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Communications of the ACM



Internet 2 Rethought
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet 2 Rethought

Happened to be at a presentation announcing the launch of Internet 2, and admit I have not thought about it for years.   Not really an advanced internet, but an...

Resilient Systems News: IBM to Buy Resilient Systems
From Schneier on Security

Resilient Systems News: IBM to Buy Resilient Systems

Today, IBM announced its intention to purchase my company, Resilient Systems. (Yes, the rumors were basically true.) I think this is a great development for Resilient...

Video: Node Health Check (NHC) Project Update
From insideHPC

Video: Node Health Check (NHC) Project Update

In this video from the 2016 Stanford HPC Conference, Michael Jennings from LBNL presents: Node Health Check (NHC) Project Update. "In this follow-up to his 2014...

Code Modernization for Smarter Geophysics
From insideHPC

Code Modernization for Smarter Geophysics

Today Allinea announced plans to champion what it sees as a key survival message for the Energy industry when it exhibits at the Rice Oil and Gas HPC Conference...

Adaptive Computing steps up with High Productivity Remote Visualization
From insideHPC

Adaptive Computing steps up with High Productivity Remote Visualization

Today Adaptive Computing announced it has integrated Remote Visualization with Moab’s workload submission portal, Viewpoint, in order to improve ease-of-use and...

Networks of Parked Cars Could Save Your Life
From The Eponymous Pickle

Networks of Parked Cars Could Save Your Life

Suggesting that parked cars, acting as a network of computing systems and sensors, could play an infrastructure role as part of the Internet of Things.   Why parked...

A Consumer Value Equation
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Consumer Value Equation

We were proponents of using a 'consumer value equation'.  Still relevant, but it has been suggested that there are value drivers that are evolving more rapidlyIn...

Video: Using HPC to Advance Water Desalination By Electrodialysis
From insideHPC

Video: Using HPC to Advance Water Desalination By Electrodialysis

"Electrodialysis is a technology used for water purification in applications such as desalination for drinking water, waste water reuse, and demineralization. An...

Industry Experts Discuss Accelerating Science with Storage Systems Research
From insideHPC

Industry Experts Discuss Accelerating Science with Storage Systems Research

In this special guest feature, Ken Strandberg describes the highlights of panel discussion on high performance storage at SC15. "There was significant discussion...

From Computational Complexity

It works in practice, but does it work in theory (Pollard's Factorization algorithm)

Throughout this post I ignore  polylog factors. It is trivial to factor N in time N1/2.  Pollard's rho-algorithm (see my write up here or Wikipedia Entry) for...

HoloLens Developer Hardware Specs
From The Eponymous Pickle

HoloLens Developer Hardware Specs

In theVerge:  Good to see more specifications for developers, also for innovators considering applications but still no much new with regard to realistic commercial...

Automating Feature Engineering
From The Eponymous Pickle

Automating Feature Engineering

Correspondent Jason Maughan of PurePredictive sends along a Beta of some work he is doing on feature engineering.  Based on Kaggle experience.  As  I have always...

More on the "Data as Exhaust" Metaphor
From Schneier on Security

More on the "Data as Exhaust" Metaphor

Research paper: Gavin J.D. Smith, "Surveillance, Data and Embodiment: On the Work of Being Watched," Body and Society, January 2016. Abstract: Today's bodies are...

Interesting Links 29 February 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 February 2016

February break is over. I’m not actually in school today as I am working with one of the writing teams working on a framework for K-12 Computer Science Education...

Writing the K12 CS Framework
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Writing the K12 CS Framework

Like most classroom teachers I really hate missing class time with my students. So I’m pretty deliberate about the time that I do miss. I’m missing the next two...

Google Neural Network Determines Image Location
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Neural Network Determines Image Location

A superhuman capability?  Certainly in volume of recollection. Applications? Retail product location?   Advertising analysis when linked to neural or behavioral...

How will Innovation Save P&G?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How will Innovation Save P&G?

In the Enquirer:  I worked in the innovation space there for a number of years.  Good article on whats up publicly, mostly in product as opposed to operational...

STEM IP – Advancing HPC, Industry & Society
From insideHPC

STEM IP – Advancing HPC, Industry & Society

"When it comes to commercialization of promising IP, HPC punches below its weight. That, we can and should change. Where does the HPC community get training onSTEM...

Will the Cloud Change Scientific Computing?
From insideHPC

Will the Cloud Change Scientific Computing?

"What is important to researchers is ‘time to science,’ not the length of time a job takes to compute. 'If you can wait in line at a national supercomputing center...

Wal-Mart Out Sources
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Out Sources

Fascinating behind the scenes look.   Note how this takes information and data closer to the business process.      In Infoq:" ...  has open-sourced OneOps, a cross...
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