Encounters with HCI pioneers: a personal photo journal

The following is a guest blog post by Beth Mynatt, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Vice Chair and professor of Interactive Computing and the executive director...

Mobile Moments for Online Purchasing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Moments for Online Purchasing

Good think with Google piece.  More statistics about key micro moments.30% of all online purchases now occur on Mobile Phones.Mobile Retail Apps and Sites: Designing...

Cisco on the Digital Company
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco on the Digital Company

Talk by John Chambers of Cisco: How significant is the digital era? It’s the biggest technology transition in history, according to Cisco’s executive chairman—and...

Technology Can Help Us Collaborate
From The Noisy Channel

Technology Can Help Us Collaborate

In my previous post, I argued that collaboration isn’t purely — or even primarily — a technical challenge.Continue reading on Medium »

Nominations Open for PRACE Ada Lovelace HPC Award
From insideHPC

Nominations Open for PRACE Ada Lovelace HPC Award

Nominations are now open for the PRACE Ada Lovelace HPC Award. The new award recognizes woman who are making an outstanding contributions to HPC in Europe. TheNominations...

Industry Shifts to Open Infrastructure as OpenPOWER Foundation Gains Momentum
From insideHPC

Industry Shifts to Open Infrastructure as OpenPOWER Foundation Gains Momentum

Calista Redmond from IBM presented this talk at the Switzerland HPC Conference. "The OpenPOWER Foundation was founded in 2013 as an open technical membership organization...

Techila & Google Bringing on-demand HPC to Every Desk
From insideHPC

Techila & Google Bringing on-demand HPC to Every Desk

"The Techila user experience available in Google Cloud Launcher revolutionizes simulation and analysis. Techila’s patented end-to-end solution integrates the scalable...

Ford’s quest to remake itself into a master of UX
From Putting People First

Ford’s quest to remake itself into a master of UX

Ford, bastion of the old-school American economy, is now trying to recast itself as a company built around user experience. It’s finally trying to see its carsFord’s...

Brennan Center Report on NSA Overseas Spying and Executive Order 12333
From Schneier on Security

Brennan Center Report on NSA Overseas Spying and Executive Order 12333

The Brennan Center has released a report on EO 12333, the executive order that regulates the NSA's overseas surveillance. Much of what the NSA does here is secret...

Learn the Latest Cognitive and Big Data Tools at the Hartree Hack
From insideHPC

Learn the Latest Cognitive and Big Data Tools at the Hartree Hack

The STFC Hartree Centre in the UK will host a Hackathon for coders, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and start-ups in May. The event will take place May 18-20...

Video: Welcome to HPC in Switzerland
From insideHPC

Video: Welcome to HPC in Switzerland

Michele de Lorenzi from the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre presented this talk at the 2016 HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference. "Founded in 1991,Video...

Interesting Links 21 March 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 21 March 2016

It’s Spring! And as I work on this Sunday afternoon I am wondering if we will have enough snow to cancel school tomorrow. I’m thinking we will not but it’s still...

From Computational Complexity

Hillary Putnam passed away on March 13

Hillary Putnam passed away on March 13, 2016. Some of the obits say he  was a philosopher, mathematician, logician, and computer scientist. He is probably best...

Pluto and its Moons Influence our World of Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pluto and its Moons Influence our World of Data

This blog isn't about astronomy, but it is my background, and just this week, new papers and remarkable images regarding Pluto and its Moons.  We can now see so...

Big Analytics Driving Grocery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Analytics Driving Grocery

Interesting view of Grocery and Big Data.  The complexity of grocery and its data, driving the utilization of the aisle.Consumer buying behavior: How grocery stores...

Capital One is on the Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Capital One is on the Echo

Music, Shopping lists, Trivia. Simple Games.  All entertainment interactions.  But now Capital One is on the Amazon Echo.  Quite an interesting uptick on the seriousness...

Self Service Data Preparation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Service Data Preparation

Watson linking to Cognos.   And note too the link to data preparation, often a messy issue.New! Self-service Data Preparation Tool for Watson Analytics and Cognos...

Need a Smart Home Air Freshener?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Need a Smart Home Air Freshener?

Brought to my attention.  Note the ability to link to smart home hub.  How much consumer interest will there be?   Novelty vs value?  Another leveraging of Febreze...

Faster Machine Unlearning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Faster Machine Unlearning

In the CACM: " ... Researchers at Lehigh and Columbia University have developed a machine-learning method that involves making such systems forget the data's "lineage"...

Power of Selling to the C-Suite
From The Eponymous Pickle

Power of Selling to the C-Suite

C Suite as most receptive audience.    Saw this in a number of examples, even within the big and bloated enterprise.  Less cultural flap and interference.  xpectation...
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