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CNET Smarthome Experiences Fragmentation
From The Eponymous Pickle

CNET Smarthome Experiences Fragmentation

Now that we finally have a large number of potential interactive components for the smart home,  how will they work together?  CNET discovers, as I have,  that...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Pierce-Birkhoff Conjecture

A kind of hierarchy collapse? Cropped from father-son bio source Garrett Birkhoff was a mathematician who is best known for his research on lattices, and also his...

Lost my bet: the PC isn’t dead… yet
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Lost my bet: the PC isn’t dead… yet

I can’t predict the future, nobody can… but I think betting on the future is a good intellectual workout. It forces you to think beyond your day-to-day activities...

Tablets replacing PCs: Resolving the $100 bet
From Geeking with Greg

Tablets replacing PCs: Resolving the $100 bet

In 2012, Professor Daniel Lemire and I bet $100 over the question of whether tablets would replace PCs. Specifically, the bet was, "In some quarter of 2015, the...

What My PhD Was Like
From updated sporadically at best

What My PhD Was Like

Recently, I have been talking to many prospective PhD students about choosing graduate institutions and advisors. In addition to excitement, there is fear and confusion...

Fintech Evolves, and this Blog Does too.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fintech Evolves, and this Blog Does too.

I just noticed that the term Fintech had never been used in this blog before this year.  So is it that a new term?  I have just updated the text tagsFintech toFintech...

Financial Revolutionist
From The Eponymous Pickle

Financial Revolutionist

Newly discovered, the Financial Revolutionist weekly newsletter on Fintech.  I admit even the term Fintech (Financial Technology).  Was new to me.   Nicely done...

Video: HPC, Deep Learning and GPUs
From insideHPC

Video: HPC, Deep Learning and GPUs

"From image recognition in social media to self-driving cars and medical image processing, deep learning is everywhere in our daily lives. Learn about recent advancements...

Job of the Week: Supercomputing Systems Administrator at Lockheed Martin
From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Supercomputing Systems Administrator at Lockheed Martin

"This Lockheed Martin Enterprise Business Services (EBS) position performs as a Systems Administrator supporting Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Information Technology...

From Human Brains to Computer Brains

From Human Brains to Computer Brains

Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Recommenders, Machine Learning and the list of endless fancy words that popup here and there over websites will...

Amazon Selling Diapers Under a new Name
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Selling Diapers Under a new Name

It remains interesting that Amazon will attempt to compete in classic private label brands:In Retailwire:" ... Parents don't take diapers lightly. Amazon discovered...

Dialog Connection LTD
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dialog Connection LTD

From Maria Aretoula   Dialog Connection. Voice Recognition application, Speech IVR, Voice User Interface (VUI),  Design, Testing, Tuning and Optimisation.  ......

Elements of Python Style
From The Eponymous Pickle

Elements of Python Style

Via O'Reilly some interesting  technical aspects of Python programming.    An introductory tutorial,  On Fluid code. and more videos.

Books v eBooks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Books v eBooks

Still buy them both, but moving towards eBooks.  Even my public library provides them.   Bit I like the feel of the physical book,  and its at a glance browse-ability...

Traffic Light Project in Several Acts
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Traffic Light Project in Several Acts

Dawn DuPriest posted an interesting project on her blog - Teaching event-based programming – a traffic light. I like it a lot. It’s a good way to introduce state...

Friday Squid Blogging: Energy Converter Inspired by Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Energy Converter Inspired by Squid

Engineers have invented a wave energy converter that works in the same way that squid propel themselves through the water. As usual, you can also use this squid...

Registration Open for MSST Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology
From insideHPC

Registration Open for MSST Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology

Registration is now open for the 32nd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2016). As the premier conference for massive-scale...

Bull Builds Bura Supercomputer at University of Rijeka
From insideHPC

Bull Builds Bura Supercomputer at University of Rijeka

Today Bull Atos announced it has successfully installed the most powerful supercomputer in the Adriatic region. Named after the Croatia North Wind, the new Bura...

Notice and Consent
From Schneier on Security

Notice and Consent

New Research: Rebecca Lipman, "Online Privacy and the Invisible Market for Our Data." The paper argues that notice and consent doesn't work, and suggests how is...

GE and Accenture Partnership
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE and Accenture Partnership

GE & Accenture- Partnering to Utilize Big Data to Create Business EfficienciesGE and Accenture are developing technology and analytics applications that help companies...
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