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Communications of the ACM



Example Use of Watson for Social Benchmarking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Example Use of Watson for Social Benchmarking

Always looking for good, simple examples of the use of cognitive methods, and thus also Watson. Just recently connected with Eric Santos, of Benchmark Intelligence...

New CRA Blog- The CRA Bulletin
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New CRA Blog- The CRA Bulletin

The Computing Research Association (CRA) has launched a new blog! The CRA Bulletin is a news and announcement blog that focuses on topics of interest to the computing...

Clorox Mapping Flu Real Time with Social
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clorox Mapping Flu Real Time with Social

This relates to some work we did in the 90s on detecting epidemics and bioterror.  See the tag,Clorox analyzes social media to predict flu outbreaks Clorox is promoting...

Games, Visualization and the Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Games, Visualization and the Supply Chain

Nice idea, recall doing a similar thing with a simulation.   Any visualization can be seen as a simple game. You interact, see changes visually and repeat. A 'score'...

Quotes from a Data Science Pioneer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quotes from a Data Science Pioneer

There is truth in these 30 quotes.   But many are debate-able depending on context. My favorite is the very first:1.) Data science without sustainable, measurable...

Weaknesses in the PLAID Protocol
From Schneier on Security

Weaknesses in the PLAID Protocol

In 2009, the Australian government released the Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of Identity (PLAID) protocol. It was recently analyzed (original paper is...

IOT, a Nightmare?
From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT, a Nightmare?

This points back to needing better IOT standards and methods.   I am seeing this already as I attach a few new devices to a still relatively simple smart home"I...

Clorox Bets on Programmatic Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clorox Bets on Programmatic Advertising

Another example of automation, widely underway." ... Cleaning supply company Clorox is a big believer in programmatic online advertising, despite industry-wideThis...

[Paper] Who Benefits From Civic Technology?
From Putting People First

[Paper] Who Benefits From Civic Technology?

Who Benefits From Civic Technology? Demographic and public attitudes research into the users of civic technologies Rebecca Rumbul, Head of Research, mySociety October...

[Paper] Who Benefits From Civic Technology?
From Putting People First

[Paper] Who Benefits From Civic Technology?

Who Benefits From Civic Technology? Demographic and public attitudes research into the users of civic technologies Rebecca Rumbul, Head of Research, mySociety October...

How design is shaping thinking at the heart of the UK Government
From Putting People First

How design is shaping thinking at the heart of the UK Government

Andrea Siodmok, head of the UK Cabinet Office Policy Lab explores how design is helping government think differently about future policy. Design is emerging asHow...

How design is shaping thinking at the heart of the UK Government
From Putting People First

How design is shaping thinking at the heart of the UK Government

Andrea Siodmok, head of the UK Cabinet Office Policy Lab explores how design is helping government think differently about future policy. Design is emerging asHow...

Internet of Things: Why Now?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things: Why Now?

Why now?  Because the ability to connect universally is coming into place, and the analytics to make some useful sense of it is also.  We saw the early years of...

Connections: Learning Science, Games, and Apprenticeships
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Connections: Learning Science, Games, and Apprenticeships

I'm working on an education project that isn't ready to announce yet. In so doing, I've been taking another look at learning theory, game-like learning, and apprenticeships...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Guessing Conjectures

How well can we guess the right side of yes/no questions? source Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery that...

Flash Drive Lock
From Schneier on Security

Flash Drive Lock

This device is clever: it's a three-digit combination lock that prevents a USB drive from being read. It's not going to keep out anyone serious, but is a great...

Cybersecurity is everywhere. Is it in your K-12 CS program?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Cybersecurity is everywhere. Is it in your K-12 CS program?

Scarcely a day goes by without the mention of cybersecurity in the news—from Edward Snowden breaching security at NSA (and now following NSA on Twitter), to customers...

National Institute of Justice Grant Opportunity
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

National Institute of Justice Grant Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is seeking proposals for basic or applied research and...

Cognitive Assistant for Dementia Patients
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Assistant for Dementia Patients

Today's CSIG talk.  Slides, video, discussion and more at the link.   A focused example of an intelligent assistant.Kognit - a Cognitive Assistant for DementiaDaniel...

New book: Participatory Culture in a Networked Era by Henry Jenkins, Mimi Ito, and me!
From Apophenia

New book: Participatory Culture in a Networked Era by Henry Jenkins, Mimi Ito, and me!

In 2012, Henry Jenkins approached Mimi Ito and I with a crazy idea that he’d gotten from talking to the folks at Polity. Would we like to sit down and talk through...
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