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Communications of the ACM



The Angst Overhead
From updated sporadically at best

The Angst Overhead

In high school, our crew coach often reminded us to relax our faces. Crew is a sport based on precision and pain. Though frowning is often the natural response,...

It is easy to lose sight of why we do things…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

It is easy to lose sight of why we do things…

I like to write and publish research papers. I think it can be tremendously useful. A research paper serves as a reference describing what was done and what was...

Mismeasure of Uncertainty
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mismeasure of Uncertainty

Stephen Few thoughtfully reviews Willful Ignorance:  The Mismeasure of Uncertainty, by Herbert Weisberg.Modern science relies heavily on an approach to the assessment...

Driving Everyone Towards an Innovative Firm
From The Eponymous Pickle

Driving Everyone Towards an Innovative Firm

In Innovation Management: Innovation is very much the word of the moment. We hear it used in science, the arts, in politics, in society, and often for good reason...

Advanced Social Media Insights
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advanced Social Media Insights

On Using  IBM Watson Analytics for Advanced Social Media Insights - SHIFT Communications PR Agency  ...    " ... As marketers and communicators, we must alwaysUntil...

How the World Bank is ‘nudging’ attitudes to health and hygiene
From Putting People First

How the World Bank is ‘nudging’ attitudes to health and hygiene

Many of the problems governments and NGOs in developing countries are trying to fix are at least partly behavioural. This is where nudge theory comes in. It isHow...

McKinsey on customer experience
From Putting People First

McKinsey on customer experience

McKinsey just published no leas than six articles on customer experience: From touchpoints to journeys: Seeing the world as customers do To maximize customer satisfaction...

Friday Squid Blogging: Whale Mistaken for Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Whale Mistaken for Squid

A purported giant squid that washed up on the shore in Norfolk, England, is actually a minke whale. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the...

Sabotaging Bicycle Racks
From Schneier on Security

Sabotaging Bicycle Racks

This is the first time I've heard of this clever hack. Bicycle thieves saw through a bicycle rack and then tape it back together, so unsuspecting people chain their...

Robots Impacting Jobs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Impacting Jobs

In K@W:   Interview with Martin Ford, author of "Rise of the Robots"." ... Today, robots are increasingly handling many jobs in manufacturing that were done byBut...

Amazon Continues to Work at Automatic Replenishment
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Continues to Work at Automatic Replenishment

Printer ink, detergent, other essentials for the smart home.  As they continue to make headway in making the home smarter. From shopping list updates to directFurther...

Radio Free HPC Looks at Dell’s Imminent Acquisition of EMC
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at Dell’s Imminent Acquisition of EMC

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at Dell's acquisition of EMC, which is expected to close soon pending regulatory approval. "The transaction combines...

Interview: Why Co-design is the Path Forward for Exascale Computing
From insideHPC

Interview: Why Co-design is the Path Forward for Exascale Computing

"Co-Design is a collaborative effort among industry thought leaders, academia, and manufacturers to reach Exascale performance by taking a holistic system-level...

With GPUOpen, CGG Fuels Petroleum Exploration using AMD FirePro GPUs
From insideHPC

With GPUOpen, CGG Fuels Petroleum Exploration using AMD FirePro GPUs

Today AMD announced that CGG, a pioneering global geophysical services and equipment company, has deployed AMD FirePro S9150 server GPUs to accelerate its geoscience...

Gartner on Customer Journey Analytics.  Then Thinking Beyond.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner on Customer Journey Analytics. Then Thinking Beyond.

A manifesto, on customer journies.  Nicely thought out. Then this made me think beyond the customer domain.  Suppose I mapped the journey of an employee in an enterprise...

Video: Panel Discussion on Exascale Computing
From insideHPC

Video: Panel Discussion on Exascale Computing

In this video from the 2016 Stanford HPC Conference, Gilad Shainer from the HPC Advisory Council moderates a panel discussion on Exascale Computing. "ExascaleVideo...

Theoretical Foundations for Social Computing Workshop Report
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Theoretical Foundations for Social Computing Workshop Report

Contributions to this post were made by Jenn Wortman Vaughan, a senior researcher at Microsoft Research and a member of the workshop’s organizing committee.   The...

Industrial Simulation vs Agent Models
From The Eponymous Pickle

Industrial Simulation vs Agent Models

Had thought about this difference for some time.  A new examination brought this paper up.  A good technical, practitioner eye view.  Here DES means Discrete Event...

Data Is a Toxic Asset
From Schneier on Security

Data Is a Toxic Asset

Thefts of personal information aren't unusual. Every week, thieves break into networks and steal data about people, often tens of millions at a time. Most of the...

Collaborative consumption: from value for users to a society with values
From Putting People First

Collaborative consumption: from value for users to a society with values

Four European Union consumers associations – OCU (Spain), Altroconsumo (Italy), DECO-Proteste (Portugal) and Test-Achats/Test Aankoop (Belgium) – in collaboration...
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