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Computer Science PhD School Visits, Revisited
From updated sporadically at best

Computer Science PhD School Visits, Revisited

Here you are, PhD admissions letters in hand, trying to decide how best to spend the next n years of your life. Congratulations! The part of the process thatSchool...

Auburn University Launches Hopper Supercomputer from Lenovo
From insideHPC

Auburn University Launches Hopper Supercomputer from Lenovo

Today Auburn University unveiled its new $1 million supercomputer that will enhance research across campus, from microscopic gene sequencing to huge engineering...

Saving East African Crops with Supercomputing
From insideHPC

Saving East African Crops with Supercomputing

"Because the silverfly species are identical to look at, the best way to distinguish them is by examining their genetic difference, so we are deploying a mix of...

Chalk Talk: What is a Data Lake?
From insideHPC

Chalk Talk: What is a Data Lake?

"If you think of a data mart as a store of bottled water – cleansed and packaged and structured for easy consumption – the data lake is a large body of water in...

Registration Opens for Inaugural Nimbix Developer Summit in Dallas
From insideHPC

Registration Opens for Inaugural Nimbix Developer Summit in Dallas

Registration is now open for the inaugural Nimbix Developer Summit. With an impressive lineup of speakers & sponsors from Mellanox, migenius, Xilinx, and more,Registration...

Women Who Paved the Way for the Internet of Things: A Teacher Finds Her Voice

Women Who Paved the Way for the Internet of Things: A Teacher Finds Her Voice

If my story connects with a single person, I will have succeeded. It’s been a busy, challenging, and exhilarating 15 years since, punctuated by a wide variety of...

Serious Games Industry News
From The Eponymous Pickle

Serious Games Industry News

 Newly referenced:   Useful read." ... We believe that the current growth of the gamification and serious gaming market is about to accelerate for the following...

Google  and Real Time Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and Real Time Ads

In AdExchanger:" ... Google sounds more and more like Twitter, heralding ways marketers can tap into live events for engagement.As such, the company on Wednesday...

Tracking Anonymous Web Users
From Schneier on Security

Tracking Anonymous Web Users

This research shows how to track e-commerce users better across multiple sessions, even when they do not provide unique identifiers such as user IDs or cookies....

Ordering Pizza from your Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ordering Pizza from your Echo

You can now order a Dominos Pizza verbally from your Amazon Echo.    No, it won't print/bake it locally yet.  The piece in TechCrunch correctly points out that...

Wharton Pushes Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wharton Pushes Data Science

Note the inclusion of 'Decision' in the new department title.  Good move,As tech skills grow in value, Wharton increases focus on data scienceBy  Aliza OhnounaWall...

The Teacher Certification Committee
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Teacher Certification Committee

The Certification Committee is primarily concerned with issues surrounding teacher certification for Computing teachers. Our most recent effort was the publication...

Anton 2 Supercomputer to Speed Molecular Simulations at PSC
From insideHPC

Anton 2 Supercomputer to Speed Molecular Simulations at PSC

Today the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) announced a $1.8-million National Institutes of Health grant to make the next-generation Anton 2 supercomputerAnton...

CCRT in France Acquires 1.4 Petaflop “Cobalt” Supercomputer from Bull
From insideHPC

CCRT in France Acquires 1.4 Petaflop “Cobalt” Supercomputer from Bull

Today Atos announced that the French CEA and its industrial partners at the Centre for Computing Research and Technology, CCRT, have invested in a new 1.4 petaflop...

Video: Bill Dally on Scaling Performance in the Post-Dennard Era
From insideHPC

Video: Bill Dally on Scaling Performance in the Post-Dennard Era

"It was indicated in my keynote this morning there are two really fundamental challenges we're facing in the next two years in all sorts of computing - from supercomputers...

NSF CISE 2016 CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE 2016 CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop

The following is a guest blog post by Thyaga Nandagopal, National Science Foundation (NSF) Program Director for Computer and Network Systems (CNS).  The NSF Directorate...

Coarse Grained Parallelism
From insideHPC

Coarse Grained Parallelism

"MPI is generally a coarse-grained, as the parallelism where MPI is used would be higher up in the algorithm. Using MPI for an application requires a developerCoarse...

How IBM Watson Analytics is being used in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

How IBM Watson Analytics is being used in Business

 Good examples in CIO: " ... IBM says Watson represents a new era of computing — a step forward to cognitive computing, where apps and systems interact with humans...

Open Source is New Normal for Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source is New Normal for Big Data

A trend I am seeing.  In CWorld:" ... It's no secret that Hadoop and Apache Spark are the hottest technologies in big data, but what's less often remarked uponMike...

Towards Robotic Self Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards Robotic Self Design

The ultimate in robotic capability.  Extensive look at the idea.   In CACM:   Self-Repair Techniques Point to Robots That Design Themselves   By Chris Edwards  ...
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