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Communications of the ACM



Using Eagles to Intercept Drones
From Schneier on Security

Using Eagles to Intercept Drones

Both Dutch and UK police are training eagles to attack drones....

Should we Create Humanlike Robots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Should we Create Humanlike Robots

In IEEE Spectrum:  Sure, we will do it, and are doing it, if only for their capability of getting attention.  But will there be actual value in mimicking ourselves...

Nexsan BEAST Storage Array Delivers 4.8 PB in a 42U Rack
From insideHPC

Nexsan BEAST Storage Array Delivers 4.8 PB in a 42U Rack

Today Nexsan announced the next-generation Nexsan BEAST storage array. Engineered to deliver superior reliability, availability and energy efficiency along with...

Three student videos that you do not want to miss!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Three student videos that you do not want to miss!

Most of you have probably seen the results of our latest Faces of Computing video competition themed around Computing for the Common Good, and I’m sure you’ll agree...

IARPA Request For Information – Novel Training Datasets and Environments to Advance Artificial Intelligence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

IARPA Request For Information – Novel Training Datasets and Environments to Advance Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the public’s imagination for over 60 years, but it has proceeded in fits and starts leading to what has become known as...

Supercomputing and the Search for Planet 9
From insideHPC

Supercomputing and the Search for Planet 9

Still unobserved, Planet 9 is within the gravitational influence of our sun, completing one revolution in approximately 20,000 years. That means its orbital clock...

Cyber Security: IDC Study Shows Wide Range of Corporate Preparedness
From insideHPC

Cyber Security: IDC Study Shows Wide Range of Corporate Preparedness

"The findings of a recent IDC study on the cybersecurity practices of U.S. businesses reveal a wide spectrum of attitudes and approaches to the growing challenge...

Blockchain Ledger: Hyperledger
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Ledger: Hyperledger

And ledgers that are then plugged into smart contracts?   Deeper compliance." .... Most people know alternative currencies such as bitcoin make use of a distributed...

Risks of Superintelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Risks of Superintelligence

In the always provocative Kurzweil AI a while back:" ... In “The A.I. Anxiety” Sunday (12/27), the Washington Post concisely summarized the risks implicit in superintelligence...

Registration Opens for PRACEdays16 in Prague
From insideHPC

Registration Opens for PRACEdays16 in Prague

Registration is now open for PRACEdays16. As one of Europe’s most important conferences on HPC in science and industry, PRACEdays16 will be held from May 10-12Registration...

Rana el Kaliouby and Tracy Chou's Formative Moments
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Rana el Kaliouby and Tracy Chou's Formative Moments

As a belated celebration of #WomenInSTEM day, I wanted to share a couple of really great videos (and below explanation) shared with me. Enjoy!Expanding the number...

Bright Computing Names Bill Wagner as CEO
From insideHPC

Bright Computing Names Bill Wagner as CEO

Today Bright Computing announced that Bill Wagner has been appointed as its Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. As Bright Computing’s CEO, Bill succeeds...

Video Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Video Ads

In Think with Google:  Interesting stats and learnings about the use of video in Ads.    An area we looked at closely.  Google obviously has an interest regarding...

High-Performance Lustre* Storage Solution Helps Enable the Intel® Scalable System Framework
From insideHPC

High-Performance Lustre* Storage Solution Helps Enable the Intel® Scalable System Framework

"Intel has incorporated Intel Solutions for Lustre Software as part of the Intel SSF because it provides the performance to move data and minimize storage bottlenecks...

Fear and Anxiety
From Schneier on Security

Fear and Anxiety

More psychological research on our reaction to terrorism and mass violence: The researchers collected posts on Twitter made in response to the 2012 shooting attack...

The new face of behavioral change in healthcare
From Putting People First

The new face of behavioral change in healthcare

Glen de Vries argues that tracking basic biology can create positive reinforcements for health-related behaviors?. Yet, he is faced with a challenge: those whoThe...

Experts fear wearables going down path of misguided user research
From Putting People First

Experts fear wearables going down path of misguided user research

A recent study showed that in early wearable app development, the lack of identifying the user scenarios resulted in too much focus on technology and neglecting...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Waves, Hazards, and Guesses

Some matters of gravity in science Moshe Vardi is famous for many things, including his brilliant turn as the Editor-in-Chief of the Communications of the ACM....

Reading Customer Minds
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reading Customer Minds

In Retailwire:  We can hardly do it consistently yet, but we can get some indications of mood and possibilities.  And we don't have to always be exactly right."...

Is Small Data  more Business Process Context?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Small Data more Business Process Context?

Making my way through the book below.  Martin Lindstrom is a great storyteller, starting with his well known work with LEGO.      Before I finish the book, my initial...
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