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Communications of the ACM



Wal-Mart Health Kiosks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Health Kiosks

Did much study of the kiosk idea, but now we have our own personal smart-phone kiosks.  The standalone kiosk can add additional marketing experience in physical...

Industrial Data Lakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Industrial Data Lakes

Doing some explorations of work in Industry for dealing with large quantities of data,  supporting key operational decisions.    Work by GE,  much more at thisA...

Meet Apollo – Revolutionizing HPC and the Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Meet Apollo – Revolutionizing HPC and the Supercomputer

It’s a different kind of computing world out there. The demand for more compute performance for applications used by engineering, risk modeling, or life sciences...

Exploring Virtual Reality – Are We There Yet?

Exploring Virtual Reality – Are We There Yet?

Virtual reality is the next hot technology. The Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that allows you to see 3D worlds, is almost ready for consumers and developers...

IBM Bets on Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Bets on Big Data

From IBM Insight meetings underway today.    More engagement between our rapidly increasing data resources and Cognitive/Watson.   Video of talk and more" ... IBM...

Ravens Can Identify Cheaters
From Schneier on Security

Ravens Can Identify Cheaters

Ravens have been shown to identify and remember cheaters among their unkindness....

RCE Podcast on the Conduit Model for Hierarchical Scientific Data
From insideHPC

RCE Podcast on the Conduit Model for Hierarchical Scientific Data

In this RCE podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres discuss Conduit with Cyrus Harriston from LLNL. Conduit is an open source project from Lawrence Livermore that...

Crazily fast hashing with carry-less multiplications
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Crazily fast hashing with carry-less multiplications

We all know the regular multiplication that we learn in school. To multiply a number by 3, you can multiply a number by two and add it with itself. Programmers...

Interview: Penguin Computing Lands Biggest Open Compute Contract Ever for HPC
From insideHPC

Interview: Penguin Computing Lands Biggest Open Compute Contract Ever for HPC

The Open Compute Project got a major endorsement in the HPC space news of NNSA's pending deployment of Tundra clusters from Penguin Computing. To learn more,Interview...

New NIH Grant Opportunity related to CCC Aging in Place Workshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New NIH Grant Opportunity related to CCC Aging in Place Workshop

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a new grant called Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology (CART) (U2C), which is a result...

From Computational Complexity

A human-readable proof that every planar graph is 4.5-colorable

About 20 years ago I went to a talk by Jim Propp on the fractional chromatic number of a graph. (Here is a link to a free legal copy of the book on fractional graph...

Skill Testing for Intelligent Assistants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skill Testing for Intelligent Assistants

Fascinating view of how skills are constructed from microelements and tested.   Just updated. Informative for those thinking about constructing intelligent assistants...

World’s Largest Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Project to Use 3M Novec Fluid
From insideHPC

World’s Largest Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Project to Use 3M Novec Fluid

Today 3M announced that the world’s most powerful two-phase immersion cooling project will be deployed in a 40+ MW data center in the Republic of Georgia. Designed...

Tesco fails to sell DunnHumby
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco fails to sell DunnHumby

Considerable local presence, with their US HQ, they hire many entry level data analysts.  We used many of DunnHumby's services for targeted coupons.Tesco’s Prophecy...

Panel Discussion: Extreme-Scale Numerical Algorithms and Software
From insideHPC

Panel Discussion: Extreme-Scale Numerical Algorithms and Software

"The FASTMathSciDAC Institute develops and deploys scalable mathematical algorithms and software tools for reliable simulation of complex physical phenomena and...

Analytics Reference Architecture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Reference Architecture

Nicely done look at a Cloud Analytics Playbook & Reference Architecture  by @BoozAllen at Booz Allen Consulting  via Kirk Borne.  I like the inclusion of metadata...

SGI UV 300RL Enables Real-time Analytics with Oracle Database In-Memory
From insideHPC

SGI UV 300RL Enables Real-time Analytics with Oracle Database In-Memory

Today SGI introduced the SGI UV 300RL for big data in-memory analytics. As a new model in the SGI UV server line certified and supported with Oracle Linux, theSGI...

Microsoft's Brad Smith on the Collapse of Safe Harbor
From Schneier on Security

Microsoft's Brad Smith on the Collapse of Safe Harbor

Microsoft's President Brad Smith has a blog post discussing what to do now that the US-EU safe-harbor agreement has collapsed. He outlines four steps: First, we...

Companies Reaching out to Millennials
From The Eponymous Pickle

Companies Reaching out to Millennials

In the HBR:  How established companies, as in  hospitality and insurance,  are reaching out to Millennials.  Need for a new kind of talking.  We met with their"...

Amelia Virtual Assistant. Understanding Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amelia Virtual Assistant. Understanding Risk

Amelia. The Virtual Assistant that May Take Your JobContinued emergence of virtual assistants with new capabilities: How will these be integrated into the workplace...
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