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From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Magic To Do

Can we avoid accepting what we cannot verify? Cropped from biography source Arthur Clarke was a British writer of great breadth and huge impact. He was a science...

Artificial Intelligence in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Artificial Intelligence in Business

 Some statistics about the re-emergence of AI in Business.   As pioneers of the use of AI in business, we have also started to see many queries asking:  Is this...

Ellexus Launches Mistral Software for Balancing Shared Storage across HPC Clusters
From insideHPC

Ellexus Launches Mistral Software for Balancing Shared Storage across HPC Clusters

Today Ellexus in the UK announced the release of Mistral, a "ground breaking" product for balancing shared storage across a high performance computing cluster.Ellexus...

Video: Meet IME – The World’s First Burst Buffer
From insideHPC

Video: Meet IME – The World’s First Burst Buffer

"DDN’s IME14K revolutionizes how information is saved and accessed by compute. IME software allows data to reside next to compute in a very fast, shared pool of...

SAP Testing Data Viz at Superbowl
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP Testing Data Viz at Superbowl

In InformationWeek:  SAP Uses Super Bowl 50 To Test Data Visualization, UX ... SAP's Fan Energy Zone in San Francisco's Super Bowl 50 celebrations is a giant test...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Knitting Pattern
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Knitting Pattern

Surprisingly realistic for a knitted stuffed animal....

Microsoft to buy Swiftkey
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft to buy Swiftkey

In Fortune:  When I first read this, I remembered seeing Swiftkey demonstrated.  Though I never had it on one of my own devices, the aha came quickly.  Quickly...

Video: Altera’s Stratix 10 – 14nm FPGA Targeting 1GHz Performance
From insideHPC

Video: Altera’s Stratix 10 – 14nm FPGA Targeting 1GHz Performance

altera2In this video from the 2015 Hot Chips Conference, Mike Hutton from Altera presents: Stratix 10 Altera’s 14nm FPGA Targeting 1GHz Performance. "Stratix 10...

Hidden Science Behind Superbowl Ads.  Neuroscience?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hidden Science Behind Superbowl Ads. Neuroscience?

In Adage:  Lots about behavioral science to understand top ads, but no mention of neuroscience. Consumer behavior is different than neural behavior.   Recall that...

Job of the Week: Information Technologist at ICER at Michigan State
From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Information Technologist at ICER at Michigan State

ICER at Michigan State is seeking an Information Technologist in our Job of the Week. "As a joint appointment between Michigan State University’s Information Technology...

Hololens Competition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hololens Competition

Always want to see real commercial and industrial applications of augmented (now being called mixed reality) applications.   Here the results of an App competition...

Brains Showing Way to Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brains Showing Way to Machine Learning

In Technology Review.  Taking more hints from nature.  Although I disagree that its a complete way to do computer programming.   People still make sequential decision...

Making and Flying Complex Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making and Flying Complex Devices

A new jet engine takes a certification flight. Article in GE's Bikeshop.  My new experiences show how complex the development, delivery and use of a jet engines...

Microsoft Research Open Source Challenge
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft Research Open Source Challenge

Now this is interesting. Not often you think of Microsoft and Open Source in the same sentence. Although it does seem to be happening more and more often. Thishttp...

Understanding API Ecosystems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding API Ecosystems

In the CACM:  Revealing the API Ecosystem and Enterprise Strategy via Visual Analytics.   Valuable insights can be gained by applying visual analytic techniques...

It’s not Cyberspace anymore
From Apophenia

It’s not Cyberspace anymore

It’s been 20 years — 20 years!? — since John Perry Barlow wrote “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” — a rant in response to the government and corporate...

NSA Reorganizing
From Schneier on Security

NSA Reorganizing

The NSA is undergoing a major reorganization, combining its attack and defense sides into a single organization: In place of the Signals Intelligence and Information...

Agenda Posted for HPC User Forum in Tucson, April 11-13
From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for HPC User Forum in Tucson, April 11-13

IDC has published the agenda for their next HPC User Forum. The event will take place April 11-13 in Tucson, AZ. "Don't miss the chance to hear top experts on these...

Retail with AI and Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail with AI and Retail

Interesting idea, but still too complex.  Simple still works well. With new tech, see yourself on a mountain top from a store floor, or browse store aisles from...

R software and tools for everyday use

R software and tools for everyday use

Long, long time ago … I started with Octave and Matlab.They were amazing and allowed me to solve a lot of interesting problems in my research. I loved the command...
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