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Communications of the ACM



Challenge and Value of Simplicity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenge and Value of Simplicity

Simplicity is challenging, but essential.  A look from the retail perspective.  In Retailwire:   " .... For the third straight year, Aldi ranked first in Siegel...

PurePredictive Automating Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

PurePredictive Automating Data Science

Another data science automation play that is worth a look." ... Visualization tools are good. But they can only tell you where you've been.Let PurePredictive Help...

Thoughts on Gartner BI Conference Next Week
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on Gartner BI Conference Next Week

Brought to my attention.  The Gartner BI conference next week.  Noted in particular the list of exhibitors.   Wide view of corporate needs there.   Who do you bet...

Debugging Slow Buffered Reads on the Lustre File System
From insideHPC

Debugging Slow Buffered Reads on the Lustre File System

"Buffered read performance under Lustre has been inexplicably slow when compared to writes or even direct IO reads. A balanced FDR-based Object Storage Server can...

Bull Supercomputer Aids Discovery of Gravitational Waves
From insideHPC

Bull Supercomputer Aids Discovery of Gravitational Waves

The discovery of gravitational waves, announced by an international team of scientists, including Cardiff University’s Gravitational Physics Group, was verified...

IBM Watson CTO Rob High to Keynote GPU Technology Conference
From insideHPC

IBM Watson CTO Rob High to Keynote GPU Technology Conference

Today Nvidia announced that Rob High, IBM Fellow, VP and chief technology officer for Watson, will deliver a keynote at our GPU Technology Conference on AprilIBM...

OpenMP and SIMD Instructions on Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

OpenMP and SIMD Instructions on Intel Xeon Phi

"Vector instruction sets have progressed over time, and it important to use the most appropriate vector instruction set when running on specific hardware. The OpenMP...

Hidden Credit Card Skimmers
From Schneier on Security

Hidden Credit Card Skimmers

New credit card skimmers are hidden inside the card readers, making them impossible to spot....

Grocery Runners Home Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Grocery Runners Home Delivery

Brought to my attention via a door nob hanger:  The Grocery Runners.  A third party company that delivers grocery items from Kroger markets. Kroger recently started...

This Blog and the Future of the Supermarket
From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog and the Future of the Supermarket

A nicely done article in Epicurious on technology and the supermarket.  Also speculation about what form the market will take in the future.  Proud to say that...

Building Interactive Graphs in R
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Interactive Graphs in R

In DSC: A good example of interactive use of R.  The package has an amazing number of alternatives.  Just a matter of learning some of the options and details.

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

David Johnson: 1945-2016

David just passed away David Johnson was a computer theorist who worked on many things, with special emphasis on the care and treatment of hard computational problems...

Plagiarism in Crossword Puzzles
From Schneier on Security

Plagiarism in Crossword Puzzles

Yet another fraud discovered through data analysis....

Slidecast: How to Make MPI Awesome – MPI Sessions
From insideHPC

Slidecast: How to Make MPI Awesome – MPI Sessions

In this slidecast, Jeff Squyres from Cisco Systems presents: How to make MPI Awesome - MPI Sessions. "As a proposal for future versions of the MPI Standard, MPI...

Create a Trusted Hub to Engage
From The Eponymous Pickle

Create a Trusted Hub to Engage

Not unknown.  Have to do it well.  In Adage:  " ...  L'Oreal Creates Unbranded Content Hub to Woo Beauty Fans ... Beauty Site Called Fab Even Covers Rival Brands...

Paving the Way for Theta and Aurora
From insideHPC

Paving the Way for Theta and Aurora

"One of the ALCF’s primary tasks is to help prepare key applications for two advanced supercomputers. One is the 8.5-petaflops Theta system based on the upcoming...

Possibilities for the Amazon Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Possibilities for the Amazon Echo

The NYT talks about the Amazon Echo.   " ... This time it may be different. A bit more than a year after its release, the Echo has morphed from a gimmicky experiment...

Clearing the Fog in Neuroscience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clearing the Fog in Neuroscience

Clearing the Fog on NeuroscienceElissa MosesCEO, Ipsos Neuro and Behavioral Science CenterAs an advocate and practitioner of applied neuroscience, I want to address...

Nominate for NSA Best Cybersecurity Paper Competition
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominate for NSA Best Cybersecurity Paper Competition

The National Security Agency is seeking nominations for its Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition. The 4th competition is open for nominations...

Looking at Group Chat
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking at Group Chat

A little while back was invited to a Slack conversation.   I was initially impressed by the easy of interaction.  But as the conversation evolved it started toHere...
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