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Communications of the ACM



Biology and computing are more alike than you think…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Biology and computing are more alike than you think…

Biological systems are seemingly of infinite complexity. We still don’t know what a heart attack is, not really. Despite billions spent, we still don’t know what...

Computer Science Education in the Age of CS for All
From ACM on Huffington Post

Computer Science Education in the Age of CS for All

For many individuals and organizations, having CS education raised to the level of being a national priority is a dream come true.

Possible Government Demand for WhatsApp Backdoor
From Schneier on Security

Possible Government Demand for WhatsApp Backdoor

The New York Times is reporting that WhatsApp, and its parent company Facebook, may be headed to court over encrypted chat data that the FBI can't decrypt. This...

Students: Apply for ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships
From insideHPC

Students: Apply for ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships

Submissions opened today for ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships. Designed to increase the diversity of students pursuing graduate degrees...

Maple Syrup and Coding For Fun
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Maple Syrup and Coding For Fun

It’s maple syrup time in New Hampshire where I live. My wife and I with some help from the neighbor kid decided it was time we got in on the fun. So we bought some...

[Book] The Smarter Screen
From Putting People First

[Book] The Smarter Screen

The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior by Shlomo Benartzi Penguin Random House October 2015, 256 pages A leading behavioral...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

One Flip Sends Many Bits

Another coins on a chessboard puzzle Cropped from Ashley’s TwiCopy source Hou Yifan and Maurice Ashley are champions of chess in several senses. Hou just regained...

Finally Leveraging 30 Years of Knowledge in AI?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Finally Leveraging 30 Years of Knowledge in AI?

In the Enterprise we talked to Cyc for potential application in the enterprise, but at the time there were no clear applications.   Cyc is an attempt to recordIn...

Inaugural Dell HPC Community Meeting Coming to Austin April 18-21
From insideHPC

Inaugural Dell HPC Community Meeting Coming to Austin April 18-21

"This meeting is open to all Dell HPC customers and partners. During the event, we will establish the Dell HPC Community as an independent, worldwide technicalInaugural...

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Computer Science for All
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Computer Science for All

National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for the Directorate of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) James Kurose and NSF Assistant Director...

McD's First Loyalty Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

McD's First Loyalty Program

A first .. McDonalds to join the App based loyalty programs.   " ... Nation's Restaurant News noted that McDonald's has been building up its digital team to better...

New Learning Methods for Neural Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Learning Methods for Neural Networks

We used mostly error back propagation.  How will this influence new methods being used for classification?  Technical, worth a deeper look in the linked paper.In...

Punishment and Trust
From Schneier on Security

Punishment and Trust

Interesting research: "Third-party punishment as a costly signal of trustworthiness, by Jillian J. Jordan, Moshe Hoffman, Paul Bloom,and David G. Rand, Nature:...

Video: The National Strategic Computing Initiative
From insideHPC

Video: The National Strategic Computing Initiative

"U.S. President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) on July 31, 2015. In the order, he directed agencies...

Better Know a Committee – 2016 edition
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Better Know a Committee – 2016 edition

The CSTA Board of Directors is a working board. Board members work closely with the Executive Director to articulate the vision for the organization, plan initiatives...

Caution with the Statistical P Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

Caution with the Statistical P Value

Statistical measures like P-Values and R Squares are dragged out to prove a number of things.  But caution should be considered.  This Nature article does a good...

Cyber Dyne’s KIMEME Software Comes to Penguin On Demand
From insideHPC

Cyber Dyne’s KIMEME Software Comes to Penguin On Demand

Today Penguin Computing announced the availability Cyber Dyne’s KIMEME software on the POD public HPC cloud service. "It’s now possible to submit and manage large...

Brookhaven Lab is the latest Nvidia GPU Research Center
From insideHPC

Brookhaven Lab is the latest Nvidia GPU Research Center

Today Nvidia announced that Brookhaven National Laboratory has been named a 2016 GPU Research Center. "The center will enable Brookhaven Lab to collaborate with...

Artificial intelligence is mostly a matter of computational power?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Artificial intelligence is mostly a matter of computational power?

Unless you live under a rock, you should know by now that AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence, has beaten a world champion at the game of Go. After Tic Tac Toe,...

Dell Powers New Pearcy Cluster at CSIRO in Australia
From insideHPC

Dell Powers New Pearcy Cluster at CSIRO in Australia

The CSIRO national science agency in Australia has teamed up with Dell to deliver a new HPC cluster called "Pearcey." The Pearcey cluster supports CSIRO research...
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