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Communications of the ACM



Making the business case for user experience
From Putting People First

Making the business case for user experience

In the ‘age of the customer’, IT leaders should be paying particular attention to the growing business case for UX testing and research, writes Chloe Green in Information...

AweSim Project at OSC to Advance Welding Simulation with HPC4Mfg
From insideHPC

AweSim Project at OSC to Advance Welding Simulation with HPC4Mfg

Today the AweSim program at the Ohio Supercomputer Center announced it has been selected to develop one of 10 national industry projects under the DOE High Performance...

UX methodologies for pharmaceutical companies
From Putting People First

UX methodologies for pharmaceutical companies

PMLiVE, the news site for the pharmaceutical industry, is quite outspoken on the need for UX and customer experience methodologies in the pharmaceutical industry...

Podcast: John Gustafson on What’s Next for Parallel Computing
From insideHPC

Podcast: John Gustafson on What’s Next for Parallel Computing

In this podcast from Radio New Zealand, John Gustafson from the A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research discusses parallelism and high performance computing...

CCC Council Member Shwetak Patel Named Extraordinary Early-Career Scientist by President Obama
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Shwetak Patel Named Extraordinary Early-Career Scientist by President Obama

President Obama has named 105 researchers recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers. This is the highest honor bestowed by...

Google Cloud Vision for Image Tagging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Cloud Vision for Image Tagging

Spent quite a bit of time looking at at the problem of recognizing and tagging images for marketing applications.  It turned out to be a  key requirement for systems...

Joining The Document Foundation Board
From Wild WebMink

Joining The Document Foundation Board

At the end of 2015 I was honoured to be elected to serve as a director of The Document Foundation — the charity that develops LibreOffice — for two years. The new...

Security Implications of Cash
From Schneier on Security

Security Implications of Cash

I saw two related stories today. The first is about high-denomination currency. The EU is considering dropping its 500-euro note, on the grounds that only criminals...

LitDev (little developer) extension for Small Basic
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

LitDev (little developer) extension for Small Basic

People using Small Basic may be interested in the LitDev (little developer) extension for Small Basic. They add a lot of functionality to the language and open...

GE's Big Bet on Data and Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE's Big Bet on Data and Analytics

MIT Sloan: GE’s Big Bet on Data and AnalyticsSeeking opportunities in the Internet of Things, GE expands into industrial analytics.February 18, 2016 by Laura Winig...

Whats a Security Graph?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats a Security Graph?

So whats a security graph?   " ... Data visualization is a booming segment of the big data job market, and it’s found an obvious foothold in security. The requirement...

Mind Palaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mind Palaces

The topic of Mind Palaces have come up often as plot points on memory problem oriented TV programs.   Could you have ever guessed there were many of these?   How...

Things you have probably not seen coming…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Things you have probably not seen coming…

The world changes but we often do not pay attention. Did you see these changes coming? Paper dictionaries being good as door stoppers and not much else. Major conservative...

Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam March 22-23!
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam March 22-23!

The Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam date has been set! It will take place at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) campus in Gaithersburg...

GE & DOE Partner on HPC4Mfg Projects
From insideHPC

GE & DOE Partner on HPC4Mfg Projects

Today GE Global Research announced that it has been awarded two projects under the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Manufacturing...

SC16 Student Volunteers Program now Accepting Applications
From insideHPC

SC16 Student Volunteers Program now Accepting Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the Student Volunteers Program at the SC16 conference. As the premier international conference for high performance computing...

Advanced Hands-On OpenCL Tutorial To Kick-Off IWOCL 2016
From insideHPC

Advanced Hands-On OpenCL Tutorial To Kick-Off IWOCL 2016

Registration is now open for the Advanced Hands-On OpenCL Tutorial at the IWOCL 2016 conferernce. The tutorial focuses on advanced OpenCL concepts and is an extension...

HPC Podcast Looks at Intel’s Pending Distribution of Python
From insideHPC

HPC Podcast Looks at Intel’s Pending Distribution of Python

In this HPC Podcast, Don Kinhorn and Chris Stevens from Puget Systems discuss the boom in FPGAs at SC15 as well as Intel’s announcement that the company is going...

By studying underserved communities, Microsoft wants to improve UX for everyone
From Putting People First

By studying underserved communities, Microsoft wants to improve UX for everyone

August de los Reyes came to a new understanding of design after thinking about (and experiencing) disability. Disability, writes Cliff Kuang (who interviewed him)...

Changes Afoot from the HPC Crystal Ball
From insideHPC

Changes Afoot from the HPC Crystal Ball

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Andrew Jones from NAG looks ahead at what 2016 has in store for HPC and finds people, not technology...
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